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Balancing preservation of the land with our desire to travel is a challenge for us travelers. When seeing cities face constant resource and waste problems, I couldn’t help but think about how much travel can affect the environment.

Back in my youth, I was an environmental activist. But over the years, I leave the lights on. I fly a lot. I drink out of plastic bottles. I eat a lot of meat. And I love fish, especially tuna. However, recently, I’ve begun thinking harder about how travel affects the environment and how I affect the environment. In doing so, I’ve tried to be a lot more aware of my actions.

I don’t know if there is an easy solution for this problem. The most environmentally friendly activity is not to travel at all, but that’s unrealistic and too extreme. There’s so much money in travel that I don’t think the government and regulation can do much. Only when their profits are hurt will hotels, operators, and the industry as a whole begin to listen. Instead, it’s all about the consumers. The only good way is to get people to be more environmentally conscious and make better decisions.

Consumers have a lot of power. Why did Wal-Mart start selling only sustainable fish and whole milk? Consumers wanted it. I think if we as travelers begin to demand more environmentally friendly practices and avoid companies with poor environmental records, we can change things.

Now, I recycle more, I use fewer water bottles, I shut off the lights, Most importantly, I use operators and stay at places that are reducing their environmental impact.

Travel can destroy the environment but it doesn’t have to. We have the power to make things better. We can do small things and demand more of the places we stay and visit. We can and should demand more of places, and of ourselves.

【小题1】Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.My experiences of protecting the environment.
B.Can we balance travel and the environment?
C.Is there an easy way to solve environmental problems?
D.How can we travel in an environmentally friendly way?
【小题2】Why does the writer list his actions over the years?
A.To show he is wealthy.
B.To tell he is fond of travelling.
C.To indicate he has become less environmentally conscious.
D.To explain his hobby.
【小题3】What’s the realistic way to solve the problem according to paragraph 3?
A.People do not travel at all.
B.The government takes effective measures.
C.Tourism industry follows environmental rules.
D.Consumers become more environmentally conscious.
【小题4】What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A.Travel will surely destroy the environment.
B.Few things travelers can do to protect the environment.
C.We can get a lot from the places we travel.
D.What travelers do can make a difference to the environment.
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India has the world's worst air pollution. Home to 21 of the world's 30 most polluted cities, its poisonous air kills more than one million people each year.

Being the world's second largest brick producer, India's brick kilns (砖窋) account for of black carbon emissions globally. Architect Tejas Sidnal was astonished to discover the construction industry's role in the pollution crisis. "That was a crazy eye opener," he says. "As architects, we are responsible for so much air pollution."

Determined to make construction more sustainable and tackle India's air pollution, Sidnal launched Carbon Craft Design in 2019. The startup takes black carbon extracted from polluted air and upcycles it to make stylish, handcrafted building tiles (瓷砖).

To create the carbon tiles, Carbon Craft Design, together with Graviky Labs, uses a filter device to capture carbon soot (碳黑) from tail gas and fossil fuel generators, removes pollutants such as heavy metals and dust from the soot, and gives the purified carbon to Carbon Craft Design in powder form. The company then mixes the captured carbon with cement and marble waste from quarries to produce monochromatic tiles. The company aims to ensure each tile contains at least waste material. It sells the tiles to architects and retailers (零售商) for per square meter-a high price compared to regular tiles.

As the company expands production, Sidnal hopes to lower prices and produce a cheaper range of carbon tiles. "We want to hit the affordable sector," he says. "Sustainability is not only for the elite (精英)."

Since launching its first tiles a year ago, Carbon Craft Design's customers have included global fashion brands and architecture firms in India. In November 2020, an Adidas store in Mumbai covered the walls and the floor with its carbon tiles. Inquiries from in and out of India came flooding in.

Architect Manan Gala describes the carbon tile as a "winner", which, apart from being sustainable, has better strength than conventional cement tiles due to the carbon content, and the raw and rustic feel adds to the overall charm.

【小题1】What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Something shocking.B.Something impossible.
C.Something ridiculous.D.Something unavoidable.
【小题2】What can we learn from paragraph 4 ?
A.The price of each tile.
B.The way to produce the carbon tiles.
C.The purpose of purifying the air.
D.The reason for producing the carbon tiles.
【小题3】Carbon tiles have advantages in the following aspects except in ________.

Tariq Qaiser, an architect, is trying to protect mangroves (红树林). The trees could save Pakistan’s largest city Karachi, sitting on the Arabian Sea, from natural disaster. He comes to Bundal Island several times a week to document the illegal cutting of mangrove trees. Very often, “you can’t hear a single bird because the chain saws are so loud. The trees are cut down illegally for firewood,” he says, shaking his head. Besides, developers clear the mangroves to make room for construction.

Karachi has a hot climate, and its concrete buildings and paved roads make it even hotter. Offshore, there are islands where mangroves grow. They could be the key to slowing climate change. Mangrove forests pull carbon dioxide out of the air, holding four times as much of the planet-warming gas as other forests can. They support diverse ecosystems. As sea levels rise with global warming, the trees could play a big role in protecting coastal cities like Karachi from flooding. Karachi’s mangroves are disappearing. But its numbers are rising in other parts of Pakistan. With replanting efforts, the country has tripled (三倍于) its mangrove coverage over the past 30 years.

Qaiser’s work may have worked. Recently, a court in Karachi declared Bundal Island’s mangroves to be protected forests. But unforested parts of the island remain unprotected, and developers want to build there. City officials say this could provide much-needed housing and bring in billions of dollars. They claim that some of that money could be used to plant mangroves in other parts of Pakistan.

Ecologist Rafiul Haq appreciates Qaiser’s “extraordinary work” educating the public about mangroves. But he wishes Qaiser would look at the bigger picture. “Only 7% of Pakistan’s mangroves are in Karachi,” Haq says. He thinks it’s wrong “to focus on the losses in 7% of the country while ignoring the success in 93%” of it. But Qaiser believes it’s important to protect every bit.

【小题1】What do we know about Karachi’s mangroves?
A.They’re eating into the building land.B.They’re attracting different kinds of birds.
C.They’re primarily being used as firewood.D.They protect the city from climate catastrophe.
【小题2】Why do the authorities conserve the mangrove trees?
A.Their birthplaces meet crisis.B.They boast huge diversity.
C.Their bonds with nature are close.D.They grow at a rapid speed.
【小题3】What does the Karachi government plan to do?
A.Grow mangrovesin other areas.B.Destruct building to grow mangroves.
C.Build more mangrove preserves.D.Use mangroves to make profit.
【小题4】What does Haq think of Qaiser’s work on Karachi’s mangroves?

In the United States alone, 119 billion pounds of food is wasted each year according to the nonprofit organization Feeding America. Yet, over 44 million Americans go hungry every day. If this seems like a huge gap, this is due both to the process of distributing the food and to the food waste that affects the world’s ability to sufficiently raise its entire population. However, several New York City(NYC) communities have found an effective way to reduce food waste—community fridges.

These fridges represent a grassroots way to increase access to food and fight against food waste. The community fridges offer a way for people to give fresh food that they will not eat to others who need it. They first surfaced in New York City in 2020. These community fridges offer a ray of hope to people who were struggling to afford or find food during supply chain issues and rising food prices.

Community fridges offer a way for food that would otherwise be wasted to be redistributed. However, another wonderful effect of reducing food waste is the ability to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. As food gets bad in landfills, it gives off methane, which is the second most common greenhouse gas. This means that food waste is responsible for up to ten percent of global emissions—which is a pretty large number! Placing food that would otherwise go uneaten in a community fridge can help to reduce these emissions.

Although there are some negative side effects of community fridges, their benefits usually outweigh their negatives. Volunteers clean and maintain the fridges. Some community fridge nonprofits even use renewable energy to power the refrigerators. Although the community fridge may be misused by some, these instances are sparse. Now, the idea of the community fridge has spread. These fridges, also known as “friendly fridges”, will be found in cities throughout the United States.

【小题1】Why is “a huge gap” mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To seek for ways to feed the hungry.B.To lead in the problem of food waste.
C.To point out the population crisis in the US.D.To show the effect of reducing food waste.
【小题2】What is a benefit of the community fridge program according to the text?
A.It helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
B.It motivates companies to make energy-saving fridges.
C.It is the best solution to global climate change.
D.It brings down food prices by offering more supplies.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “sparse” mean in paragraph 4?
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards community fridges?
