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Suppose that we lined up our roughly 14 million United States businesses in order of size, starting with the smallest, along an imaginary road from San Francisco to New York. There will be 4,500 businesses to the mile, or a little less than one per foot. Suppose further that we planted a flag for each business. The height of the flag pole represents the yearly volume of sales, each $ 10, 000 in sales is shown by one foot of pole.

The line of flagpoles is a very interesting sight. From San Francisco to about Reno, it is almost unnoticeable, a row of poles about a foot high. From Reno eastward the poles increase in height until, near Columbus, Ohio -- about four-fifths of the way across the nation -- flags fly about 10 feet in the air.

But as we approach the eastern terminus (终点) , the poles suddenly begin to rise. There are about 300, 000 firms in the country with sales over $ 500, 000. These firms take up the last 75 miles of the 3,000-mile road. There are 200, 000 firms with sales over $ 1 million. They take up the last 50 miles. Then there are 1, 000 firms with sales of $ 50, 000, 000 or more. They take up the last quarter of a mile before the city limits, flags flying at cloud height, 5,000 feet up.

At the very gate of New York, on the last 100 feet of the last mile, we find the 100 largest industrial firms. They have sales of at least $ 1.5 billion, so that their flags are already miles high. Along the last 10 feet of road, there are 10 largest companies. Their sales are roughly $ 10 billion and up: their flags fly 190 miles in the air , almost in the stratosphere (平流层) .

【小题1】What is the author’s main purpose in this passage?
A.To tell the reason why the largest firms are in New York.
B.To show the geographical distribution of the US businesses.
C.To provide a general idea of the size of businesses in the US.
D.To tell us how the United States businesses are arranged.
【小题2】What’s the correct order of the following places from east to west?
A.San Francisco, Reno, New York, Columbus.
B.San Francisco, Reno, Columbus, New York.
C.New York, Columbus, Reno, San Francisco.
D.New York, Reno, Columbus, San Francisco.
【小题3】Among the three parts of the imaginary road, which part, considering all the firms in it, has the
largest total volume of sales?
A.The last 75 miles.B.The last 50 miles.
C.The last 100 feet of the last mile.D.The last quarter of a mile.
【小题4】Which of the following diagrams shows the right order of size of the US businesses, according to
the text? (S =San Francisco   R =Reno   C =Columbus   N =New York   H =height   F = feet)
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The government in China plans to end its one-child per family policy and instead let families have two children.
The plan was announced Thursday after high-level political meetings in Beijing. The official Xinhua news agency says the country’s top legislature must approve the proposal before it becomes law.
A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy. The statement said the change is meant to balance population development. It said the move also attempts to stop a declining birth rate and strengthen the country’s work force.
China, the world's most populous country, launched the one-child policy in 1980. But the government permitted only a small number of couples to have two children. For example, some rural families were given approval to have two children. A total of 19 rural provinces have a partial two-child policy. That policy states if the first-born is a girl, a second child is permitted.
In 2013, the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children. Families could have two if one parent was an only child.
A teacher and population expert, Jiang Quanbao, explained how Chinese families will react to the policy. “Too many young people in the cities are probably no longer interested in having a second child,”he said. “People in rural farming villages may be more interested. But again, some of them are already allowed to have two children.”
At the end of 2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people. A total of 800 million of them are employed. But that job market population is expected to drop by 2050. With the two-child policy, an increase in births will ease the labor shortage, starting in 20 years.
【小题1】Which of the following is NOT the reason for the two-child policy?
A.To ease the present labor shortage.
B.To balance population development.
C.To strengthen the country’s work force.
D.To stop a declining birth rate.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.In the 1980s rural families could have two children if the first-born was a girl.
B.Due to the boom in population, by 2050 more young people will become unemployed.
C.Chinese government changes its population policy to greet the new situation in social development.
D.Few young people in the cities show much interest in the new policy because of financial pressure.
【小题3】The writer writes this passage ________.
A.To educate.B.To inform.
C.To advertise.D.To analyze.

Americans spend a lot of money in their daily lives. Working people spend money on transportation to and from work and on various expenses throughout the day, Americans enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want,【小题1】They buy sports equipment, go to movies and do many things that cost money.

However, many Americans don't pay cash or write checks for these things.【小题2】Credit cards are small, rectangular plastic cards, It is very convenient to carry them about.

【小题3】When the customer buys something at a store, he shows his card at the store. This permits the store to charge the bank for the customer's purchase, The bank collects all the charges for each customer, Then once a month the bank requires the customer to pay the charges for that month.【小题4】It allows the customer to pay for the charges in several payments over a period of time,

However, the bank requires the customer to pay interest(利息)on the unpaid part of the charges. In this way the bank allows customers to buy things they cannot afford at one time. People can use the card to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time, 【小题5】

A.It brings great benefits to the rich.
B.Banks give these cards to their customers.
C.They spend a lot of money on entertainment.
D.They also do not need to carry a lot of money.
E.People may spend less money in this way.
F.More and more Americans pay for things with credit cards.
G.The bank does not force the customer to pay the full amount.

For the first time, United Nations members have agreed on a unified treaty (协议) to protect biodiversity on the high seas, representing a turning point for vast stretches of the planet where conservation has previously been held back by a confusing patchwork (拼凑)of laws.

The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea came into force in 1994, before marine biodiversity was a well-established concept. An updated framework to protect marine life in the regions outside national boundary waters, known as the high seas, had been in discussions for more than 20 years, but previous efforts to reach an agreement had repeatedly failed. The unified treaty, which applies to nearly half the planet’s surface, was reached late on Saturday.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomes the finalization of the text of the United Nations Ocean Treaty, his spokesman said on Saturday. “This breakthrough, which covers nearly two-thirds of the ocean, marks the culmination of nearly two decades of work and builds on the legacy (遗产)of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,” a statement said.

Nichola Clark, an ocean expert at the Pew Charitable Trusts called the long-awaited treaty text “a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect the oceans-a major win for biodiversity”. The treaty will create a new body to manage the conservation of ocean life and establish marine-protected are-as on the high seas. Clark said that’s critical to achieving the UN Biodiversity Conference’s recent promise to protect 30 percent of the planet’s waters, for conservation. The treaty also establishes ground rules for conducting environmental impact assessments for commercial activities in the oceans.

Treaty negotiations were initially anticipated to conclude on Friday, but stretched through the night into Saturday. The making of the treaty represents “a historic and overwhelming success for international marine protection,” said Steffi Lemke, Germany’s environment minister.

【小题1】What can we learn about the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea?
A.It is the basis of the UN Ocean Treaty.B.It leads to a lot of controversy.
C.It has been discussed for over 20 years.D.It is a complete failure.
【小题2】Which of the following could replace the underlined word “culmination” in Paragraph 3?
【小题3】What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?
A.Commercial ocean activities will be monitored.
B.Preservation of 30% of the planet will be ensured.
C.Protected areas on the high seas will be expanded.
D.An existing department will manage the conservation.
【小题4】Why is the making of the UN ocean treaty recognized as a historic success?
A.It takes tough and long negotiations.
B.The high seas are stressed for the first time.
C.Unity in protecting the high seas is achieved.
D.The concept of marine biodiversity is established.
