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You want to be loved, respected, and live a happy life. And so do I. 【小题1】 However, we aren't taught how to get this. There is no happiness class at school and everyone's definition (定义)of happiness is different. However, there are several key habits that you can develop to be happy people.

【小题2】 If happy people are with their kids, they are fully enjoying that moment in time. They aren't thinking about what they will make for dinner or how they will pay for their children's schooling.

They hang out with other happy people. It’s true that happiness is contagious (会传染的). 【小题3】 If you hang out with people that are sad and angry, you're likely to become those people as well. Make sure you surround yourself with happy, positive people that choose to look at the bright side of things.

They exercise regularly. Exercise is good for health, both physical and mental health. You don't need to spend two hours in the gym. Just a thirty-minute walk can be of great benefit   to your mental health. 【小题4】

They don't seek happiness in things. They know a pair of new shoes or a new car isn't what’s going to make them happier. 【小题5】 A weekend at the beach with good friends means more to them than a new cellphone.

A.They live in the moment.
B.We all want the same thing.
C.But sadness and anger are contagious too.
D.They don't compare themselves to others,
E.Most of the time, happiness isn't something we just walk into.
F.Instead, happy people value experiences and people above things.
G.To get the most out of a workout, simply pick an activity you enjoy.
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We need to be conscious of the fact that people around us influence us in subtle ways that may encourage us, or keep us from moving forward. 【小题1】 Here are some points we need to keep in mind.

The circle of five

Motivated speaker Jim john famously said, “You're the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” 【小题2】 If this “circle” of people is goal-driven, and encouraging, we can experience a positive impact on our actions. On the other hand, if the people around us are negative and restrictive, we may subconsciously “live-up” to these qualities and stunt our own personal growth in the process.


How do you identify who is influencing you? Be mindful of the conversations you have with people and the activities you engaged in with them. What are the opinions that dominate in your social group? What are the similarities between you and the five people you are constantly close to? If there is a difference between what you are and where you want to be, look at your circle of five and you will see how instrumental they are in influencing your path. Identify and exclude time and energy vampire's from you circle of five.

Nourish your circle

Once you identify the people who belong to your reference group, it is important to nourish these relationships. 【小题4】 Different individuals evolve at a different pace. The important part is to be aware of this living and changing “circle of five”. Of course, five is a rough guide. It could be slightly more or less. Let this circle of five motivate you, help you gain courage, and take the right actions.

【小题5】 Play this role sincerely and demonstrate a growth mind set to anyone who lists you as part of their circle of five.

A.Know your circle.
B.Enrich your circle.
C.Do you know who are in your circle?
D.Over time, this core circle may change.
E.How can we make use of it to live a better life?
F.The influence of those around us can be quite significant.
G.Remember, just like others influence you, you also exert an influence on others.

A new year 2022, a new plan. 【小题1】 . Here are several science-based strategies for nailing your New Year’s plans.

Make a cue-based plan

Just as cues tell Broadway stars when to step onto the stage, research has shown that adding a cue to your plan helps you remember when to act. 【小题2】. If your New Year’s plan is to meditate (冥想) five days each week, a plan like “I’ll meditate on weekdays” would be too vague. But a cue-based plan like “I’ll meditate at the office on weekdays during my lunch break” would fit the bill.

Make it fun

Research has shown that focusing on efficiency can leave you helpless because you’ll ignore an even more important part of your life: whether you enjoy the act of goal pursuit.

【小题3】. But if you get pleasure from your workouts or study sessions, research has found you’ll persist longer. And in the end, that’s what often matters most to achieving a New Year’s plan.

One way to make pursuing a goal that normally feels like a chore more fun is to combine it with a guilty pleasure. Consider only letting yourself watch your favorite TV show at the gym, so you’ll start looking forward to workouts.

Get a little help from your friends

【小题4】. If your New Year’s plan is to run a marathon or write a book, you’d be wise to start hanging around friends who’ve made it to the finish line (literally or figuratively) and can show you how it’s done. You’ll pick up a bit just by spending time together because you’ll tend to follow their patterns of behavior.

Strangely enough, there is evidence that coaching friends with shared goals can improve your success rate, too.


A.It helps improve your self-confidence.
B.It’s easy to make one, but hard to stick to it.
C.Be sure to detail when and where you’ll follow through.
D.If it’s not fun to exercise or study, you’re unlikely to keep at it.
E.Detailed planning can also help you expect and get away from obstacles.
F.Spending time around high achievers can improve your own performance.
G.If you offtrack from your New Year’s resolution, your instinct may be to declare yourself a failure and throw in the towel.

Visiting the London Eye

Avoid Peak Times

The London Eye is busiest between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. during the UK school holidays, and is quieter at the beginning and end of their opening hours, which vary throughout the year. As a rough guide, summer hours are 10 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. and winter hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., but do check in advance on their site for the hours on the day you plan to go. It's worth bearing in mind that it closes for around two weeks every January, for annual maintenance (维护).

Buy Tickets Online

Buying tickets online will allow you to skip the initial ticket office line and also save you 10%, if you book more than 24 hours in advance. You will, however, be tying yourself into a time slot, unless you choose an Any Time Flexi ticket. If you want to avoid waiting as much as possible, your best bet is buying a Fast Track ticket, which can be bought on the day or online (again, with a 10% discount and the bonus of skipping the ticket office line). It's an extra cost, but will grant you fast track entry through a dedicated entrance.

Travel By Train

Waterloo station (served by the tube and overland trains) is the closest to the London Eye, at just a five-minute walk away. Both Embankment and Charing Cross are fairly close, at around a 10-minute walk. Westminster station is a short and picturesque walk over the river where you'll also find the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Big Ben.

【小题1】If you want to visit London Eye in January, what do you have to do?
A.Buy a Fast Track ticket in advance.B.Visit it between 10 a.m. and 8.30 p.m.
C.Check the quieter hours in advance.D.Make sure the time for annual maintenance.
【小题2】Which station is the best choice for you to enjoy the view along the way?
A.Embankment station.B.Charing Cross station.
C.Westminster station.D.Waterloo station.
【小题3】What's the purpose of the article?
A.To advertise the London Eye.
B.To introduce the London Eye.
C.To attract tourists' interest in the London Eye.
D.To provide tips on visiting the London Eye.
