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Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

About 12 million Americans over 40 have some form of vision impairment (视力障碍). 【小题1】 So make sure they have the support they need. Learn how to care for your eye health and keep potential problems in control. So what can you do to keep yours eyes healthy?

【小题2】 Eye problems aren’t always obvious, so seeing an eye-doctor for a full eye exam is a good idea. This type of exam can check for eye diseases while they’re still in early period and earlier to treat.

● Protect your eyes. Slip on UV-blocking sunglasses when you’re outside, even if it’s cloudy out. And wear safety glasses or goggles when doing home repairs or playing sports.

● Give your eyes a break. 【小题3】 We don’t know how blue light influences vision over time, but in the short term, all those screens can cause eye stress and dry eyes. Take regular screen breaks, and talk to your eye doctor if your dry eye lasts for a long period of time.

● Choose a healthy diet. Increase eye health with fruits and vegetables high in vitamins A, C, and E, like sweet potatoes, oranges, pines, and more. Cold-water fish containing omega-3 fatty acids can help protect eyes. 【小题4】

● Take care of your contact (隐形眼镜). Follow your doctor’s instructions for contact care and only use contact solution to store and clean them. 【小题5】 Turn to Health Grades to connect with the right eye-doctor to check and treat any eye disease.

A.Get a full eye exam.
B.Choose the proper eye-doctor.
C.Your eyes work hard for you every day.
D.Also beans are nice food to keep your eyes fit.
E.You’d better do eye exercises at least twice a day.
F.Mistreating your contacts can cause eye pain, and even vision loss.
G.The common adult spends about 11 hours staring at screens every day.
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Among the more practical advice that can be offered to international travelers is wisdom of the toilet. I do not mean those squats (下蹲) you see at the gym. No, strong glutes (臀肌) will not save you here. I mean the deep squat. This position is so stable that people in China can hold it for minutes and perhaps even hours…

Of course, squat toilet is not unique to Asia, nor is the deep-squatting position. But so common is the position in Asia and so rare it is in the West that it’s been nicknamed the “Asian squat”. Bryan Ausinheiler, a physician in California said, “The squat is a great model for a multi-segmental movement pattern. You have to fold everything up underneath you.” There’s a lot going on.

But the key factor seems to be ankle flexibility. This is also in part. Ausinheiler says, why kids have no problem squatting. “I measured my daughter’s ankle flexibility when she was one day old,” says Ausinheiler. “She has 70 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion (背屈)! Normal in the West is like 30.” So humans are born squatters; some of us lose it when we stop trying. Body shape also seems to play a role. People with the longest legs have the worst squat.

Believe it or not, no one appears to have actually studied born ability in deep squatting across ethnic groups. “You would have to take kids from the time they’re born in China and never let them do any squats to be a control group, and it’ll never happen,” says Matt Hundson, a physiologist at the University of Delaware, humorously. And finally, it may not matter. Practice and training make the bigger difference.

Some believe America’s squat problems can be blamed on toilet seats. Yet this ability that comes so naturally has been lost ----- and it’s not so easy to get it back. But the position, while doable, is not very comfortable for me.

【小题1】Why has the deep-squatting position been named “Asian squat” ?
A.It came from AsiaB.It is widely adopted by Asians
C.It can be performed only by AsiansD.It is completely invisible in the West
【小题2】What is the most important factor for performing “Asian squat” ?
A.Flexible ankles.B.Strong glutes.
C.Body shape.D.Ethnic groups.
【小题3】What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Studying deep squatting is not practical.
B.Asians have born ability in deep squatting.
C.It’s necessary to study newborn babies in China.
D.Everyone can do deep squatting through practice.
【小题4】Why have Americans lost the ability of deep squatting?
A.Because it comes so naturally.
B.Because it is never got back once lost.
C.Because they rely on toilet seats too much.
D.Because they feel it impossible and uncomfortable.

Hair loss is no longer the exclusive affliction of the middle-aged. Many young people are facing a “hair loss crisis” and filling their shopping carts with anti-loss shampoo. So how should you take care of your hair? How to make your hair grow faster? 【小题1】

A healthy scalp for healthy hair?

【小题2】 As such, looking after your scalp is essential if you want to grow your hair long and strong. Regular cleansing provides an essential foundation for a solid daily regimen. As time-absorbing as it is, shampooing your hair on alternating days during the week helps enormously in preventing dandruff—things that actually make it easier for hair to fall out.


That hair will not grow past a certain length if it is fragile and prone to breakage seems an obvious truth but one worth repeating. Simple steps like showering in warm rather than hot water, opting for looser hairdos or letting your hair air-dry rather than blow-dry, are easy changes you can make to help strengthen your hair. If you do find yourself using heated tools like a straightener or a curling iron, 【小题4】. Sometimes, all your hair needs is a breather.

What foods should you be eating?

Like the rest of your body, the health of your hair depends on your diet. “Protein and complex carbohydrates are key to maintaining a good hair growth cycle, 【小题5】.” says an expert. “These are the most important meals of the day for your hair as that is when energy expenditure is greatest.”

A.How do you keep your hair smooth
B.Here are some useful tips
C.How do you prevent hair breakage
D.you will find your hair fragile and easy to break
E.The scalp is the environment from which hair grows
F.so make sure you are including both of these at breakfast and lunch
G.try using a heat protective spray and refrain from styling your hair every day

When I was 3 years old, I was found to be deaf in my left ear and have a small problem in my right. Being hard of hearing has been difficult, but I've never lived in a state of self-hating sorrow.

Imagine being able to shut out all sounds as you lay your head down to sleep by simply rolling over onto one side. That's my reality when I sleep on my "good ear", and it even makes me feel like a superhero sometimes

People call my deaf side my "bad ear", but when I wear my hearing aid, I have access to a range of features that some other deaf people don't

In cinemas, for example, with one click of a button I can enjoy a whole film as though it were whispered to me from the mouths of the actors.

Having a hearing aid hasn't always felt good, however.

On the first day I got my aid, when I was 8, I took it to school for show-and-tell. As I explained how it worked to my classmates, a boy yelled out, "Aren't those for old men?"

At that moment, I felt different. It took a long time for me to get over that sense of being so unlike my peers.

But it's not just those kids who can make us deaf and hard-of-hearing people feel like burdens.

Every video on social media that lacks subtitles, for example, means an entire community of deaf people is unable to enjoy it.

Completely deaf people are excluded from enjoying many movies too, as subtitles in cinemas are almost impossible to find.

And with hearing aids costing around $2,500 each, it can be hard for many people to afford to be able to listen to the things that others take for granted.

As for me, I can listen to music, enjoy films, and catch conversations—I'm lucky.

I'm deaf, but I can still hear everything. I've been blessed with wonderful life experiences.

【小题1】Deaf people may have the following burdens EXCEPT___________.
A.being unable to afford hearing aidsB.being unable to enjoy videos without subtitles
C.being embarrassed in front of their peersD.being blessed with wonderful experiences
【小题2】What does the underline phrase "are excluded from" probably mean?
A.are prevented fromB.are limited to
C.are separated fromD.are reduced to
【小题3】What is the author's attitude toward his hearing difficulty?
A.It was a tough reality and caused him a lot of trouble
B.It was a time of great sorrow and made him feel sad.
C.It gave him a chance to experience something special.
D.It helped him to live in his own world without sound.
