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Famous for its tolerance as well as its narrow houses and broad canals, Amsterdam is undergoing a change of attitude when it comes to the millions of tourists that come to see it each year. Tolerance has reached its limits in the capital of Dutch, which is now actively urging visitors to head elsewhere.

Ellen van Loon, a partner at Dutch architectural firm OMA says, “We don’t want to turn into a Venice. While tourism earns the Dutch economy around 82 billion Euros a year, the problem we are currently facing is that Amsterdam is so loved by tourists, we just have so many coming to the city.”

Netherlands tourist officials recently took the decision to stop advertising the country as a tourist destination. Their “Perspective 2030” report, published earlier this year, stated that the focus will now be on “destination management” rather than “destination promoting”. The document also describes the country’s future strategy, acknowledging that Amsterdam’s livability will be severely influenced by “visitor overload” if action isn’t taken.

Solutions listed include working to discourage groups of visitors by either limiting or completely shutting down accommodation and entertainment products aimed at them, as well as spreading visitors to other parts of the Netherlands. Some of these measures have already come into play. Last year, the famous “I Amsterdam” sign was removed from outside the Rijksmuseum, the city’s main art gallery. The two-meter high letters have been moved to various “lesser-known neighborhoods” in a bid to entice travelers to leave the center of the city.

But will the measures being put in place be enough to save it from being damaged by its own success? Like many other locals, Van Loon fears Amsterdam has lost its uniqueness forever. “The reason tourists come here is that there’s something in the character of Amsterdam they love,” she explains. “But at a certain point, when the number of tourists is increasing and increasing, they actually kill what they loved in the first place.”

【小题1】What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 indicate?
A.Venice is suffering from overtourism.
B.Amsterdam doesn’t necessarily copy Venice.
C.Venice does more poorly than Amsterdam.
D.Amsterdam is more popular than Venice.
【小题2】Why did Amsterdam advice visitors to head elsewhere?
A.To reduce its pressure of mass visitors.
B.To turn the focus on destination promoting.
C.To promote the development of other areas.
D.To avoid much spending on city management.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “entice” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】What’sVan Loon’s attitude to the measure?
知识点:国家与民族 社会问题与社会现象说明文逻辑推理观点态度词义猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Direction: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest words.
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the UK is loaded with wonderful icons(标志) of past eras. But it has also modernized with confidence. It’s now better known for vibrant(充满活力的) cities with great nightlife and attraction. Fashions, fine dining, clubbing, shopping — the UK is among the world’s best.

Most people have strong preconceptions about the British. But if you’re one of these people, you’d be wise to abandon those ideas. Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities, a football match, or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable. It’s certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers, sports supporters, pet owners and gardeners than the UK.

Getting around England is pretty easy. Budget airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically. Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another. Long distance express buses are called coaches. Where coaches and buses run on the same route, coaches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses. London’s famous black cabs are excellent but expensive. Minicabs are cheaper competitors, with freelance(个体的) drivers. But usually you need to give a call first. London’s underground is called the Tube. It’s very convenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.

The UK is not famous for its food. But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods. The most famous must be fish and chips. The fish and chips are deep fried in flour. English breakfast is something you need to try. It is fried bacon, with toast and a pot of tea. Other things like shepherd’s pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.

Pubbing and Clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife, especially for the young. Pubbing means going to a pub with friends, having drinks, and chatting. Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a place of music, or a bar, or any other place to gather with friends. Clubbing can be found everywhere. Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing, such as no jeans, no sportswear, while pubbing is much more casual.

【小题1】If you are involved in the real life of local residents, you may find them ______________________________.
【小题2】How many kinds of transportation forms are mentioned in the third paragraph? Give examples (at least four).
【小题3】When you go clubbing in the UK, you should not ______________________________.
【小题4】What aspects are introduced about UK according to the passage?

Customs on either side of the Atlantic

We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a common language. But in fact, 【小题1】. as BBC did in a recent story called 8 Situations When Britons Behave Differently From Americans. Below Teens has picked out four for you. Take a look.

When someone knocks into you.

If someone bumps into an American, the victim will most likely look the accidental aggressor in the face and expect an apology. If however, 【小题2】. chances are that the victim will say "sorry" before the other can make his or her own apology.


Britons don’t all change into evening dress for supper like what you may have seen in popular TV shows like Downton Abbey. But they do tend to make an effort when going out for dinner somewhere nice. Americans, however, will probably wear a casual shirt to a fancy eatery.

When you don't finish your food.

When dining out at a restaurant, 【小题4】 They think the food is somehow "tainted" once they’ve poked at it with a knife and fork. In the US, wrapping it up to take home is a standard practice.

When you get into a taxi.

Britons will give the cab driver an address, then assume that’s it for the interaction until it’s time to pay. Even if they’re being taken in a roundabout way, 【小题5】 In the US, however, most passengers think nothing of telling the driver what route to take after telling him or her the destination.

A.When you get dressed for dinner
B.When you go out with your friends
C.the differences are more fun to observe
D.they’re very unlikely to say anything
E.the victim happens to be British
F.Britons wouldn’t think to take the leftovers home
G.they will point it out immediately and politely

Do you think Great Britain and the United States are alike? Winston Churchill once joked that the people of Britain and the people of America are separated(分离) only by their language. Do you think that is true? The British and the Americans both speak English as the official language. However, each uses some different words. We Americans are similar to the British. After all, our country was once owned by Great Britain, so we have a lot in common. But there are many differences between us.

Great Britain has a king or queen, and the leader of the government is the Prime Minister. The United States has no kings or queens. Our leader is the President.

Both the British and Americans use pounds and ounces, pints, quarts, and gallons. Both use miles, yards and feet. Our money is different, though. The British use pounds and pence. Americans use dollars and cents.

Driving in a car is very different in England. They drive on the left side of the road. We drive on the right. What we call the hood of the car, the British call the “bonnet”. British cars run on “petrol”, which we call gasoline.

In our everyday lives, we do many of the same things as the British. But we describe them differently. A young mother here might push a baby in a baby carriage. A British mom pushes a “pram”. The British watch the “telly”, while we watch TV. We like to eat French fries, but the British call them “chips”. Millions of Americans drink coffee, but most British prefer tea.

So we are different in many ways. But we stay friendly anyway.

【小题1】Winston Churchill’s words mean that ____________.
A.Britain and the US are very similar
B.the people of Britain and the US are friendly
C.the languages of Britain and the US are the same
D.there are many differences between Britain and the US
【小题2】Which of the following is used by the British?
A.TV.B.Pram.C.Hood.D.French fries.
【小题3】What is the best title for the text?
A.We stay friendly
B.A common language?
C.English as the official language
D.Differences between Britain and the US
