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In December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia 【小题1】 (case) in China. Investigations found that it was caused by a 【小题2】 (previous) unknown virus–now named the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. It 【小题3】 (identify) first in China, 【小题4】 occurred in a group of people with pneumonia who’d been associated 【小题5】a seafood and live animal market in the city of Wuhan. The disease spread from those who were sick to others, 【小题6】 (include) family members and health care staff. 【小题7】 (fight) against the epidemic, the Chinese people united even stronger than ever before, and they made 【小题8】. China also helped other countries in the same situation, 【小题9】 (make) its positive image all over the world 【小题10】(strengthen).

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