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How I Failed My Oxford Interview

As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I’d_______. “You think Jane Austen is... soft?” The man opposite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his colleague took turns to_______my claim, finishing each other’s sentences as they stressed Austen’s novels were, in fact, savage.

“I just mean...” I said in a_______voice, trying to keep the tone light, “that she’s not as biting as Virginia Woolf.”

The two professors patted this idea around, too, like a couple of cats toying with a frightened bird---giving _______ examples of how Austen’s work was, _________, more biting than Woolf’s. With no more defensive action to take, I simply smiled and said, “Let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?” And at that moment, my dreams of going to Oxford university_______in a puff of smoke.

Part of my problem, in hindsight was a lack of confidence._______I was a straight A student and had prepared for the interview to the best of my ability, I wasn’t a skilled debater. When faced with two experts who told me that I was wrong, instead of defending myself, I rolled over and accepted_______.

To pass the interview, you need confidence, of course. You also need   a_______ passion for your subject, not just a keen interest. In other words, don’t put comments on your personal statement that you don’t have________for your in-person backup.

So, months later, I already knew the contents of my thin envelope when it appeared on my doormat. ________, I felt a pang of disappointment. I had wanted to go to Oxford since I was 13. I used to look up images of my favorite college with the same________of a bride-to-be browsing wedding dresses.

Ultimately, I didn’t have what it took---but, looking back, that was________a bad thing. Instead of going to Oxford, I found a university that was a better fit for my interests. I loved my eclectic course, where I could write an essay comparing Jane Eyre to 50 Shades of Grey.

Failing my Oxford interview also provided a valuable life lesson. I’m now more confident in my opinions, more passionate when it comes to debate, and I try to back up my points with________evidence. What’s more, I had never since ended a discussion by giving a ____________smile and saying,” let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?”

A.produced sensationB.made a mistakeC.sparked controversyD.caused disruption
A.for one thingB.in turnC.on the contraryD.at large
A.As long asB.Even thoughC.DespiteD.Because
A.not necessarilyB.all butC.in particularD.at length
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“You are the only one who can handle it, Matt,” said Mr. Wolf, my fourth-grade band teacher, as he put the heavy tuba into my arms. I felt_______because I had asked for other band instrument, not the tuba. But I knew what he_______and he was right. In the fourth grade, I was_______a foot taller and 50 pounds heavier than any of my classmates.

Now I’m 6 feet and 3 inches and weigh 240 pounds. Since freshman year, my football coach has had only one_______place for me: the line. I had to be where size_______.

Somehow my size has_______me from any solo performances in music or sports. In fact, there is a(n) _______chance that a tuba player or a lineman will get noticed. But I seldom complain about my lack of_______because my size has benefited me a lot.

In school, my classmates formed a fixed_______of a big kid:that I was either an awkward fool or an annoying “tough guy”. I didn’t feel that I__________in either category. To correct their expectations, I__________to become athletic and even graceful. I made sure that I played well in all the sports I__________. I also joined in a ballroom dance class and followed it throughout high school, long after my friends had__________halfway.

My father used to encourage me to use my size to my full__________. He told me that I should take pride in myself.________, he lost his life on September 11, 2001. His death was a heavy__________to my family, but it helped me see my size from a different__________. During his funeral(葬礼), I tried to__________dignified and brave. I hope my calm and tall__________would comfort my family and give them the courage to make it through.

Looking forward, I know that my size will__________me to accomplish many positive things, whether in college, in a career or in just helping others.

A.came acrossB.referred toC.fitted inD.participated in
A.dropped outB.registered forC.carried outD.made for

Whenever Michael Carl, the fashion market director at Vanity Fair, goes out to dinner with friends, he plays something called the “phone stack” game: Everyone _______ their phones in the middle of the table; whoever looks at their device before the check arrives _______ the tab(账单).

Brandon Holley, the former editor of Lucky magazine, had trouble _______ her mobile phone when she got home from work. So about six months ago, she _______ putting her phone into a milk tin the moment she walked in. It remains there until after dinner. And Mare Jacobs, the fashion designer, didn’t _______ to sleep close to a beeping gadget. So he _______ digital devices from his bedroom — a house rule he _______ with audiences during a recent screening of Disconnect, a film that shows how technology has alienated(使疏远) people from one another.

As smart phones _______ to make their way into our lives, and wearable devices like Google Glass _______ to destroy our personal space even further, overtaxed users are carving out their own device-free zones. Whether it’s a physical ________ (no ipads at the dinner table) or a conceptual one (turn off devices by 11 p.m.), users say these disconnecting ________ are improving their relationships.

“Disconnecting is a luxury that we all ________,” said Lesley M. M. Blume, a New York writer who keeps her phone away from the dinner table at home. “The expectation that we must always be ________ to employers, colleagues and family: it creates a real problem in trying to ________ private time. But that private time is more important than ever.”

A popular method for disconnecting is to choose a box for your cellphone, like the milk tin that Ms. Holley uses. “________ my phone is buzzing or lighting up, it’s still a distraction, so it ________ in the box.” said Ms. Holley. Others choose new ________. “No screens after 11 p.m.” said Ari. Melber, a TV host. “Now evenings are more ________ and I am sleeping better.” he added.

Sleep is a big factor, which is why some ________ to leave their phones out of their bedrooms. “I don’t want to sleep next to something full of photos and emails.” said Peter Som, a fashion designer, who keeps his phone plugged in in the living room overnight. “It ________ is a head­clearer and distinguishes daytime and sleep time.”

A.picks upB.pays offC.picks onD.pays back
A.figure outB.save upC.set asideD.take up

I got on the plane for a long flight to New York. After settling down, I spent a few minutes talking to a young ______. While talking, I ______ on the back of his hand a tattoo (纹身)—“Lost”.

For some reason, that ______ me in the same way as “Help Wanted” ______ in store windows did sometimes. I wondered what he was ______.

This passenger told me ______ there’s a lot you can do in New York, there’s a lot that you can’t do when you’re penniless. And now he was learning how to do video editing. Then we ______ the topic of documentary (纪实) film-making and the beauty of working creatively with ______. I told him about a documentary I made and pulled out a copy from my ______ to show him. He looked at it in silence and then asked ______, “Can I buy this from you?”

“No.” I said. “But you can ______ it.”

Even though I didn’t usually give my works away, ______ in me really wanted to share this story with this random stranger. He was surprised and touched by the ______.

Before landing, I prepared three Smile Cards as the “______” for the documentary, with a note telling him how to use them creatively.

As the flight ______, I asked, “what is that about?”, pointing to the back of his ______. “Oh, that. That’s the______ of a TV series my girlfriend wanted me to pick up. I just wrote it to ______ myself.”

Before he left, I handed him his “bill”. He was ______ and shot me a big smile before putting it into his pocket. “By the way my name is Mark,” We shook hands and he left. And I am ______ smiling.

A.looking intoB.holding on toC.going throughD.making up for
A.ignoredB.worked onC.changedD.turned to
A.took offB.touched downC.sped upD.set out
