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Tired of seeing so much garbage along the bank of River Schie in Rotterdam, Dutch artist Tommy Kleyn decided to step up and do something about it. He alone organized a cleanup of the entire bank without leaving any garbage, proving that anyone can indeed make a difference if they want to.

Kleyn would cycle past a part of the Rotterdam riverway and see so much garbage along the bank. The situation troubled him, so he decided to spend 30 minutes every day cleaning the place up, filling one garbage bag a time. And when he posted pictures of his work on Facebook, a few of his friends volunteered to join as well. In five weeks, they had a 100-meter riverbank clean and completely rubbish-free.

Kleyn's action has received great support online, and he has managed to turn it into a small movement. He has set up a Facebook page through which he challenges people to spend 30 minutes a year to fill a garbage bag with rubbish. "It feels great and you'll make a big difference," he wrote. "People are free to share their 'before' and 'after' pictures on the page. The challenge has attracted people in countries. The people came from as far as China to respond with their own photos and stories!"

"I want to show how easy it is to remove rubbish," he added. "Hopefully there will come a time when makers are thoughtful and their goods are no longer wrapped in layers of plastic."

Local officials praised Kleyn's work on the riverbank and helped him raise money for future projects as well. "People can sign up to help me one day a year. For this, they received a coupon, like going to a local restaurant at the lowest price. You can imagine what I've managed to do in 22 days, and what 22 men could do in a day." he said.

【小题1】What happened after Kleyn posted pictures of his work on Facebook?
A.Some of his friends were forced to join him.
B.The whole riverbank was completely rubbish-free.
C.His pictures received little attention from foreigners.
D.His work on the bank of River Schie started to pay off.
【小题2】What do we know about Kleyn's action?
A.It has influenced many people.B.It is opposed by local officials.
C.It is difficult for Chinese to accept.D.It has made people stop using layers of plastic.
【小题3】Kleyn decided to make a difference by       ·
A.collecting rubbish bagsB.taking pictures of River Schie
C.cleaning up the banks of River SchieD.sharing pictures on the Internet
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.River pollution in Dutch has been solved by Tommy Kleyn.
B.A Dutch eco-hero proves that one man can make a difference.
C.Environmental protection needs support from the government.
D.Facebook plays an important role in environmental protection.
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More than one million single-use straws (吸管), most of them plastic, are used in the United States each day. They end up in waterways, harm sea animals, and break down into micro-plastics. Quantities of places have passed plastic-straw bans as a way to start handling the global plastic waste problem.

Straw materials: advantages and disadvantages

1. Metal

Made of stainless steel, aluminum, or even titanium, metal straws have become popular. They draw some criticism for having a metallic taste and conducting heat from a hot drink, but they’re strong and can be reused.

2. Paper

Paper drinking straws, which date from the late 1800s, often absorb liquid over time and can leave a taste or fibers in drinks. They’re the most popular throwaway choice in places with plastic-straw bans.

3. Glass

Though glass straws may be more breakable and thus less portable than reusable straws of other materials, they hold up well to washing and reuse. Some straws are made to look artistic, with colors and blown-glass designs.

4. Bamboo

This natural material can be sustainably produced and is a plant-based replacement of plastic straws. Bamboo straws are easily disposed of and turned into fertilizer. They are reusable but can be hard to clean completely and may absorb flavors.

【小题1】What is the major problem with plastic straws?
【小题2】Which of the following belongs to single-use straws?
A.Metal straw.B.Paper straw.
C.Glass straw.D.Bamboo straw.
【小题3】What is the advantage of the bamboo straw?
A.It can become fertilizer.B.It is easy to clean.
C.It is portable and bendable.D.It has different designs.

New Zealand’s government recently announced it will help pay for poorer families to replace their old cars with cleaner hybrid(混合动力的)or electric vehicles. The government said it plans to spend $357 million on the test program.

The move is part of a wider plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are believed to cause warming temperatures in the Earth’s atmosphere. New Zealand plans to provide aid for businesses to reduce emissions and have buses that run on environmentally safe fuel by 2035. The government also plans to provide food-waste collection for most homes by 2030.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardem said in a statement, “We’ve all seen the recent reports on sea level rise and its influence right here in New Zealand. We cannot leave the issue of climate change until it’s too late to fix.” The plan is a step toward New Zealand’s stated goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Reaching net-zero emissions means not creating more carbon in the atmosphere than oceans and forests can remove. Ardern said that reducing dependence on traditional fuels would help protect families from extreme price increases. The plan also sets a goal of reducing total car travel by 20 percent over the next 13 years. The programs will be paid for from a $2.8 billion climate emergency response fund.

Officials said that over time, money collected from polluters would pay for the programs rather than taxes from families. Some critics of the plan say it continued to be less restrictive on New Zealand’s huge agriculture industry. Agriculture creates more than half of the nation’s total greenhouse gas emissions. But the industry is also important to the economy as the nation’s biggest export earner.

David Seymour is the leader of New Zealand’s ACT political party. He said that some of the announced programs are proven to be ineffective and have been tried and failed overseas. Seymour added that people should be able to choose how they reduce emissions through the market-basedd emissions trading plan.

【小题1】Which of the following is NOT New Zealand planning to do?
A.Buy cars for poor families.B.Offer assistance to business.
C.Use environmentally safe fuels.D.Spend money on the test program.
【小题2】What does Jacinda Ardem suggest doing about the climate change?
A.Setting aside the problem.B.Realizing the stated goal.
C.Addressing the issue early.D.Decreasing dependence on traditional fuels.
【小题3】What can we infer from the text?
A.New Zealand aims to control carbon emissions.
B.The move has a goal of reducing the use of buses.
C.Achieving net-zero emissions means creating no carbon.
D.Agriculture makes less importance in the nation’s economy.
【小题4】What is David Seymour’s attitude towards the program?

There’s nothing wrong with a tomato that isn’t perfectly rounded or a peach with an extra dimple(凹)or two; they still carry the same benefits and flavors as the versions we’re used to seeing in grocery stores. Farmers throw away these imperfect items, as many grocery chains won’t buy them for fear that they are unsellable. However, a growing group of grocery chains are fighting to make these discarded fruits and vegetables part of consumers’ buying habits.

One such business is Imperfect Produce, a start-up that delivers fresh ugly produce to consumers. Through this service, you can get up to 20 pounds of fruit and veggies for around $20 a week. This is about a 30 percent discount compared to what’s currently sold in stores. Recently, the company had a major breakthrough when Whole Foods accepted their partnership and agreed to sell the misshapen produce.

While this movement might be a new trend here in the US, it’s already gained serious moment um(势头)in Europe. In 2014, the E. U. announced the Year Against Food Waste, with French grocery chain Intermarché launching a very successful campaign called Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables and England’s Waitrose selling “weather blemished” apples. In Portugal, a similar company to Imperfect Produce called Fruta Feia has also taken off.

Buying these unfortunate-looking foods should be appealing to consumers not only because of the affordability, but also because of the support it gives to farmers and the direct impact it has on decreasing food waste and the environmental pollution. It is believed that when the discarded fruits and vegetables decompose they release methane(甲烷), a greenhouse gas that, when released into the atmosphere, is about 86 times as powerful as carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Waste is, in fact, the ugliest thing of all.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “discarded” in paragraph one mean?
【小题2】What is the purpose of Imperfect Produce?
A.Make better profits.B.Sell imperfect produce.
C.Get discounts from farmers.D.Compete with Whole Foods.
【小题3】What can we learn about Europe compared with the US?
A.It has more successfully-run food chains.
B.It produces less misshaped fruits and vegetables.
C.It addresses the problem of misshaped produce earlier.
D.It faces a more serious problem of unfavorable weather.
【小题4】According to the last paragraph, why is wasted food harmful to the environment?
A.It pollutes the farms.B.It gives out a bad smell.
C.It contributes to global warming.D.It produces lots of carbon dioxide.
