语法填空-短文语填 较易0.85 引用3 组卷174

The act of reading is great, of course. But 【小题1】way you’re reading also has an influence 【小题2】your physical and mental health. In our technology-driven world, the paper book has been replaced by electronic 【小题3】(device) - Kindles and Nooks, and even your laptops or smart phones. Paper books 【小题4】 (consider) as inconvenient by some people.

However, there’s something simple and special about reading a classic paper book that e-books seem to lack. Recently, I was reading before bedtime, and I found that it not only relaxed me, but made me fall asleep almost 【小题5】 (immediate). I slept soundly through the entire night, and I 【小题6】(wake) up feeling 【小题7】(refresh). I found myself【小题8】(think) about events and scenes in the book. I believe it wasn’t a coincidence: Putting aside my phone, and focusing on a tale 【小题9】 took me outside of myself, somehow, helped me feel better than before.

Keep reading 【小题10】 it can help you improve yourself on many levels.

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These days, more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone, which can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends. But I think I should read more books besides the texts. The more, 【小题1】 better. It can improve my language skills and also can help me to get good grades.

Before you start reading, ask 【小题2】(you) why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main 【小题3】(reason), pleasure or knowledge. Clearing about your reading purpose can not only help you choose the books you really need to read, but also remind you why reading the book is of great 【小题4】(important) to you, so you will decide 【小题5】(read) and finish the book faster.

No matter what you are reading, it is important to enjoy 【小题6】 you read. Your friends may tell you the books they are interested 【小题7】, but those books might not be the ones you enjoy. Whenever you realize that you aren’t enjoying the book you are reading, give it up.

It is true to read the books that 【小题8】(borrow) from libraries 【小题9】(fast) than those I buy. The reason is that I don’t need to return those books I buy. Having a reading goal 【小题10】(help) you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day. Before you read each book, you should know what time you need to complete this book by.


In early October, 2021, the New York Public Library announced that all late fees for library cardholders would not be charged, effective immediately. “ 【小题1】 (end) the late fees has been a bit of a trend,” said Rachel Krammer Brussel. She explains that people with limited 【小题2】(wage) tend to stay away from libraries for fear of incurring(引起) debts. It seems like a good way to promote library memberships and reading, which is 【小题3】(exact) what libraries are about.

Libraries need a way to ensure their books can be returned 【小题4】 a timely fashion and that people can take care of them, but the right method to do that is open to 【小题5】(discuss). There is little evidence that fines incentivize(激励) people to return 【小题6】 library book. On the contrary, some libraries have shown immediate positive effects after dropping these fees.

Anthony W.Marx, President of the New York Public Library, is proud of this new era for the library. He thinks this is a step towards a more equitable society 【小题7】 low-income families don’t have to think too much before borrowing a book.

The New York Public Library was founded in 1895 and 【小题8】(serve) the country through all the ups and downs since then. Even during the pandemic in 2021, the library adapted 【小题9】(it) and did what had to be done 【小题10】(give) people the information and resources they needed.
