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Have you ever felt like you aren’t respected by others? In a way like you are taken for granted (想当然) or not taken seriously? In one way or another, all of us have felt this. We hope to be regarded as an authority (权威), someone we respect and believe in. We’re not taught in school how to do this. It’s something we learn by ourselves. And the answer is as simple as changing your mindset. You can change your game by changing your mind.

Take the time to look back and think about every person in your life who is an authority, a leader at work who you trust, or the man who you respect and encourages you. They’re up there not for the reasons you think. If you really think about it, they aren’t the smartest or the most educated. Instead, they’re up there because they’re great teachers for the success of their customers or employees.

Let’s take Richard Simmons, a famous fitness instructor, for example. He became well known since he started gaining popularity during the first few years in his career. Stop and think. People look up at him and give him authority because he’s a great educator. Instead of sharing information that’s far too difficult to understand, he figures out what your problems are and finds out a way to fix them. He doesn’t try too hard to impress his followers because by now they’re already pretty impressed with the desire to solve people’s problems. Depending on what field you’re in, you can share with people things you know and you think they’ll want to know as well. If you’re a nurse, for example, you can make a blog post for common health problems and quick remedies (疗法) people can do at home.

So, how will you be viewed as an authority again? Make that mind shift. Find out what troubles your target. Show your care, give answers and help them climb up that ladder of success. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how it’s done.

【小题1】Who teaches people to win other people’s respect according to Paragraph 1?
A.Our teachers.B.We ourselves.
C.Our parents.D.Richard Simmons.
【小题2】What is the quality of an authority according to the author?
A.He is very smart.B.He is knowledgeable.
C.He does something for others.D.He is professionally successful.
【小题3】In order to explain how to be respected, the author ______.
A.makes comparisonsB.lists some facts
C.makes commentsD.gives examples
【小题4】What is the text intended to show?
A.An authority keeps positive in any situation.
B.We can change our mind to change our world.
C.Kindness is the key to being a success in life.
D.The process is more important than the results.
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What to Do When You Fail in Life

Most people are afraid of failure. The truth is that everyone, including all successful people, has ever failed time after time and will fail again. 【小题1】

Learn from it

No matter how hard you try to avoid (避免,逃避) it, failure will happen. Having a “no fear” attitude towards failure does not mean you should expect to fail, but accept it when it happens. 【小题2】 Failure makes us rethink, reconsider, and find new ways and strategies to achieve our goals. Through failure, we will get to know ourselves better.

Stop fearing it

【小题3】 You are supposed to push yourself to go to the limits. When you have a no-fear attitude and accept failure willingly, your determination can be made the best use of.

Let go of your self-worth

When your self-worth is in charge, you will not learn from the mistakes you have made, be open to other people’s views or see the situations clearly. 【小题4】 We need to learn, evaluate, and listen to other people if we want to see what needs to change in order to succeed.

Improve your mood (情绪) and cheer up again

We all feel upset after having failed, which is natural, human, and unavoidable. But how we respond to our failures is what decides our road to success. One way of improving your mood is listing the things you are grateful for at the moment, which will strengthen your positive emotions. 【小题5】

A.There is value in failure.
B.The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
C.The ordinary people experience failure, too.
D.It always tends to get in the way of you and your success.
E.In order to reach your personal best, you don’t need to fear failure.
F.So do not be afraid of failure, which is a part of your road to success.
G.Reading stories of successful people is another way to help us cheer up and move on.

Unique personal opportunities for career and personal advancement in the fields that we are interested in are all around us. Sometimes they don’t manifest (显现) as quickly as we would like. When they do manifest, we might be unable to take the opportunities. 【小题1】 We can do something to prepare ourselves for future opportunities.

Stay informed about developments in our field.

We should stay informed about what’s going on in our field. Developments will inform us of education and personal efforts. If we don’t pay attention to what is going on, then we may miss out on opportunities that will manifest for those people who are in the right place at the right time. 【小题2】

Make learning a habit.

Take the opportunity that we have right now to educate ourselves in our field. 【小题3】 The more we learn, the better prepared we will be to immediately contribute when we have the chance.

Determine how we are going to create value.

Ask ourselves thus question: how am I going to create real value in my chosen field? 【小题4】 Make a plan to create the value. and then begin at once to carry out our plan. The more value that we can create in our chosen field, the more successful we will be in our field, and the more opportunities that will continually come to us.


We should consistently concentrate on where we want to be. We say we want to be a writer? Well, where is our writing? Where is our book? Where is our blog? We should whole-heartedly devote ourselves to everything related to writing.

A.However, we shouldn’t get discouraged.
B.Stuck to your dream to be a popular writer.
C.Create these opportunities through learning.
D.Place ourselves where our heart wants to be.
E.Take time to answer this question thoroughly.
F.Schedule time for learning daily, and stick to our plan.
G.So we should keep ourselves informed of what is going on in our field.
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Company culture is a hot topic for nearly every business. Everyone wants to create a productive, collaborative and inviting work environment where all employees follow shared values and work toward a common goal.

We asked a group of entrepreneurs to share how they encourage their teams to participate in building the company culture. Here are their top recommendations.

Get employee input on the hiring process

While a hiring manager should always have a final say over who joins the team, it could help to allow employees of all levels to participate in the hiring process. Ismael Wrixen, CEO of FE International recommends letting some of a candidate's future teammates sit in on an interview, as this can help you find people who will fit in well with your other employees.

"Our company has a real familiar feel, and team members often socialize outside or work." Wrixen explains. ''Considering how people will fit in the team once they are hired has always been an important consideration."

Create a space and environment that allows for breaks

Company culture-building can sometimes feel forced, says Jessica Gonzalez, CEO of InCharged. To make it more organic and natural, Gonzalez believes the best thing to do is to create the space and environment for it.

"Some companies get a Ping-Pong table,” she says. "It doesn't really matter the details, but you have given your employees permission to take breaks and blow off some steam with their coworkers. That's where culture and connection will be built."

Stop micromanaging

If you want your employees to build a great culture of their own, don't disturb the process, says Solomon Thimothy, president of OneIMS. While he monitors all processes on his team (including culture-building), he only gets involved when his staff needs him, rather than constantly micromanaging.

"Connect people with each other, define your expectations, set the pace and leave them alone,” Thimothy says.

Plan activities that reflect your shared values

According to Beth Doane, managing partner of Main & Rose, your internal brand should reflect your external one. She recommends bringing your team together around a shared set of values and then doing activities to strengthen that brand.

"As a social-good focused firm, we love doing activities that give back-hiking, volunteering, cleaning up the environment, Doane adds. "It's fun and it gets the whole team involved in our mission."

Ask for their ideas and suggestions

If you really want your employees to help build the company culture, all you have to do is ask them for their input. Chris Christoff, cofounder of Monster Insights, says he is open to suggestions from team members on how to perform more efficiently.

“Opening the invitation to new ideas fosters a positive company culture because it shows employees their voices are heard and their opinions matter because they do," Christoff says. It creates a relaxing, trustworthy environment where everyone respects what each other has to say.”

Anyhow, it's important to remember that culture is not necessarily a top-down creation. Instead, a successful culture is developed and maintained by the workers who live it every single day.

Company culture

Companies hope to possess a productive, collaborative work environment where every employee 【小题1】shared values.

【小题2】 from
It helps when staff get 【小题3】 in the hiring process, despite the fact that employers always have a final say.
The company had better create a space and environment that takes 【小题4】of breaks, making it possible for the employees to 【小题5】 stress.
The employers should leave development room for employees after setting goals for them but come to their assistance only if 【小题6】
Based on shared values, the company ought to do activities where your internal brand should 【小题7】external one.
It's a wise choice to 【小题8】employees about ideas and suggestions because such a relaxing, trustworthy environment allows everybody to show 【小题9】 for each other's opinions.
Company culture is not necessarily a top-down creation. Instead, its 【小题10】and maintenance depend on workers themselves.
