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Teens love to argue their viewpoints.【小题1】This powerful skill gives kids the opportunity to be heard, and helps them think before speaking while presenting their views in a calm, reasonable manner. This skill is never used in the heat of the moment when anyone is upset.【小题2】Once that's established(已获确认的), here are the steps to follow:

Look at the person. You need to be in person and face-to-face for this to work well, no texting or social media.

【小题3】Make sure to speak calmly and slowly, and keep a comfortable distance between yourself and the other person.

Say “I understand how you feel". This starts the discussion off on a positive note. Be sincere in your desire to come to agreement, and admit the other person's right to an opinion.

Tell why you feel differently. Get your “ducks in a row", which means get everything properly organized and under control.【小题4】 You should use as many details as you can.

Give a reason. Be sure your reasons are sensible and you can support them with facts.

Listen to the other person attentively. Give the other person time to present his or her view.【小题5】

Say “thank you for listening”. Sometimes you get what you want, and sometimes you don't, but at least you've had a chance to give your opinion and hear the other person's thoughts, too.

Make sure to practice several times before your child actually needs to use the skill. Over time, you'll find this skill calms things down in your house and equips your teens to navigate differences of opinion wherever they may be —— and that's a win-win for everyone!

A.Use a pleasant voice.
B.Don't act before thinking.
C.And always think before you speak.
D.However, listen attentively at first.
E.Don't interrupt, look bored or argue.
F.Teach your teens to disagree properly!
G.Instead, wait till everyone has cooled down and is ready to listen.
知识点:社会关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In a book called Magnificent Obsession, by Lloyd C.Douglas, a description is given of people helping others but doing it secretly.When difficult problems worried an individual, friends nearby would meet to discuss possible solution without the individual knowing their actions.When a solution was agreed upon, one or two of the friends would carry out the plan and solve the problems secretly, to the great delight of the worried individual.The helpers would stand by privately, contented with their success. No reward was given to the problem solvers, not even a sincere “thank you”, because they were never known.

This concept is popular today but in a different way.The phrase “pay it forward” is now used when one person helps another. However, the person being helped may not be able to repay the person or group that helped them.So rather than return the favor to their helpers, they are supposed to help someone else in the future, which means they pay it forward.It is the sense of responsibility that makes us want to give back in equal measure to the one who has helped us. But, in this case, the responsibility turns to helping someone in the future.

Suppose your elderly grandmother pays part of your schooling.She may tell you there is no need to repay her because it is a gift from someone who loves you very much.Nothing would please her more than to have you use her money to get a good education.

You may never be able to repay her for such a gift. However, she not only gave you some money, but she provided you with an example that you should also help other people who need it.

People with serious needs are everywhere.Many are children who need better clothes, more books and even better schools.Some are elderly people who can’t afford their medicine or a doctor’s care.Consider how you can “pay it forward”rather than pay money back to your grandmother.

【小题1】The helpers in the book Magnificent Obsession were not rewarded because________.
A.they hadn’t solved the problems thoroughly
B.they had solved the problems secretly
C.they were friends of the worried individual
D.they expected to be paid back in the future
【小题2】The underlined words “pay it forward” in Paragraph 2 mean________.
A.to repay someone who has helped you
B.to pay someone else who needs help
C.to help someone who has helped you
D.to help someone else who needs help
【小题3】What does the writer suggest with the example of “your elderly grandmother”?
A.We should learn to respect our grandparents.
B.We should work hard to get a good education.
C.We should also lend a hand to other people in need of help.
D.We should never forget to repay people for their help.
【小题4】By writing the passage, the author wishes people in the world to be________.

Dossantos grew up among the banana trees of East Timor, a state in Maritime Southeast Asia, and never imagined he would work on Australian farms.

Last week he was picking pumpkins (南瓜) out of the rich red Ord valley soils of Ivanhoe Farms in Western Australia’s far north, working with five other East Timorese employees in Kununurra’s 381℃heat.

Dossantos is part of a group of 30 East Timorese in the area for six months as seasonal workers, laboring (劳动) on smaller fruit and vegetable farms that were part of Ord stage one, developed in the 1970s. The men are employed by happy farmers across the Ord valley, many of whom have struggled, in the past with their dependence on not always reliable backpackers to plant their crops on time and pick full-grown I fruit and vegetables.

Dossantos is typical of the group; he speaks little English, has worked on farms in East Timor and wants to earn an Australian salary (工资) for four to six months before returning home late this month as the wet season arrives, to build a better life.

“It’s a good job; hard work and hot but with good money,” Dossantos says. “I work for four months, send my money back to Mom and Dad and then go home; it’s enough to last me for the next six months and then I hope to come back here again to work next year.”

Itis music to the ears of Matt and Melanie Gray, who have had up to 12 East Timorese workers picking pumpkins on their Ceres Farm for the past few months.

Like many growers in the Ord, the Grays welcomed the opportunity this year to employ full-time visiing East

Timorese employees to do most of their continuous crop picking. “It has been a win-win situation; they seem really happy with the work, the money and opportunities it provides them with back home, while for us they provide us with reliability through the season and the likelihood (可能性) that 80 percent will want to come back again next year,” Melanie Gray says.
【小题1】What are farmers in the Ord valley happy with?
A.The good weather.B.The dependable pickers.
C.The sale of their products.D.The backpackers’ hard work.
【小题2】What does Dossantos think of his job?
A.It should pay more.B.It is progressing slowly.
C.It is not easy but worthwhile.D.It lasts too long in the wet season.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “It” in the text probably refer to?
A.The big harvest.B.The good money.
C.The laborer’s positive opinion.D.The laborer’s returning to East Timor-
【小题4】Which of the following is part of the win-win situation?
A.The farmers can offer full-time jobs.
B.The laborers can stay in Australia all year long.
C.The farmers can grow high-quality fruit and vegetables.
D.The laborers can find satisfaction in working in Australia.

When a friend comes to you after a stressful day, how do you comfort them? Do you let them complain? Do you pour them a glass of wine? Those could work. But a new study finds that a very effective technique is also simple and easy — hugging.

Michael Murphy is a psychology expert at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. He wanted to know if people who received hugs regularly could handle stress and conflict belief. " Individuals who report perceiving the availability of a network of supportive individuals lead to show better adaptation when faced with stress. But your just having a support network does not mean that you definitely feel that support, he said. "So some researchers have argued that many of the behaviors we use to support others who are stressed might actually be counterproductive, because   behaviors might unintentionally communicate to others that they're not able to manage stress."   he added.

Murphy and his team interviewed 404 men and women every evening for two weeks. During these interviews, the participants were asked a simple yes — or — no question — whether somebody had hugged them that day — and a simple yes or no question of whether they had experienced conflict or tension with somebody that day.

They also were asked questions about their social interactions — how many social,interactions they had that day and responded to questions about negative and positive mood states . And the researchers found that individuals who experienced a conflict were not as negatively affected if they received a hug that day as were participants who experienced conflict and didn't get a hug. Murphy and his team also saw that people who received a hug didn't carry the negative effect to the next day, while those who did not receive a hug would. The findings are in the journal PLOS ONE.

Murphy does include this warning: "So our findings should not be taken as evidence that people should just start hugging anyone and everyone who seems distressed. A hug from one boss at work or a stranger on the street could be viewed as neither agreeable nor positive. " The idea is to relieve stress. Not add to it.

【小题1】What does the first paragraph serve as?
A.A lead-inB.A background
C.An argumentD.A summary.
【小题2】Why did the researchers interview those people?
A.To test the influence of hugging.
B.To find out causes of their conflicts.
C.To ask for advice on relieving stress.
D.To seek ways to comfort troubled people.
【小题3】What do Murphy's words warn in the end?
A.The interview results prove their findings.
B.A boss should comfort workers by hugging.
C.There are some limitations of their findings.
D.People should hug others regularly and actively.
【小题4】Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Everyone Needs HugsB.A Hug Could Do Anything
C.How to Comfort Your FriendsD.Hugs Seem to Reduce Stress
