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Inside the white, bacteria-free walls of a new building on the southern outskirts of Beijing, two employees wearing masks and rubber gloves are busy injecting a clear, colorless liquid into rows of small bottles.

The 215,000 square feet production plant was built in recent months specifically for producing a Covid-19 vaccine (疫苗) developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech.

CoronaVac, the vaccine candidate from Sinovac, is part of China’s push to be at the forefront of rolling out immunizations (免疫接种) against the deadly novel coronavirus.

The Nasdaq-listed biotech company began developing its vaccine in late January, less than a week after Wuhan—the original epicenter of China’s coronavirus outbreak—went into a strict lockdown.

By June, China had largely contained the coronavirus, dealing with only a small number of outbreaks. Those newly reported Covid-19 cases in China didn’t meet the necessary conditions for a Phase 3 trial, so Sinovac reached an agreement with Brazil—which ranks second in the world for infections, with more than 3.6 million reported cases.

In cooperating with the Butantan Institute in Sao Paulo, a Phase 3 study was launched in late July involving 9,000 volunteers, all health professionals who have worked with Covid-19 patients but haven’t been infected with the virus.

The tests are ongoing, but Dimas Covas, president of the Butantan Institute, said Wednesday primary data shows CoronaVac developed immunity in 97% of the people vaccinated after two doses—a level he said was “fundamental to break the chain of transmission of the coronavirus.”

【小题1】From which of the following is the text probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A news report.
C.A book review.D.A travel brochure.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “rolling out” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】What is the necessary condition for a Phase 3 trial?
A.China’s successful lockdown in Wuhan.
B.A sufficient number of infected patients.
C.All health professionals and volunteers.
D.The Nasdaq-listed biotech company.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Forefront: China’s push to develop a coronavirus vaccine.
B.Lockdown: China’s successful move to contain the outbreaks.
C.Infection: Brazil’s ranking second to surprise the world.
D.Immunity: Brazil’s effort to break the chain of transmission.
知识点:医疗 科普知识 说明文逻辑推理文章出处标题判断短语猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Singing has always made Stephen Dunn, 64, of Melbourne, feel joyful. He occasionally sang with bands in the past. When he was diagnosed (诊断) with Parkinson’s disease two years ago, he remembered that his father, who’d also had the condition, lost his ability to sing as the disease progressed.

Hoping to prevent a similar fate, Stephen joined ParkinSong last year, a local group of Parkinson’s patients who meet monthly with a music therapist (治疗学家). They sing together and learn skills to help preserve their singing and speaking voices.

“The session involves vocal exercises, breathing exercises, correct posture and that sort of thing,” he says. “Our vocal cords (声带) are like any other muscle in our body. If you don’t use it, you lose it.”

Helping Parkinson’s patients maintain their voices is just one way that music therapy benefits people. A variety of music programmes can improve the mental or physical health of people with numerous diseases and conditions. There are no potential side effects, except, perhaps, getting a song stuck in your head.

When therapy is needed to relieve pain or maintain or restore function to the body, different options are available. Physical therapy can be effective, but repetitive exercises may be boring. Music can add an element of fun to therapy.

Music is an ideal motivator, because people have deep emotional responses to it on many levels; researchers and music therapists latch onto this to create treatments that can be as effective as, or more effective than, traditional therapies.

“Music’s so multi-dimentional,” says Jeanette Tamplin, a music therapist and research fellow at the University of Melbourne who’s involved with ParkinSong. “It can be very functional. Like you’re getting people to walk in time to music. Or it can help them to access emotions and process grief (悲伤) and adjustment through songs.”

Doctors recommend music therapy to treat certain conditions, and researchers are working to expand the reach of treatments.

【小题1】What’s the purpose of Stephen Dunn’s joining ParkinSong?
A.To train his vocal cord.B.To learn more singing skills
C.To meet people with ParkinsonD.To stop himself losing his ability to sing
【小题2】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Music motivates people to express all their feelings.
B.Music has the best effect on restoring the function of body.
C.Music therapy brings patients more fun than traditional one.
D.Music therapy helps maintain people’s voice in a limited way.
【小题3】What will probably be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.ParkinSong gathers more Parkinson patients to sing together.
B.Music therapy is used in treatments of other conditions.
C.Doctors found new therapies for Parkinson’s patients.
D.The origin of music therapy in Parkinson treatment.

When it comes to managing anxiety and other stresses of the modern world, connecting with nature can be the best medicine. In fact, according to The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, just 40 minutes of walking in a forest can lower the levels of the stress one feels. 【小题1】

Forest bathing was first developed as a healthcare method in 1980s, Japan, which is the practice of meditatively (沉思的) walking in nature as a way to calm the mind.

Scientifically, forest bathing is more than simply a cure for us overworked humans. 【小题2】 It has produced results such as reduced blood pressure, improved focus, increased energy, reduced stress, etc.

【小题3】 Some people are moved to express their sadness and cry, while others just feel a child—like joy.

“Whatever their reaction, people walk away feeling ‘That’s what I needed’,” says BenPage of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. “ 【小题4】 Our ancestors (祖先) evolved with nature, and we have forgotten how to have that open relationship.”

【小题5】 He has even organized a “forest walk” inside a senior care center, where he brought plants and other natural objects to a group of seniors who had different health and mental illnesses. “People with dementia (痴呆) were remembering things from their childhood,” Page said. “There was a real healing effect that took place.”

A.It has also proven to prevent and treat diseases.
B.Just spending time in a green park can improve one’s well—being.
C.Still, Page thinks that this practice can be done wherever nature is found.
D.But, like most things, everyone’s experience with forest bathing is different.
E.It’s a process of remembering and awakening to something we already knew.
F.A study even showed that forest bathing increased anti—cancer proteins in women.
G.Now more than ever, we should be looking into forest bathing as a form of self—care.

There are various infectious diseases in the world, which human beings have to fight with. In 2018 , measles (麻疹) infected almost 10 million people throughout the world, killing 142,000. Countries that achieved high vaccination (疫苗接种) rates or had formerly eradicated the disease also failed to have a narrow escape.

Fortunately, apart from troublesome measles, many inspirational global health stories happened in the last decade. New viruses, vaccines and treatments were discovered, once again showing the significance of science.

Huge progress was made in virus research. For instance, a kind of virus named Medusavirus, which can turn an amoeba, a kind of single-celled living creature, into a “stone”, was identified by Japanese scientists. The virus has one of the largest and most complicated viral genomes (基因组) that have ever been found. Besides, a new virus, Alongshan virus, was discovered in a group of patients in Inner Moggolia. Researchers also found for the first time that an insect RNA virus, the Providence virus, was able to infect plants and mammalian cells, which indicated that plants could serve as hosts of human viruses.

We also saw improvements in treatments and vaccines. Ebola virus is a good case in point. According to the Royal Free Hospital in Britain, the drug MIL 77, which had been developed by Academy of Millitary Medical Sciences, an institution in China, jointly with some other companies, was adopted to treat a Briton infected with the disease and helped her recover from the deadly virus. This has indicated China's capability of offering and economical and practical drug fighting Ebolavirus worldwide. Furthermore, the Chinese and British medical research teams have worked on genome sequencing of the virus, making it possible to develop drugs and vaccines that are more effective. Therefore, Ebola is no longer a death sentence.

Thanks to the investment in global supervision(监督), transnational partnership, and scientific research, many new viruses, vaccines and treatments were successfully discovered in the last decade. But the journey will continue and much more needs to be done. For example, we need to have a deeper understanding of how climate change influences the spread of infectious diseases.

【小题1】What does he underlined word “eradicated” in Paragraph 1 probably means________.
A.Put an end toB.Paid attention toC.Kept track ofD.Done research on
【小题2】Which of the following is true about the Providence virus?
A.It was found in Inner Mongolia.
B.It has the most complicated genome.
C.It exists in a single-celled living creature.
D.It can have both plants and humans infected.
【小题3】It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that________.
A.MIL77 is a most effective Ebola vaccine
B.China has made great contributions to fighting Ebola virus
C.Genome sequencing of Ebola virus is too complex to carry out
D.No death will be caused by Ebola virus anymore in the world
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Mankind has won a victory over a deadly disease.
B.Different countries cooperate in fighting viruses.
C.Advanced science keeps improving global health.
D.Viruses have caused serious global health problems.
