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A team of scientists says that playing sounds underwater can get fish to return to areas with severely damaged coral reefs(珊瑚礁).

In an experiment, they found fish returned after hearing recordings of the sounds of a healthy ocean reef. The scientists placed underwater speakers in areas where coral had been dying in Australia’s northern Great Barrier Reef. They played the sounds over a period of about six weeks in 2017 and studied the results. The team reported that twice as many fish arrived in areas where the sounds of healthy coral were played.The sounds also led to a 50 percent increase in the number of species present in the area, the researchers found. Among the arriving fish were species that feed on all major food sources.

The researchers noted the importance of having many different kinds of fish return to the area. Different species of fish perform many activities that support the ocean environment and sea life. “Damaged reefs have a higher chance of recovery if they have healthy fish populations,” the scientists wrote in the report.

Steve Simpson is a professor at the University of Exeter who helped lead the research. He said in a statement that “healthy coral reefs are remarkably noisy places. ” They contain the sounds of many kinds of shrimp, fish and other sea creatures. Young fish listen for these sounds when they are looking for a place to settle, Simpson said.

He added that reefs “become ghostly quiet” when they suffer destruction that is usually related to human-caused pollution. Coral damage can cause unappealing smells and sounds that drive shrimp and fish away. But the experiment suggested that the use of underwater loudspeakers was an effective way to get young fish to come back.

Andy Radford, a professor at University of Bristol,said the underwater sounds are a promising way to fight coral reef damage at the local community level. But he noted that other threats need to be, reduced as well. These include climate change, pollution and overfishing.

【小题1】What did the scientists find in the experiment?
A.Twice as many fish arrived in the healthy coral areas.
B.The sounds led to a 50 percent increase in the number of fish present in the area.
C.Playing the sounds of healthy coral reefs is effective to save dying coral.
D.Damaged reefs can recover completely if they have healthy fish populations.
【小题2】According to Steve Simpson,what will drive fish away from damaged coral reefs?
A.Human-caused pollution.
B.The unattractive smells and sounds.
C.Climate change.
【小题3】What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Healthy fish help recover the damaged coral reefs by swimming.
B.People reduce environmental pollution to save dying coral.
C.Scientists find a new way to protect the ocean environment and sea life.
D.Researchers use underwater sounds to fight coral reef damage.
知识点:动物人与动植物说明文直接理解逻辑推理文章大意 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

If you think about the countless number of animal species on our planet, the giraffe is perhaps one of the most interesting. With its unusual pattern and incredibly long neck, it looks like no other animal on Earth. But how did this mammal come to get its famously huge neck? Well, scientists have been asking themselves this question for centuries.

The most commonly believed answer is that the massive neck — which measures on average 180 centimeters and weighs about 270 kilograms — evolved to allow the animal to reach the leaves of tall trees.

British scientist Charles Darwin was one of the first people to propose this idea in the 1800s.“The giraffe… has its whole frame beautifully adapted for browsing on the higher branches of trees,”he wrote in his famous 1859 book On the Origin of Species. It was Darwin’s belief that the giraffe once had a much shorter neck, but over time, evolution led to longer-necked giraffes being born, which in turn survived as they were able to reach the food that others couldn’t. Yet, there are other theories. According to a paper published in September in the Journal of Arid Environments, the giraffe’s neck evolved to increase its surface-area-to-volume ratio. Because the animal’s neck increases its body’s surface area, it makes it easier for it to keep cool, the paper’s authors wrote. This phenomenon can be seen everywhere in nature, and even in engineering.

For example, this is why elephants have such large ears, and why radiators (暖气片) in homes are flat and thin, as a large surface area allows heat to escape quicker.

Meanwhile, some believe that competition is the answer. A 1996 study by two South African zoologists argued that the male giraffes with the biggest necks are the ones who “win” access to females to reproduce, as they are better at fighting, meaning that their long necks are passed down through the generations. So, it seems like there’s still no definite answer to the question. But until we find the truth, we should at least enjoy this beautiful and interesting creature for what it is today, rather than wonder about where it came from.

【小题1】What idea did Charles Darwin put forward in his book?
A.Giraffe’s necks are 180 cm long and weigh 270 kg on average.
B.Giraffes with a long neck are better at fighting.
C.Giraffes are a species that is born with a long neck.
D.Longer-necked giraffes are able to survive better.
【小题2】What is the article mainly about?
A.Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
B.Different functions of the giraffe’s long neck.
C.How the giraffe manages to survive in nature.
D.Theories about why the giraffe has a huge neck.

Giant pandas could be left hungry and struggling to survive by global warming, scientists have warned. A new study predicts that climate change (气候变化) is certain to des troy much of the bamboo on which the pandas depend for food. Main panda habitat (栖息地) in China could be completely lost by the end of the century. Human development adds to the risk by preventing the pandas from getting to places where bamboo is less affected by rising temperatures.

Bamboo, which covers the forest floor where the pandas live, is the single item in the pandas’ diet and also provides food and shelter for other animals. The plant’s unusual reproductive (繁殖的) cycle limits its ability to get used to climate change. One species studied by the scientists only flowers and reproduces every 30-35 years. Experts pointed out that three main bamboo species were likely to disappear as the climate warmed.

“We will need advance actions to protect the present giant panda habitats,” said the leading researcher Mao-Ning Tuanmu, from Yale University in the US. “We need time to look for areas that might become panda habitats in the future, and to think now about connection between habitats for pandas and other animals.”

Efforts to protect pandas should now aim to protect areas that have a better chance of supplying pandas with food, despite climate change. Natural “bridges” could also be created to help the pandas escape from a bamboo shortage. Looking at the climate impact on the bamboo can help us prepare for the challenges that the panda will likely face in the future.

【小题1】What can be learned from the first paragraph?
A.People stop giant pandas from travelling for food.
B.All the panda habitats could disappear in the near future.
C.Global warming will completely destroy the bamboo in China.
D.Giant pandas could be short of food because of climate change.
【小题2】Why does climate change seriously affect the bamboo?
A.Giant pandas live on a single food resource.
B.It takes a long time for bamboo to reproduce.
C.Three main kinds of bamboo have disappeared.
D.Bamboo have no ability to flower and reproduce.
【小题3】What does Mao-Ning Tuanmu agree with according to the third paragraph?
A.Planting more bamboos for pandas.
B.Setting up protection areas for pandas.
C.Getting pandas away from present habitats.
D.Helping pandas connect with other animals.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Effect of Climate Change on PandasB.Ways to Protect Pandas
C.Research on Bamboo DisappearanceD.Risks to the survival of Pandas

“While animals can’t pick out precise numbers, they can understand that more is more. Interestingly, we know now that numerical competence is present on almost every branch of the animal tree of life,” says Andreas Nieder, a neurobiologist from the University of Tuebingen. “Different groups of animals obviously developed this trait independently from others and that strongly indicates that it has to be of adaptive value.”

Honeybees, for instance, can remember the number of landmarks they pass when searching for food in order to find their way back to the hive. The last common ancestor between honeybees and primates lived about 600 million years ago. But still, they evolved numerical competence that, in many respects, is comparable to vertebrate numerical competence. Also, for example, male frogs sing “advertisement” calls to attract females. The females, listening for the complexity of their calls, choose the male that sings the most calls.

Wolves are more likely to hunt successfully if they have the right number of wolves in their pack for the size of their prey: With prey like deer, only around six to eight wolves are needed, while hunting wild ox requires a pack of nine to thirteen. Their prey also uses this concept to protect themselves from predators—deer tend to live in large herds to reduce the chance of any individual becoming prey. So obviously they are assessing the number of individuals in their groups for their everyday life situations.

Despite these many examples of numerical competence in animals, this subject has not gotten many first-hand studies. “Many of these behavioral findings in the wild have usually been collected as by-products or accidental findings of other research questions,” says Nieder. He argues that more research needs to be done to fully understand the numerical competence.

【小题1】Animals have their own numerical competence shows that______.
A.all groups of animals can know the exact numbers
B.numerical competence must have a survival benefit
C.animals’ intelligence varies with different environments
D.animals’ numerical competence is determined by their adaptability
【小题2】What role does numerical competence play in wolves’ hunting?
A.It helps them form proper hunting groups.B.It gives them more options to hunt.
C.It makes them discover more prey.D.It offers them new skills to hunt.
【小题3】How does the author mainly develop this text?
A.By listing figures.B.By asking questions.
C.By giving examples.D.By making comparisons
【小题4】Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A biology textbook.B.A health magazine.
C.A travel brochure.D.A science report.
