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As I drove along the road, small car flew across the center divider from the opposite direction and crashed into my car head-on. I fell unconscious and was awakened by the ringing of my mobile phone.

I was brought to Kuala Lumpur General Hospital bleeding on from my nose, mouth and legs. But the hospital staff was too busy to attend to me, so I called a friend to tell him about the accident. Some friends arrived very soon and sent me to a private hospital nearby. I saw my injured feet hanging from my body, blue and lifeless, and I begged the doctors to save them at all cost. They calmly promised to do their best.

The doctors made it. After I was discharged, I was given ten months medical leave. My heart sank, knowing that it meant I, a big man, couldn't work. How was I going to support my 65-year-old mother and other family members? I felt completely helpless, but a la of unexpected blessings came my way. When I was recovering at home, friends and relatives helped me with my banking, insurance or simply came to cheer me up.

When the casts(石膏)were removed, I did not let the sight of my weak legs discourage me. I worked hard at my physiotherapy(物理疗法)with only one aim. After eight months, I was walking without the aid of a walking stick. Oh February the following year, I returned to my job again. Today, after eight years, I have travelled to many counties as a tour leader.

The accident makes me realize how lives can change in a second. I value life more, not only of my own but also of everyone I know, and I will always try to help when I know of someone in trouble.

【小题1】What made the author come back to life in the traffic accident?
A.Someone made a call to him.
B.A car crashed into his ear head-on.
C.One of his friends gave him first aid.
D.His mobile phone was out of order suddenly.
【小题2】What does the underlined part "was discharged" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Was inspired.B.Got injured.
C.Was discovered.D.Left hospital.
【小题3】What can we learn about the author from paragraph 4?
A.He is honest and strong.B.He is learned and intelligent.
C.He is optimistic and determined.D.He is discouraged and desperate.
【小题4】What conclusion does the author draw from the accident?
A.Life is very precious to people.B.It's a hard job to be a tour guide.
C.Many people are in trouble in life.D.It's a must for someone to help others.
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I’d just finished some shopping, and was getting ready to leave the supermarket’s parking lot, when I heard music coming from the area of the shopping carts (手推车). I knew it was someone I knew, well — the beggar, I couldn’t really call him.

He never begged. It was more like he was open to accepting presents. He never had a sign out, never spoke and never looked at you to beg. He would just sit quietly on the side of the entrance, out of the way, have a little box outside, and thank everyone very politely who gave him something.

He didn’t look like the many people I knew in my town who lived on the streets. His clothes always looked quite clean. I often wondered how he’d gotten to live on the streets. And he was playing his guitar, just like the last time I’d seen him in summer. He hadn’t noticed me then, being so deep into his music.

I started to talk to him. He told me that he had been an epileptic(癫痫患者) as a child and as a young man now, he couldn’t even get the job the social services try to offer people like him — everybody seemed afraid of the responsibility, even though he’d had no seizure (发作) for the past 13 years.

I started feeling sorry for him, but then he said, “I’ve made my peace with that. I’m happy I got an apartment.” He said he’d gotten so much help, and he wanted to try to give back, starting with the music.

I was so happy that he remembered his love for music, and shared his music with the people passing by. I was glad he found an apartment, and had the inner strength not to let himself down, and as he said, “found my faith again”.

【小题1】In the author’s opinion, what made the man different from other homeless men?
A.He only wanted gifts.
B.He could write music.
C.He always begged near a shop.
D.He always wore clean clothes.
【小题2】Why was the young man unable to find a job?
A.Because he was too weak to work.
B.Because he considered music to be his job.
C.Because others misunderstood his illness.
D.Because bosses were short of responsibility.
【小题3】What was the young man’s attitude towards his present situation?

James Harrison's entire view on life changed at a very young age. At the age of 14, the Australian teen had an operation during which lots of strangers gave blood to help him. Seeing that his life was saved by the kindness of others, James decided to "pay it forward". Four years later, in 1954, he started giving blood.

The doctors soon discovered that James had a very rare type of antibody(抗体)---the anti-D antibody——in his blood.

In fact, the anti-D antibody could be used to deal with a condition called rhesus disease. In this disease, a pregnant(怀孕的)woman’s body recognizes certain markers on her baby's blood cells(细胞)as foreign. The mother's body then starts making lots of antibodies that destroy her baby's red blood cells. This unwanted course can cause serious illnesses during pregnancy, probably resulting in the baby's death。But James's blood was used to create a treatment plan that could stop the mother's body from becoming prepared in this way.

James was the very first person to give blood to Australia's Anti — D Program. James won the title of "the man with the golden arm” because he has given blood for 1. 173 times. He gave blood every two weeks for 60 years. But no matter how many times he's given blood there's one thing that will never change. " Every time I give blood, I never look at my arm. I look elsewhere or at the nurses, maybe talk to them a bit. I can't stand the sight of blood, and I can't stand pain, ” James said.

The Australian Red Cross says that the man's blood has helped save over two million babies. It is no wonder that he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for his great deeds.

【小题1】Why did James Harrison decide to give blood?
A.To earn a living.
B.To repay society.
C.To save a pregnant woman.
D.To help those who saved him.
【小题2】In which way is James Harrisons blood special?
A.It can improve pregnant women's health condition.
B.It can increase pregnant women's red blood cells.
C.It can help babies produce anti-D antibody.
D.It can stop babies dying from rhesus disease.
【小题3】How does James Harrison feel when giving blood?
A.Stressed and sad.
B.Proud and excited.
C.Frightened and nervous.
D.Thankful and encouraged.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.A great hero who saves babies' lives
B.A disease affecting many unborn babies
C.A teenager who suffers from serious illness
D.A pioneer who finds ways to treat rhesus disease

I don’t realize that I’ve been at college for nearly one and half year until now. Looking back into the last year, what shall I say? It consisted of both happiness and sadness. Life always goes like this, up and down, as is so exciting. Now when I recall the past, no matter how I felt at that time, they are all treasures for me.

That was the moon festival last year, which was also the first time we went out after we entered the college. It was said that the sea in Dalian was well-known and was also a wonderful place to watch the moon. After getting all the food and drinking ready, we four girls set off for the seaside. There were many people and we picked up a less crowded beach. At first, we enjoyed ourselves by drinking and eating. When the moon turned brighter, we played with the seawater. As a result, we were all drenched with water. Bathing in the moonlight, we ran and laughed. We seemed to land on another world, where was full of fresh air, laughter and love. The laughter is still echoing(回响) on my mind so far.

Life doesn’t stay the same, occasionally having a particular taste. That is sadness. What impressed me deeply is a failure in a singing competition. It was the first time I had given a performance on such a large stage in front of so many people. I was so nervous that the whole song was performed out of tune. As you could imagine, I was greeted with boos from the audience. I still remembered how dismal I felt that moment and I sat alone crying at the seaside. After that, I talked to mother about it. She told me that it was not a failure; at least, I was brave enough to show myself publicly.

Everything has passed. I’ve stored them at the bottom of my heart. I am in the second grade already. Yet much needs me to challenge. On the way, there's both happiness and distress. However, I will go ahead just all the same.

【小题1】The author of the text is ______.
A.a boyB.a girl
C.the passage doesn’t sayD.none of the above
【小题2】The underlined word “drenched” in the second paragraph has a similar meaning with ______.
C.frozenD.washed away
【小题3】Life, according to the author, is ______.
A.full of happinessB.filled with sadness
C.made up of laughter and tearsD.not worth living
【小题4】How did the audience find the author’s singing?
A.It was wonderfulB.It was disappointing
C.The passage doesn’t sayD.It was perfect
【小题5】Which of the following shows the author’s attitude towards future?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Do wrong once and you’ll never hear the end of it.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.
D.Time and tide wait for no man.
