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LAS VEGAS — It was different in the light of day.

There was no “pop, pop, pop” of gunfire, no screams. Just a quiet lot of cars abandoned by those, like Kassidy Owen, who escaped with their lives.

“It’s strange to hear the silence,” Owen said, “because all I remember was the noise.”

The 22-year-old was one of dozens of concertgoers who returned to the scene of the Route 91 Harvest festival on Wednesday morning to fetch the vehicles they left behind as they fled from a gunman raining down bullets from high above in the tower of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino across the street.

Survivors of the deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday needed their cars to move on with their lives -- to get back to work, to school, home. It was the first time they were returning to a scene that would forever change them, when joy and celebration and music turned into killing and horror.

Before they could move forward, they had to go back to the place where they thought they were going to die.

Owen had run to her car to hide and had tried to drive away, but she couldn’t. People were running, bodies dropped to the ground, and cars bottlenecked in the parking lot. During a brief pause after more than 10 minutes of gunfire, she worried the lights of her SUV made everyone inside a shining target.

“They’re shooting again!” her best friend’s brother screamed. “Turn off the car!”

That’s when she got out and fled.

“I just remember shutting the door and running,” Owen said.

Now, nearly three days later, she was back, sitting in the driver’s seat of her SUV. Her eyes were swollen and red. This was a long way from over.

“You just keep hearing the gunshots in your head,” Owen said.

【小题1】Why did Kassidy Owen return to the scene of terror?
A.To get back her car for daily life.B.To show sympathy to the victims.
C.To search for her missing friends.D.To look into the cause of the shooting.
【小题2】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “bottlenecked” in Paragraph 7?
【小题3】Why did Owen keep hearing the gunshots in her head?
A.Because she had escaped being caught.
B.Because she wanted to find the gunman.
C.Because she couldn’t rid herself of those terrible scenes.
D.Because she had saved others’ lives by turning off the car.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Going back to where they would dieB.Owen’s experience in Las Vegas
C.How to survive in a mass shootingD.Return to the unforgettable scene
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Me : Hello Dad! I’ve an exam today.

He : All the best son! I’m getting a strong feeling. You’ll rock it today. May god bless you!

Me : Thank you dad. Bye! And I hang up the call.

My friend standing beside me chuckles, “Do you do this before every exam?” I answer, “Yes, I feel good and encouraged, and so do they.” It hardly takes a minute to call up your parents, but it gives a lot of confidence and makes their day too.

Not calling up parents is indeed a common mistake college students make. For me the most common mistake is treating it like school. When I went to university, most of the people around me came straight from school. They had the thought like children who were being forced to do something. They skipped classes, sat at the back talking during lectures and even didn’t do the reading! They were still in “school” mode, thinking that the point was to get through it with the least effort.

For my part, I was there after working in a beer factory for three years. I knew that I had gone to university because I wanted to learn. I wasn’t there because my teachers at school made me go, or my parents made me go, or because my friends were all going. I had chosen to go. I think that this put me in a different mind. I read all the set texts and I went to all the lectures and seminars. Don’t get me wrong. I had fun too, but I was there to learn and I learnt a lot. I enjoyed it and it was rewarding to learn about the authors, their works, the critic's opinions etc.

The kids around me thought that reading six novels for a module and going to a lecture for each novel was too much work. They would read one novel, go to the lecture for that one and write their essay on that one book. They thought that they were really clever to work out an easier way of doing it. But they were tricking themselves out of an education!

There are other mistakes that may cause future regrets for the college students. A large number of them focus too hard on getting good grades, showing no interest in out-of-class side projects.   Some complain that they are too busy because of school. As a matter of fact, they do not seriously treat all the free resources that universities have to offer.

【小题1】The writer begins the passage with a dialogue in order to __________.
A.show off his writing skillsB.expect his friend to admire him
C.lead in the topic naturallyD.show he likes making phone calls
【小题2】What do most university students usually do in the opinion of the writer?
A.They attend every class for free chatting.
B.They show little interest in active learning.
C.They avoid reading books all the time.
D.They highly praise independent learning.
【小题3】Why did the writer want to go to college?
A.Because his parents forced him to.B.Because he learned from his friend.
C.Because his teachers asked him to.D.Because he was dying for knowledge.
【小题4】What do the underlined sentences in Paragraph 5 mean?
A.They lost their learning chances without noticing it.
B.They made up excuses for their laziness in learning.
C.They often pretended to be working hard at everything.
D.They told lies about what they were doing in college.
【小题5】According to the passage, college students are supposed to __________.
A.stop being hard on themselves academically
B.make the most of the university they go to
C.have some relaxation after taking classes
D.feel thankful for what they are doing now

We’ve all experienced that feeling that comes when your phone makes a sound to tell you that its battery level is low. It often comes at the worst times – when you’re out on a trip and don’t have a charger, or when you’re expecting an important phone call.

Indeed, this feeling is so common that South Korean electronics manufacturer LG has given it a name: low battery anxiety.

According to a survey of 2,000 US adults conducted by the company last year, 90 percent of respondents said that they panic if their battery level reaches 20 percent or lower.

And last month, UK telecommunications service provider 02 found that around 15.5 million Britons live in “constant fear” of their mobile phones running out of power, according to a survey by the company.

“The problem is not about being unable to make calls, but is rooted in the fact that smartphones are now where we store digital memories,” noted the Daily Mail.

However, battery worries don’t just affect smartphone lovers. Many owners of electric vehicles also suffer from so-called “range anxiety”. This refers to the concern that the vehicle may not make it to its destination before the power runs out.

Meanwhile, it isn’t just low power that people worry about. A study carried out by South Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University and China’s City University of Hong Kong found that many of us also worry about not having constant access to our phone.

This condition is known as nomophobia, short for “no mobile phone phobia(恐惧症)”. Symptoms include feeling uncomfortable when access to one’s phone isn’t possible, being unable to turn off your phone, and constantly topping up the battery to make sure it never dies.

So, why do so many people treat their smartphone with such importance? The underlying reason may be that they keep us connected to the people around us, and if we’re unable to use our phone, we feel like we’re cut off from our social life.

With products with bigger batteries being released all the time though - such as Xiaomi’s Mi Max smartphone range or Tesla’s Model S cars – battery anxiety may hopefully soon be a thing of the past.

【小题1】The major reason for people’s “low battery anxiety” lies in ________.
A.They cannot afford to miss important calls.
B.They may lose contact with their friends when they’re out on a trip.
C.The charger is not available when needed.
D.They have no access to the digital memories stored in the phone.
【小题2】The following conditions indicate that you are likely to experience “nomophobia” EXCEPT that ________.
A.you attach great importance to connecting with the outside world
B.you find yourself searching for your phone when it is not at hand
C.you constantly charge your phone to almost full
D.you always keep your phone on
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.All of the respondents do not panic when their battery level is lower than 20%.
B.People who experience “range anxiety” worry about the quality of their car.
C.People value their phone because they want to participate in more social activities.
D.All these problems will be solved if products with bigger batteries are released.
【小题4】What’s the writer’s attitude towards the solution to low battery anxiety?

Lia Thomas, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, is an excellent swimmer. She often beats her rivals by tens of seconds, breaking records. Her success is based on three things. One is natural talent. Another is relentless training. And the third is biology. For although she identifies as a woman, Ms Thomas was born male. Since humans cannot change their sex, she remains that way.

On the eve of her biggest competition, Ms Thomas finds herself at the centre of the bad-tempered debate about whether trans-women -- males who identify as women -- should compete in women’s sports. That, in turn, is part of a broader argument: should brute biological facts sometimes override people’s deeply held feelings about their identities?

This newspaper believes it is almost always unfair to allow transgender women to compete in women’s sports. The advantages of male are so big that no amount of training or talent can enable female athletes to overcome them. Florence Griffith Joyner’s 100-metre world record has stood for three decades. A male matching it would not even make it to the Olympics, let alone the final. In 2016, at an American event for high-schoolers, four of the eight boys in the 100-metre final ran faster.

Sports must therefore choose between inclusion and fairness; and they should choose fair play. That does not mean that trans-women would be barred from all sports. One way to make that clear would be to replace the “men’s” and “women’s” categories with “open” and “female” ones. The first would be open to all comers. The second would be restricted on the basis of biology.

Sport is public, and results can be measured objectively. That means the argument that the material facts of biology should sometimes outrank a person’s subjective sense of identity is easier to make. Some of these arguments will be twisted by those who wish trans-people ill. Such prejudice exists, which should be resisted, too. Most of the time, it costs little or nothing to respect people’s choices about how they wish to present themselves. In the rare cases where rights clash, society must weigh the trade-offs sensitively and with open eyes.

【小题1】Which of the following is NOT the reason for Lia’s success?
A.She is a genius in swimming.
B.She devotes herself to swimming around the clock.
C.She has undergone physical enhancement tailored to swimming.
D.Her physical features afford her advantages.
【小题2】The underlined word “override” in paragraph 2 possibly means ________.
【小题3】The instance of Florence Griffith Joyner in Paragraph 3 is intended to demonstrate ________.
A.no amount of training or talent can enable female athletes to overcome their identities.
B.women’s records pale in comparison with those of male high-schoolers’.
C.in the case of trans-women, being inclusive shouldn’t matter more than fairness.
D.the gender physical gap which is next to impossible for females to conquer.
【小题4】Which of the following is a proper title for the passage?
A.The Legal Rights of Trans-women
B.The Balance between Respect and Fairness
C.Transgender Athletes in the Olympics
D.How to Appropriately Categorize the Olympics
