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Recent studies suggest that people who suffer multiple brain injuries are at significant risk for developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a brain disorder that causes a variety of dangerous mental and emotional problems to arise weeks, months, or even years after the initial injury. These psychological problems can include depression, anxiety, memory loss, inability to concentrate and so on. The majority of people who develop these issues are athletes who participate in popular high-impact sports, especially football.

Although new sports regulations and improvements in helmet technology can help protect players, amateur leagues, the sports media, and fans all bear some of the responsibility for reducing brain injuries. In response to the growing understanding of this danger, the National Football League (NFL) has revised its safety regulations. In an effort to diminish the amount of head and neck injuries on the field. NFL officials began enforcing stricter penalty calls for helmet-to-helmet contact, leading with the head, and hitting a defenseless player. Furthermore, as of 2010, if a player’s helmet is accidentally wrenched from his head during play, the ball is immediately whistled dead. It is hoped that these new regulations, coupled with advances in helmet design, will reduce the number of brain injuries, and thus curb further cases of CTE.

However, new regulations at the professional level cannot protect amateur players, especially young people. Deadly cases of CTE have been reported in victims as young as 21. Youth, high school and college leagues should also adopt safety rules even stricter than those of the NFL. Furthermore, young athletes should be educated about the serious dangers of head injuries at an early age. Perhaps the most important factor in reducing the number of brain injuries, however, lies not with the players,the coaches, or the administrators, but with the media and fans. Sports media producers have become accustomed to showcasing the most aggressive tackles and the most intense plays. NFL broadcasts often replay especially violent collisions while the commentators marvel at the players physical prowess. Some sports highlights television programs even feature weekly countdowns of the “hardest hits”. When the media exalts such dangerous behavior, professionals are rewarded for injuring each other on the field and amateurs become more likely to try to imitate their favorite NFL athletes. Announcers, commentators, television producers, and sportswriters should engage in a collective effort to cease glorifying brutal plays. In turn, fans should stop expecting their favorite players to put their lives on the line for the purposes of entertainment.

【小题1】Based on information in the passage, it can be inferred that all of the following statements are true except that____________.
A.brain injuries can lead to various mental and emotional problems
B.NFL officials have done little to address the problem of CTE
C.it is not enough to adopt new regulations to reduce brain injuries at the professional level
D.sports media is to blame for encouraging brutal plays that often result in brain injuries
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the factor that contributes to CTE in amateur players?
A.inconsistent application of safety regulations for all levels.
B.lack of education about the dangers of head injuries.
C.amateur players’ desire to imitate professionals.
D.the adoption of stricter safety rules by youth, high school, and college leagues.
【小题3】Which of the following can best replace “exalts” in the last paragraph?
【小题4】The writer of the passage mainly wants to ____________.
A.share his knowledge about CET caused by brain injuries
B.warn his readers against playing football to avoid brain injuries
C.call public attention to the new regulations adopted by NFL
D.convey his ideas about the problem of CET
知识点:疾病 竞技/比赛议论文语意转化逻辑推理目的意图词义猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

About six years ago, I started having panic attacks. I began my journey to solve them with traditional tools, all of which were a great help. Thankfully, a year later treatment was no longer needed.

Frustratingly, about a year after that, I started to develop depression and began to have panic attacks once again. I tried what I knew best and went back to my previous tools, but I was still struggling and far from feeling well again until I got some new advice.

I loved to sing when I was young. My childhood had been filled with creativity, yet for most of my adult life, it was overlooked. A doctor told me that mental health problems are common among the creative minds of the world when creativity is suppressed(压制). To regain it, I decided to get back into singing. Then I joined a group called Sound, a pop band. Much better, I found the courage to audition(试音). I was amazed that I managed to get through such a risky situation and not have a panic attack. The audition itself was a win for me, never mind how I did.

I have now been a member of the band for three years. I love the performance. It reminds me of who I was at school. My path back then was always "do what you love". My entire education was filled with fond memories because of that, and I was starting to build that back into my adult life. Now, I am feeling a lot better. When I panic, distraction is key and singing does help. It sends me into a state in which my body works with pure   joy. More importantly, I will have exercised my creativity and never feel panic.

【小题1】What helped the author recover from panic at first?
A.New advice.B.Live performances.
C.An audition.D.Traditional tools.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “it” in the 3rd paragraph refer to?
A.The bandB.My childhood
【小题3】Which statement is true according to the 3rd paragraph?
A.The audition was a success for me.
B.I joined a pop band for an audition.
C.I used to be good at singing when young.
D.Performance reminds me of who I was at school.
【小题4】What might be the best title for the passage?
A.Fight with PanicB.Live with Depression
C.Sing for JoyD.Go for Creativity

Recently, researchers at Yale did a groundbreaking study that found that parents had enormous power to reduce their child’s anxiety,even if the child didn’t do anything different.

The study involved 124 parents and their children, aged 7 to 14, who had been diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Half the children received 12 weekly sessions of cognitive(认知的)behaviour therapy(治疗). The other half received no therapy at all,but their parents received 12 weekly sessions to guide them on how to respond to anxiety in their children.

Parent therapy focused on helping parents reduce their accommodation behaviour, which are the behaviour that make anxiety more possible. These behaviour included parents supporting avoidance, over-comforting, changing the environment to avoid anything that might fuel anxiety, accommodating obsessive-compulsive(强迫症)behaviour(either by joining in or making way for them). For example,if a parent received loads of text messages a day from an anxious child, that parent gradually reduced the number of text messages he or she sent back to two or three. Parents of children who were refusing or avoiding school because of anxiety-driven stomachaches were taught to respond with something like,“I know you are feeling upset right now, and I know you will be okay,”before sending the child to school.

The results were remarkable. Children in both groups showed the same reduction in anxiety, regardless of whether they or their parents received suggestions. On top of this, the relationship between the parent and child was better in the group where only the parents received therapy. If you have stood with a child during anxiety,you would probably be way too aware of the sense of helplessness that can swamp them. When anxiety lays a heavy hand, it can understandably be tough for our children to open up to doing something different. What this research is telling us is that we don’t need them to. Even without involving their children, parents have enormous power to reduce anxiety in their children by changing the way they respond to anxiety.

【小题1】What are the two therapies intended for?
A.One for children and one for parents.
B.Both for children’s cognitive behaviour.
C.Both for parents’ anxiety and behaviour.
D.Both for children with anxiety and bad deeds.
【小题2】Why should parents reduce sent-back messages when receiving so many?
A.To let experts give some advice.
B.To show their ignorance to them.
C.To reduce the children’s anxiety.
D.To give children too much comfort.
【小题3】What does the result of the research show to us?
A.Children’s ways to deal with anxiety are vital.
B.Parents’ proper behaviors are more important.
C.Children’s cognitive behaviors should be guided.
D.Children are short of experience in treating anxiety.
【小题4】What should a parent do in treating children’s anxiety?
A.Change himself.B.Give advice quickly.
C.Take them to doctors.D.Get into their behaviors.

Frequently, we speak about people being “color-blind” but very few of us are. Even those who describe themselves as color-blind are normally just color lack. A strongly, color-blind person will still be able to tell 20 different colors, compared to the 100 or so that normal-sighted people see.

Pingelap, a tiny island in the Pacific, is a beautiful spot but one that has a genetic trouble. It is known as Color-blind Island because so many people who live on this remote island can only see black and white.

Not being able to see colors is bad enough. But one islander, Herrol, who’s a fisherman, also struggles in full sunlight because all he sees is a painful burnt-out image. “I find it difficult to go outside in the sun,” he says, “because when it’s sunny I cannot see to do my work.”

But if being truly color-blind is rare, why is it that around 10% of the population of Pingelap live in a totally black and white world?

Well, we know that in 1780 the population of Pingelap was all but wiped out by a tsunami (海啸). As few as 20 people survived, one of whom was the king. It’s believed he had a genetic fault that causes colour-blindness and he passed this fault on to his many generations.

There is one advantage. Herrol can see well, really well, in the dark. So when it gets dark, Herrol and his friends get in their boats and hunt flying fish. They hang up flaming torches and the fish are attracted to the flames. “This type of fishing is fun,” Herrol says, “especially if we catch plenty. So even though it's hard work we enjoy it.”

【小题1】What makes Pingelap special?
A.A mentally troubled island.B.A beautiful island.
C.A colour-blind island.D.A tiny island.
【小题2】Which statement about Herrol is probably correct?
A.He doesn’t live in Pingelap any more.
B.He likes taking photos very much.
C.He is interested in burnt-out images.
D.He may stay at home when it’s sunny.
【小题3】About one-tenth of people in Pingelap are seriously color-blind because ________.
A.the king’s genetic fault played a role
B.the king had an unlucky marriage
C.the king made a serious mistake
D.Pingelap often suffers from tsunamis
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.The advantage of color blindnessB.The island of color blindness
C.The disadvantage of HerrolD.The history of Pingelap
