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California will be the first state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur products.【小题1】It will go into effect on January 1, 2023.

California’s fur law was one of several bills designed to prevent cruelty to animals. “California is a leader when it comes to animal protection and today that leadership includes banning the sale of fur, ” said Governor Newsom in a news report. “【小题2】We are making a statement to the world that beautiful wild animals like bears and tigers have no place on trapeze (高空秋千) wires or jumping through flames.”【小题3】More than a dozen European countries, including the United Kingdom, Austria, Norway and the Netherlands have also passed laws to limit the fur trade.

【小题4】“The signing of the ban shows the point that today’s customers simply don’t want wild animals to suffer extreme pain and fear while keeping up with the fashion,” said Kitty Block, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States and president of Humane Society International. Not everyone, however, was pleased with the ban. Banning the killing of animals for their fur means killing the fur business, says Hyatt, an owner of a fur store.【小题5】

Many retailers are also ending fur sales. In mid-October, Macy’s (American’s department store) announced it will stop fur from all its stores by the end of 2020. The stores will also close all fur vaults and salons. Other fashion brands such as Prada, Gucci, Michael Kors and Burberry have taken similar steps in recent years.

A.But we are doing more than that.
B.California is taking the lead in protecting animals.
C.Similar laws have been carried out globally already.
D.And that in turn will leave many people unemployed.
E.Two other California cities had already banned fur sales.
F.Not surprisingly, the ban is welcomed by animal rights activists.
G.The ban applies to clothing, shoes, handbags and other things that contain fur.
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Located in northern Manitoba on the west side of Hudson Bay, Churchill is out in the middle of nowhere. But polar bears like it that way. They spend summers on the tundra (苔原) around Churchill. In the fall, they wait anxiously along the shore of Hudson Bay for the ice to form. Then they go out onto the frozen sea to hunt ringed seals their favorite food. October and November are the best polar-bear viewing times. From tundra vehicles, visitors to Churchill observe the bears. Some enjoy day trips or stay overnight on large tundra vehicles that have private cabins and eating facilities. Others stay at a wilderness lodge on the bears’ migration route to view the vigorous creatures. These lodges can be reached only by air and feature luxury food and living arrangements.

Despite the large number of polar bears that visit Churchill each year, there is growing concern about the animals’ future. Because the earth is getting warmer, the ice forms later in the year now and disappears sooner in the spring. As a result, polar bears have less time to hunt for seals. Polar bears can also find smaller animals, bird eggs and berries on land, but this kind of food is not sufficient to support the animals.

Polar bears are also affected by plastic and chemicals that get into the ocean. A research project carried out in northern Europe has found high concentrations of both plastic and chemicals in the tissue of polar bears. These materials and substances can damage the animals’ internal organs, especially when the animals are not yet mature. Many people are researching polar bear health. Their goal is to gather the information that is needed to help save these animals.

【小题1】What does this article imply about Churchill?
A.It’s located in a very remote area.
B.It’s attracting fewer tourists now.
C.It’s surrounded by smaller towns.
D.It’s dependent on the oil industry.
【小题2】What does this article explain about polar bears?
A.The ways in which they threaten people
B.The most important elements of their diets
C.The mating behavior that they exhibit
D.The time of year when they give birth
【小题3】How is the polar bears’ seal winter hunting season changing?
A.It’s starting earlier.
B.It’s becoming colder.
C.It’s finishing later.
D.It’s getting shorter.
【小题4】What can we learn about polar bears from this article?
A.How they avoid traffic accidents
B.How they learn good habits from one another
C.How they’re endangered by pollution
D.How they find a hiding place during bad weather

Volunteers make sweaters for elephants in India

It isn’t often that zookeepers call on craftspeople for help. But cold weather at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center in northern India was putting elephants at risk. So the center’s staff joined forces with locals to find a creative way to keep the animals warm. Now the elephants are stepping out in style, thanks to volunteers who take advantage of their crafting talents to knit (编织) enormous sweaters to protect the animals.

Wildlife SOS is a conservation group that has been taking action against animal cruelty and saving wildlife in pain since 1995. Their Elephant Conservation and Care Center is dedicated (致力于) to rescuing the gentle giants from abuse and exploitation (剥削) in circuses, illegal hunting, and other circumstances where they have been neglected or treated with extreme cruelty. There are currently 20 elephants living at the center, and the staff hopes to take in 50 more of the creatures this year.

Because most of the elephants housed at the center are recovering from injuries or are elderly and weak, they are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures. When staff reported near-freezing nighttime temperatures this winter, volunteers from surrounding villages began knitting enormous sweaters to keep the elephants warm. The sweaters are large enough to cover the elephants’ backs, bellies, and legs.

Making the sweaters is a big undertaking-each one takes approximately four weeks to create, with volunteers working together on the huge garments. Still, the volunteers make sure that the knits arc not only warm and comfortable, but they are also colorful, and even fashionable. Centered on a common, compassionate goal, the project helps promote a sense of community in all who participate.

【小题1】Why do people make sweaters for the elephants?
A.To dress the elephants up for performances.
B.To help the elephants keep warm.
C.To make the elephants step out in style.
D.To show off their outstanding knitting talents.
【小题2】How many elephants are expected to live at the center at the end of this year?
【小题3】The underlined part “vulnerable to” probably means “________”.
A.easy to be harmed by.B.connected with.C.getting used to.D.able to deal with.
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Volunteers are often called on to knit sweaters for elephants.
B.Elephants are always treated well in India.
C.Wildlife SOS is an organization that knits sweaters for animals.
D.It takes great trouble to knit sweaters for elephants.

A dog is man’s best friend, and quite a few scientific studies have proved that dogs can improve human health in many ways.【小题1】We all know the benefits of exercise, but it can be a struggle to get moving every day. A dog provides strong motivation and develops your interest in a daily walk or running schedule. 【小题2】

Many people living alone worry about thieves and those who illegally enter their houses, and a dog can help make its owner feel safe. 【小题3】Dogs generally have remarkable hearing and can warn you at the first sign of something strange. Maybe your dog is older and struggles to move around, but you can still rest easy knowing that your dog will get to a thief before you do.

【小题4】Dogs provide you with a valuable chance to meet and interact with other people. Even if you’re shy, it’s easy to start a conversation with another person if you’re both talking about your animals. Trips to a vet (兽医), visits to the dog park and meeting with other pet owners also provide you with great chances to interact.【小题5】You’ll quickly find yourself making new friends in addition to learning a lot about your best friend—your pet!

In a fast-paced and high-pressure world, mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression have reached a new. But, comparatively speaking, pet owners have fewer mental illness, and animals are even used as an effective therapy for people suffering from mental illnesses.

A.Dogs give us motivation to take exercise.
B.Thieves are less likely to break into a house with a barking dog.
C.Dog owners are also less stressed than people who don’t own dogs.
D.Moreover, you’ll consume extra calories when taking exercise with your dog.
E.People who have healthy interactions with others tend to live longer and be happier.
F.If you struggle with negative emotions, an animal can help you avoid focusing on them.
G.If you’re still anxious about meeting new people, join an online group with similar pets.
