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Studies show that humans and cats have been living together for about 9,500 years. Dogs have lived with humans longer than cats, and dogs have been trained to do what people want them to do.

As cat owners know well, cats do not follow humans in the same way dogs do. As a result, many people have come to think that maybe cats do not understand human language. A report shows that cats understand human language well enough to recognize their own names. The report tells a series of experiments with house cats in Japan. In these tests, people said four words that were similar to cats' names, and each word had the same number of syllables and some of the same sounds.

The cats seemed to lose interest after the speaker said a few of the words. Then the person said the cats' names. The cats moved their ears when they heard their names. They also moved their feet.

In another part of the experiment,Japanese researchers went to a cat café, a business where humans can come to spend time with cats. They compared house cats to cats that live at the cat cafe. When people said the names of the cats staying in the cat café, these house cats reacted as much to the names of the cats living at the cat cafe just as to their own names. The researchers thought this was because visitors may give food to the cats when they reacted.

The researchers hope that the findings from their study will help both cats and people. They add that perhaps cats can learn words to warn them of dangerous things or places.

【小题1】What does the report show?
A.Dogs can recognize their names.B.Cats know nothing about humans.
C.Cats understand some human language.D.Dogs have lived with humans shorter than cats.
【小题2】How did the cats react when they heard their names in the tests?
A.They moved their ears.B.They made a big noise.
C.They moved off the speaker.D.They touched the speaker with their feet.
【小题3】Why did the Japanese researchers go to the cat café?
A.To take care of cats.B.To do an experiment with cats.
C.To buy some cat food.D.To drink coffee.
【小题4】What's the main idea of the passage?
A.The cats like to live with human beings.B.The cats can understand what human says.
C.The cats and dogs both are friends of human.D.Human like dogs better than the cats.
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This past summer, hundreds of fish in Canada beat the heat in human- made plumes (一股) of cold water. The approach could help protect cold-water species as climate change warms rivers.

Fish can become stressed or even die when the water gets too hot. In rivers, Atlantic salmon and other cold-water species sometimes escape the heat by flocking to cooler zones. Such chill sites may be found near groundwater springs or small rivers and streams flowing into larger waterways.

“People have done a lot to preserve and add to these natural shelters,” said Kathryn Smith, a civil engineer in Canada at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her team works on the new river-chilling project. Until now, she says, “There hasn’t really been an emphasis if we can create cold-water habitat.”

To test the idea, her team pumped (抽送) groundwater from a nearby well into the Wrights River in Nova Scotia. The groundwater was 9℃. This created an artificial plume of cool water. It was up to 20℃ cooler than the surrounding water.

This plume attracted several hundred fish of different life stages and species. These included Atlantic salmon, most of which were very young. These small young fish hung out in the plume throughout the test. But when a heat wave raised river temperatures to about 30℃, older fish took shelter in the plume, too.

The team also tried a second approach. They rerouted some water from the river into an underground trench (沟渠). Here, the water cooled a bit before flowing back into the river. This method cooled part of the river without needing a pump. The water temperature fell by only a few degrees Celsius this way. But even so, fish were spotted in the cooled flow throughout the summer.

Though small, these early tests show a “proof of concept”. That means the approaches show promise but they aren’t yet ready for wide use. “More work lies ahead to decide the needed number of cooling site s to really help fish communities,” says Kathryn Smith.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “chill” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】What is the purpose of Smith’s team’s project?
A.To create cold- water species’ habitat.B.To learn more about Atlantic waters.
C.To offer information about climate change.D.To protect the environment around Atlantic.
【小题3】What does Smith’s team’s project tell us?
A.The first approach is much more practical.B.Pumping cold water could help fish beat the heat.
C.The artificial plume fails to attract big fish.D.The water temperature of the plume is higher.
【小题4】What should Smith’s team figure out in the future?
A.How to help fish avoid attack.B.When to make wide use of the approaches.
C.How many cooling sites are needed.D.Why to make the approaches understandable.

Have you ever been hungry and sleepy and wished you could solve both problems at once? If you were a reindeer (驯鹿) , it would be easy. According to a new research, these talented deer can have a snooze while they eat their food.

Reindeer live in the Arctic and other northern regions where the winters are extremely dark and cold. Food can be rare in winter, so during the warmer months the deer must eat as much as they possibly can.

Like cows, reindeer use a process called rumination (反刍) to break down the tough plant they eat. This process involves passing the food back and forth between their mouth and the four “stomachs”, chewing it repeatedly until all the nutrients (营养) have been absorbed. In summer, all that chewing seems to leave very little time for sleep.

To find out their secret to getting enough rest, scientists fitted four reindeer with devices that monitored their brain waves. While the reindeer were ruminating, their brain waves were similar to the patterns shown during sleep. The animals sat or stood quietly with their eyes closed, and they were less likely than usual to react to. the movements of a neighbouring deer. “They were in a very relaxed state, ” researcher Melanie Furrer said.

The chewing movement made it hard for the researchers to tell whether, the animals’ brain waves were truly in sleep mode. But when they tested the deer again after rumination, the animals' brain activity showed that they felt rested.

If reindeer are kept awake for too long, they need extra “recovery sleep” to catch up. After ruminating, however, the deer did not need as much recovery sleep. Study co-author Gabriela Wagner said that ruminating serves two different purposes at the same time —eating and sleeping.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “snooze” most probably mean?
A.Quick drink.B.Short walk.C.Light sleep.D.Bad dream.
【小题2】Why do reindeer eat so much in summer?
A.To keep awake.B.To practice chewing.
C.To taste better plants.D.To prepare for winter.
【小题3】How do reindeer get enough sleep they need?
A.They sleep when drinking.B.They sleep when ruminating.
C.They sleep when not moving.D.They sleep when not thinking.
【小题4】Where does this text probably come from?
A.A health magazine.B.A book review.
C.A science report.D.A research plan.

When you praise a dog, it’s listening to not just the words you say but also how you say them. That might not be huge news to dog owners. But now researchers have explored this phenomenon by using an imaging machine to look inside the brains of 13 dogs as they listened to their owners’ voice.

The reward pathway in the dogs’ brains lit up when they heard both praising words and an approving intonation (语调)—but not when they heard random (随机的) words spoken in a praising tone or praising words spoken in a flat tone, according to the researchers.

“Dogs deal with both what we say and how we say it in a way which is amazingly similar to how humans do it,” says Attila Andics, a neuroscientist in Hungary. When dogs hear speech, he explains, they seem to separate the meaning of words from the intonation. Then the left hemisphere (半球) of the brain deals with meaning, while intonation is dealt with in the right hemisphere.

All the dogs in the study were willing volunteers and were trained not to move in the scanner (扫描器). The dogs could get up and leave the machine whenever they wanted. But it was clear to the dogs that their human companions loved it when they did this very easy task. “They were really happy to take part,” says Andics. “The difficulty of the training was that they can’t move more than 3 millimeters in any direction, otherwise we will have to throw out all of the data.”

He says most dog owners have experimented with trying to “trick” their dogs by saying nonsense words in a cheerful, happy tone of voice. “I think the big difference here is that they only heard us, and they didn’t see us,” says Andics, because the dogs were inside the machine. “Here, the only information they had was the speech signal. What we saw is that for praise to be dealt with as a reward, when there is no other supporting information, both word meaning and intonation have to fit.”

【小题1】What is regarded as a reward by dogs according to the study?
A.Praising words in a flat tone.B.Random words in a flat tone.
C.Praising words in a praising tone.D.Random words in a praising tone.
【小题2】How do dogs deal with what they hear?
A.Focus more on the meaning.B.Focus more on the intonation.
C.Use information from their peers.D.Use the two parts of the brain.
【小题3】What is a hard part of the training in Andics’opinion?
A.Looking into the dogs’ brain activity.
B.Training dogs to stay still in the machine.
C.Keeping dogs separated from their owners.
D.Asking dogs to get up and leave the scanner.
【小题4】Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Dogs Understand Tone and Meaning of Words
B.Dogs Indeed Know How to Praise
C.Dogs Can Recognize Owners’ Voices
D.Dogs Can Read Man’s Moods
