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What defines an eco-house? There are two features to take into consideration. Firstly, the energy efficiency and carbon emissions associated with running the house, and then the type of construction materials used, their associated emissions and the raw materials required.

At Baufritz, we have won awards relating to the sustainability of our houses. This is because as a company we had decided to put environmental stewardship at the core of our values way back in the 1960s. So how do we do it?

Heating is the biggest emissions factor for any house. It is really rather simple to solve this problem — make a house extremely energy efficient and this will no longer be a factor. Ultra low energy houses have become known as Passive houses, where a certain set of design characteristics help to improve efficiencies. You need a very high level of insulation in the walls and roof. Glass should be suitably positioned to optimize solar gaintucmrr (heat from the sun). The house needs to be very well engineered so no heat is lost through cracks or poorly fitted windows and doors. At Baufritz we manufacture Kit houses, and use Modern Manufacturing Methods in our factory to engineer our houses in such a way that leaks are minimized.

We have also developed “HOIZ” insulation. Manufactured from natural wood waste products, HOIZ is placed between the inside and outside layers of our timber framed houses to create the highest level of insulation. Our windows and doors use triple glazing to minimize heat loss. Overheating is one of the biggest challenges Passive houses face and our architects use some very clever ventilation systems   to manage   internal   environmental   conditions.   All   houses   still   have   energy-consuming appliances, but with the addition of solar for both electricity generation and water heating, the carbon footprint of the homes we produce are further reduced.

Embedded carbon in building manufacturing materials such as concrete, as well as a historic tendency to send materials to landfills, results in a high carbon footprint and natural resource exploitation. Baufritz addresses this problem in a number of ways. Our primary manufacturing material is wood. We source from sustainable certified forests where felled trees are replanted. In fact, we believe all building materials should be as natural as possible. We say no to PU construction foams, chemical insulation materials, toxic adhesives and laminate flooring. A house constructed using only natural materials creates a healthy living environment for its residents. As all our houses are manufactured in our state-of-the-art factory, waste is kept to an absolute minimum. At the end of their life-cycle, our houses can also be recycled. Today, demolition(拆除)firms clearing the site for the new build are able to recycle nearly all of the building materials, therefore closing the manufacturing loop.

My house is old, so why is this relevant? There are still lots of things which can be done. Improve your insulation. When your appliances expire, replace based on efficiency. Consider heat pumps instead of gas boilers and explore solar to deliver electricity and water heating. By designing and building houses to ultra low energy standards, and by using natural sustainably sourced materials and recycling the waste products from our manufacturing processes, we are able to deliver Carbon Neutral Houses. This means that the total carbon footprint throughout the life-cycle of each house is zero, which is why we call ourselves eco-house pioneers. All houses are prefabricated at our state-of-the-art factory in Erkheim, Germany, and then assembled on site.

【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT associated with the sustainability of eco-houses?
A.The raw materials used.
B.Energy efficiency of the house.
C.Carbon emissions released by house designers.
D.Construction materials used and their emissions.
【小题2】From the passage it can be inferred that Passive houses _____________.
A.fail to optimize solar gain
B.need to be carefully engineered to trap heat
C.use more energy-consuming appliances than Kit houses
D.could have less comfortable environmental conditions inside them
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true about the way Baufritz builds houses?
A.House recycling is an additional service provided free by Baufritz.
B.Building materials are obtained from factories to ensure their quality.
C.Man-made materials are applied to reduce their impact on the environment.
D.The houses are all manufactured in their factory so as to reduce costs and waste.
【小题4】The purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.argue for the necessity of eco-houses
B.advertise Baufritz, an eco-house builder
C.explain the underlying values of eco-houses
D.expand people’s knowledge of what eco-houses are
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Trees can benefit the environment in a vast number of ways. Not only do they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, thus providing the basis of the environment which sustains all life on Earth, but they can also clear the air of pollutants and dangerous substances. Due to this, they are often used by urban planners to reduce air and noise pollution, as well as beautify areas. However, when it comes to their role as pollution-fighters in cities, trees also have some downsides. Firstly, they take a long time to grow and secondly, dense (密集的) urban areas are also not ideal for planting large numbers of trees, and it is often these areas that are most in need of pollution reduction.

That’s why a Mexican startup, BiomiTech, has created an artificial tree called “BioUrban” that can do the work of an entire small forest. The tree, which uses a special microalgae (微藻) developed by BiomiTech to carry out the processes of natural trees, could be one way of improving air quality in areas lacking in green spaces.

Measuring 4.2 meters tall and nearly 3 meters wide, the BioUrban looks something like a cross between a tree and a post-modernist high-rise, with a steel trunk that radiates rising bands of concentric metal. After polluted air has entered the BioUrban, the algae gets to work, using natural processes to turn the pollutants into clean oxygen. The company claims that a single BioUrban could do the work of around 368 real trees —pumping out 2,890 clean breathfuls of air a day.

Mexico is certainly no stranger to air pollution. On average, Mexico City often has a suspended air pollutant density twice the World Health Organization’s maximum recommended amount. It is not uncommon in Mexico City for schools to be closed, and people urged to stay indoors, due to the levels of pollution in the city.

The vast majority of this pollution comes from the city’s estimated 3 million cars. The dense urban nature of the city also means it is often difficult to create meaningfully sized parks in certain areas. It is BiomiTech’s goal to provide viable(切实可行的) solutions for these locations, and to reduce air pollution in certain targeted areas, such as around schools, hospitals and homes for the elderly, as well as places frequented by pedestrians.

Currently, BiomiTech has installed three BioUrban trees across Central and South America One has been “planted” in Puebla, Mexico -- the home of BiomiTech, while the others have been sent to Colombia and Peru. Turkey has recently put in an order for two BioUrbans, while Mexico City and Monterrey in northern Mexico are also eyeing up the project.

Despite the claims of efficiency of the BioUrban, Jaime Ferrier, a founding partner in BiomiTech, is also eager to insist BiomiTech isn’t out to supersede trees in urban areas, only to provide solutions for areas where planting trees is not viable.

【小题1】What does the author mainly want to show in Paragraph 1?
A.Growing trees isn’t that helpful today.B.Dense urban areas lack trees for a reason.
C.Trees are really beneficial to the environment.D.Using trees to fight pollution in cities has limitations
【小题2】What can we learn about the BioUrban?
A.It looks exactly like a real tree.B.It can handle air pollutants efficiently.
C.It can root out the urban air pollution.D.It can’t produce much oxygen at present.
【小题3】Why is Mexico City mentioned in the passage?
A.To tell us about the harm of air pollution.B.To show such cities really need the BioUrban.
C.To draw attention to the city’s pollution problemD.To explain why BiomiTech invented the BioUrban.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “supersede” in the last paragraph mean?

A world in which extinct creatures could be brought back to life came a step closer yesterday. Australian scientists have managed to extract a gene from a preserved sample of a Tasmanian tiger and make it active. The breakthrough has left them dreaming that one day they will be able to recreate the animal, which died out more than 70 years ago. And if it can be done with the Tasmanian tiger, it may also be possible to resurrect (复活) creatures that have been extinct for far longer.

“There used to be a time when extinction meant forever, but no more, ” said Professor Mike Archer. “We are now able to seriously challenge whether those animals that have gone for ever. What has been achieved is a very important step in bringing back those animals that are extinct. And while I think that technically it is still pretty difficult at the moment, we can now see the possibilities. I’m personally convinced that the Tasmanian tiger will be brought back to life in my lifetime.”

The breakthrough came after nine years of experiments by scientists at the University of Melbourne, who extracted a gene from one of several tigers preserved in alcohol in a Melbourne museum. They removed the equivalent gene from a mouse embryo implanted the tiger gene and then watched as the mouse continued to grow normally, suggesting the tiger gene had been activated.

Team leader Dr. Andrew Pask said it was the first time DNA from an extinct species had been used to “induce (引起) a functional response in another living organism”.

However, the animal’s entire gene structure would have to be revived in the same way to even begin the possibility of bringing the Tasmanian tiger back from the dead.

Mick Mooney, a wildlife officer of the Tasmanian Government, was worried that such developments could encourage people’s indifference to the protection of endangered species.

“If people think that we can bring animals back to life after they’ve gone, they will start saying that there is nothing to worry about because we can fix it up later.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “breakthrough” in the l paragraph refer to?
A.Scientists have recreated new animals.
B.Scientists have resurrected endangered animal.
C.It has turned out that some creatures would not go extinct.
D.A tiger gene has been extracted successfully and activated.
【小题2】Scientists are carrying out the experiments in order to ________.
A.bring extinct animals back to life
B.transplant the genes of tigers into other animals
C.find out what factors lead to the animals’ extinction
D.find a new way to extract animals’ DNA
【小题3】Mike Archer thinks that ________.
A.scientists now have no technological difficulty   reconnecting extinct animals
B.it’ll be a century or so before a Tasmanian tiger walks on the earth again
C.humans have come closer in reconnecting extinct animals
D. reconnecting extinct animals is impossible
【小题4】We can learn from Mick Mooncy’s words that_________.
A.he thought it unnecessary to worry about endangered animals
B.his opinion is in contrast with that of the Tasmanian Government
C.he thought people should be encouraged to protect endangered animals
D.he is concerned that bringing extinct animals back to life may have a negative effect

The movie Moonfall follows the story of a mysterious force knocking the moon from its orbit. Although it’s just a Hollywood movie, is there any fact behind the fiction (虚构的事)? Would it be possible to change the moon’s orbit around Earth?

One way for the orbit of an object in space to change would be if it were hit by another object.

This risk is one area of focus for NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). CNEOS identifies and tracks near-Earth objects (NEOs), such as asteroids (小行星) and comets (彗星). They then determine whether the object creates a threat to Earth, the moon, or other neighbors.

Size is a significant factor when determining the risk created by an object from space. If the impact of an asteroid could affect the moon’s orbit, the asteroid “would have to be at least as big as the moon itself”, Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s NEO office, told Live Science.

Due to the size of the moon, “it would have to be a huge object that would have to hit it at high speed”, he added. Because of the incredibly low chance of an object the size of the moon wandering into our solar system, it can therefore be determined that the chance of the moon’s orbit changing enough for it to hit Earth is minuscule.

Viewers of the night sky are convinced that the moon isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, although it’s unlikely to ever hit our planet, the moon still has an impact on life on Earth. A study from NASA states that the moon’s orbit is likely to begin “wobbling (摇晃)” sometime in the 2030s. This is a natural event that occurs every 18 years.

This period will see tides (潮汐) around the world “amplified (放大): High tides get higher, and low tides get lower”, which creates a risk to coastal cities around the globe, according to NASA.

【小题1】What do we know about NEOs from the text?
A.Some of them create the risk of impact.B.They are objects in orbit around Earth.
C.They are at least as large as the moon.D.They are asteroids in the solar system.
【小题2】What can we learn from paragraph 4 and 5?
A.There is no chance of the moon hitting Earth.
B.many objects larger than the moon are wandering into our solar system.
C.High speed is vital factor determining the danger from an object from space.
D.Size plays a small role when judging the threat from an object from space.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “minuscule” most probably mean in paragraph 6?
【小题4】What does the article mainly discuss?
A.The moon’s impact on life on Earth.B.The possibility of the moon hitting Earth.
C.Possible ways to change the moon’s orbit.D.The potential dangers of near Earth objects.
