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As the saying goes,you want something done, give it to a busy person. There's truth to it. So what is it about those people that have a million things to do and don't get stressed out?【小题1】.

Prioritizing (优先考虑) sleep, eating right, and exercise

One of my friends has a simple recipe for a successful day , " Make your biggest meal breakfast, then cut down the rest of the day.Exercise every morning, make it part of the routine."He's asleep by 9 p.m. and at the gym the following morning by 6. He has a clear head and is ready for what the world throws at him 【小题2】 .

Avoiding drama

Gossiping might be interesting for a moment, but it rarely makes the speaker feel good. And what goes around will hit you in the face. 【小题3】; they avoid it like the disaster. It takes time and emotional energy     that they'd rather use on other things, like these daily habits of naturally productive people.


Doers know how to replenish (补充). Busy people know when they're running low on energy, and how to replenish. They know if they need to be social, have a rest, be in nature,or catch up on Netflix.They don't wait until they get sick,or depressed, they can see that their tank is on empty and they know how to fill it.

Calling out sick

The most effective people stay home with the flu. They know when they've got a real cold, and they gave it in. 【小题5】. They know how important their health is and they take good care of it.

A.Filling your own bucket
B.Doers make change happen
C.Low-stress people don't gossip
D.Find out the morning habits of successful people
E.Here are the signs your relationship is solid as a rock
F.Here are some secrets from the life coach who helps guide you
G.They know the sooner they get some sleep , the sooner they'll heal
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A fear of heights is a common feeling that is easy to understand. According to many psychologists, a fear of heights is one of the only two natural fears — the other is the fear of loud noises. 【小题1】 If you are not afraid, you could walk too close to the edge and fall off. Having a fear of heights is good because it protects us from real danger.

【小题2】 They experience a intense fear even inside a safe environment such as a skyscraper, which is not an appropriate response and it is not helpful. 【小题3】 “As long as I can remember, I have had a powerful fear of heights. It can completely ruin a vacation. For example, when I was with friends in Paris, I became terrified while going up to the Eiffel Tower. I was almost crying and I felt embarrassed for the rest of the vacation,”Adams said.

Fortunately, having an irrational fear of heights can be corrected. 【小题4】 The most effective way seems to be getting the people to acknowledge their fears, for example, by encouraging them to go to the top of tall buildings, hike up steep mountains, or stand on a high bridge.

【小题5】 When faced with a threatening situation, taking slow, deep breaths can help slow the heart rate and increase the oxygen flowing to muscles to keep from tensing up. If possible, a few minutes of meditation (深思) may be effective in relieving some tension.

It is important to remember that an inappropriate fear of heights is not unusual and can be treated.

A.Another way to overcome a fear of heights is to learn to control the physical symptoms.
B.However, some people have an irrational (非理性的) and unhealthy fear of heights.
C.One way to defeat your fear of heights is to do an activity that involves nothing but heights.
D.There are a number of ways that can be achieved.
E.John Adams, an English teacher, has an irrational fear of heights that makes his life very difficult.
F.If you are on the edge of a cliff, it is useful to be a little afraid.
G.Nearly everyone experiences some degree of anxiety when exposed to heights.

As we all know, positive inspiration can make a lot of difference in a person’s life. Inspiration is indeed powerful. 【小题1】 It sometimes seems far out of reach. Then, how can you become a positive influence capable of inspiring others. The following will guide you.

Show care and enthusiasm. If you can’t show a person that you honestly care about them, do you think you will be able to inspire them? The answer is an unquestionable no. 【小题2】And show enthusiasm every day for the people you are in contact with. I’m sure your broad smiles, positive energy and sincere care will be returned tenfold.

Earn trust. If a person you know and love tells you a secret, it stays between you and them. Trust takes a long time to build, but it can be destroyed overnight, so don’t take part in gossip in your social networks. 【小题3】

Build people up. 【小题4】 Don’t believe me? Find someone around you who is wearing a worried expression, tell them how cute or handsome they look today and watch a bright smile take over their face. You will be surprised to find your approving and admiring words have the power to make others’ day.

【小题5】 If you are asked for help, don’t give step-by-step advice. Instead, deliver rough guidelines to get a person moving in the right direction, and intentionally leave something to their imagination so they will have the freedom to fill in the blanks and figure things out by themselves.

A.Set people free.
B.However, it isn’t easy.
C.You can inspire others in everyday life.
D.Make people do things all by themselves.
E.Small praise has a way of brightening any day.
F.So, show people your concern in your words and your actions.
G.Thus, you can be a positive influence that people are unafraid to talk to.

Holidays can be very exciting but they require a bit of preparation in advance to make sure everything goes smoothly. One requirement is to pack for the trip — and an organizational expert has exposed an important luggage (行李) mistake.

Holidays see many travelers grabbing (抓住;攫取) the majority of their clothing while packing in a panic, but they won't have enough options when they get to their destination. This often ends up in overpacking, and numerous items never being worn. It's important to think carefully about what you put in your luggage. Cutting down the items to take is key.

An organizational expert, Vicky Silverthorn, provides some tips around how packing can be made much easier. The result is a less stressful (紧张的) experience, meaning people get more out of their holidays.

One of Vicky’s top holiday tips is to make sure you pack clothes together. “Everyone’s made the mistake of not thinking through clothes while packing — throwing random items into a suitcase before realizing that nothing goes,” Vicky told Express.co.uk. “To avoid this, pack complete clothes together so that every item has a purpose. When you come to unpack they’ll be ready to wear, and it always works to separate them out by ‘pool’, ‘beach’, ‘evening’ and so on.”

Vicky claims, “The night before you travel is also important — and, if you’re travelling early, you can make life easier for yourself in advance. One top tip is to leave your suitcase by the front door along with a list of things to do before you leave the house. If you do this the night before you’ll limit the chances of forgetting any key details, this can be particularly vital if you’re flying with family.”

【小题1】What’s the purpose of this passage?
A.To make a summary about traveling.
B.To advertise traveling for a company.
C.To inform some guidelines about traveling.
D.To provide some suggestions about how to pack.
【小题2】What do holidaymakers mostly do when packing?
A.They are in a panic while packing.
B.They take too many clothing never being worn.
C.They won't have enough options about their destination.
D.They think carefully about what they put in their luggage.
【小题3】Vicky suggests ________.
A.packing together with someone
B.throwing random items into a suitcase
C.arranging clothes for a specific purpose
D.wearing suitable clothes to a certain place
【小题4】Why should a traveler put things near the front door?
A.Because he travels early.
B.Because the front door is near.
C.Because he can fly with his family
D.Because it might prevent leaving important items behind.
