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Growing pains and gains

It’s not easy to grow up. Actually it’s far from easy. Growing up can be a real “pain” for some of us. We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and aren’t allowed to do all the things we like. Sometimes we feel trapped, sometimes we are fearful, and sometimes we just don’t understand why we can’t stay young forever. When we look back on all the hardships in life with a positive attitude (态度), we realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains!

As a young girl my parents forced my sisters and me to do so many things that I never liked. They made me learn to play the violin and then the piano. At that time I hated music, just because it was what they wanted me to do. But looking back now, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music has enriched my life in so many ways. I realize that my parents and teachers were always pushing me along, not because they wanted me to suffer but because they wanted me to succeed in life. They’ve always wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves.

Every moment of our lives we are either living or dying, so live life to its fullest! We are all going to experience growing pains, but they are just small pains in life. They might seem so huge at the time but we must be strong.Think about how we would feel if we had no fear and live life like that. The future is ours! A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone! If we realize that these pains are just small bumps (凸块) on our road to success we will realize that our growing pains are actually growing gains!

【小题1】According to Paragraph 1, we learn that when we are young,_________.
A.life is full of joy
B.life is easy for us
C.we know we can stay young forever
D.we sometimes can’t do things we like
【小题2】When the author was young, she was forced by her parents to________.
A.take music lessons
B.turn gains into pains
C.look back on hardships
D.live a successful life by suffering a lot
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Growing pains are necessary for us to grow up.
B.We all have to experience growing pains.
C.A little hard work and sweat are harmful to us.
D.Life without fear is a better choice for us.
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In everyday life,we are often faced with important decisions — such as whether to apply for a new job or start a new course. 【小题1】 The more we can test our limits and abilities,the more we will learn about ourselves.New challenges are opportunities for us.

【小题2】 Rather than seeing the opportunity, often, we focus on what it will be like to fail.As a result,taking on a new challenge can be frightening. In these cases,we may avoid the challenge altogether and carry on down the same path we were on.

We make some excuses to ourselves so that we can stay in our comfort zone. 【小题3】 By avoiding challenges,we don’t have the opportunities to learn about ourselves.We feel trapped.We are troubled by discomfort,anxiety,and the sense that things are not quite right.

There are times when we might want to avoid a challenge for good,realistic reasons.Perhaps,deep down ,we are frightened of what other people might say and of what we might learn about ourselves.But instead of acknowledging that,we tell ourselves that now is not a good time,or that this isn’t the right opportunity. 【小题4】

To lead an authentic life,we need to take on new challenges that give us   more opportunities to be ourselves.It is not that authentic people don’t feel the same fear;rather,they are simply more willing to face their fear. 【小题5】 The question is not how to lead a life in which we never feel the fear of failure,but rather,how we can moved forward despite our fear.

A.In reality,it is our fear talking.
B.The fear of failure can be too much to bear
C.However,we don’t always see it that way.
D.People think we can stay in our comfort zone and keep learning.
E.Taking on such challenges is an important part of growing as a person.
F.But the truth is that staying in our comfort zone is not necessarily comfortable.
G.They are open to new experiences,cherishing the challenges of learning about themselves.

I tried not to look down. My palms (手掌) were sweating. All I could concentrate on was the man below who was keeping the ladder steady. The tiny people waved up at me, but I couldn’t see them clearly.

When I got to the top, some sort of supernatural force brought my feet to the edge of the platform. I was going to slip off the board. The line holding me was going to break, and I was once again going to be thrown to death. Down was the only direction my eyes would go.

I begged to go back down the ladder, but the stupid man tried to convince me. The tiny dots below shouted encouragingly, saying they would run with me as I flew. I was going to slide off that platform. I couldn’t think; the tears stopped my brain. Why wouldn’t he let me go back? The message replayed in my mind, “You’re going to die…”

Like a blown-up balloon, I was let go just before it could be knotted at the bottom. I went in every direction, tension escaping from my body as I fell. The breeze hit my face and cooled my sweaty body. I could see clearly now, and I was flying.

Today, I am still terrified of heights. It would be nice to say that I conquered my fear and found something I loved. I owe my zip line (飞索) experience to the Englishman who pushed me off the platform. I am grateful for the experience because I love adventure. Trying new things has always appealed to me. Some of the most rewarding experiences I have had, like flying, have come out of conquering what at first appears to be frightening and impossible. While my days of aerial escapades are over, I look forward to the future and the question of fear of flying and will continue to create questions wherever I go.

【小题1】How did the author feel when he was on the ladders?
【小题2】Why did the Englishman push the author off platform?
A.To teach him to fly.B.To push him to death.
C.To develop his courage.D.To test his ability to climb.
【小题3】Through the zip line experience, the author learns that ________.
A.everyone can enjoy flying well
B.trying difficult things is his favorite
C.looking back on the old days is awful for him
D.something that seems impossible can be conquered
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “aerial escapades” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The author’s zip line experience.B.The author’s difficulty in life.
C.The author’s failure in adventure.D.The author’s dreams about his future.

Standing on a hill at Cliveden Gardens on a sunny winter day, its dark-green lake surrounded by centuries-old trees took my breath away. 【小题1】 It’s just a local park near London that I’d never heard of during my eight years living in the UK. As I admired the serene garden, it taught me a lesson about the British culture of understatement.

“The English landscape is more beautiful because its beauty is understated,” my friend Will said to me later as we walked through an exhibition at Tate Britain. He pointed to a painting of a peaceful countryside. “This is the landscape I grew up with”, he said. Unlike grand waterfalls or wild forests, this scenery doesn’t shout about its beauty. 【小题2】

I wonder if Chinese tourists will explore beyond London. 【小题3】 Indeed, Oxford and Cambridge and the beloved Lake District National Park are some iconic symbols of Britain. But it would be a pity if they miss out on the lesser-known parts of the English landscape.

【小题4】 I remember a straight-A classmate once telling me he “survived exams” and another friend from Oxford introducing himself as “studying in the countryside”. This modesty also has its mirror in Chinese culture. I remember my parents’ telling me to work hard but not to brag about my achievements. Chinese culture is full of proverbs such as “real gold will shine sooner or later”, to encourage long-term dedication to one’s chosen area of expertise.

Experiencing both cultures, I’ve realized that the English and Chinese both express achievements with understatement. 【小题5】 It reflects the unspoken charm in both British and Chinese traditions. And it’s an off-the-beaten-path attraction well worth exploration.

A.Cliveden isn’t a famous holiday place.
B.Rather, its beauty is reserved for the locals only.
C.I’ve been impressed by British humor all the time.
D.They tend to prefer places with a strong reputation.
E.But the more I looked, the more I saw its quiet elegance.
F.Over the years, I’ve become familiar with British modesty.
G.This mix makes me appreciate the unusual beauty of Cliveden.
