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Rainbow-colored rubbish is the colorful waste created by a Swedish city with a unique cycling system. Like many cities in Sweden, Eskilstuna has an【小题1】 ( impress) recycling record.It【小题2】(meet) the EU' 2020 target of recycling 50% of waste many years ago. People are expected to sort their household waste【小题3】 seven separate categories, including food and metal. But【小题4】really makes the system stand out is the bright color code.

Thanks to those bright colors, scanners can select the bags and separate them【小题5】(efficient). The food waste in green bags is processed on site into slurry (浆) to make biogas, 【小题6】 powers the city's buses. One of the【小题7】(benefit) of this method is that there is less cross-pollution, so more of the recycled waste can actually be used【小题8】(make) new things.

Eskilstuna is committed to sending zero waste from its citizens to landfill(垃圾填埋场). Waste that can't be recycled【小题9】( burn)at a local plant to produce electricity.   As countries around the world try to improve their recycling rates, some may look to Eskilstuna as【小题10】     example to follow---as long as they think they can persuade their citizens to get busy sorting waste at home.

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The Coral Nurture Program is a planting initiative (行为) undertaken by local researchers on the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁).

Russell Hosp, Environmental Manager and Master Reef Guide for Cairns-based dive operator Passions of Paradise, 【小题1】 (witness) coral bleaching (珊瑚变白) over the last few years. Coral turns white due to the increasing temperature of its 【小题2】 (surround) water. But contrary to popular 【小题3】 (believe), coral bleaching is “not a death sentence,” he says. While it does leave the coral at risk, with a little care it can 【小题4】 fact make a full recovery.

And a little care is exactly 【小题5】 the Coral Nurture Program is giving the reef. Russell and the team collect pieces of healthy coral that have fallen off the reef and plant them in a special coral nursery 【小题6】 (regrow). Then, they are broken into much 【小题7】(small) pieces and reattached to the reef using special tools.

Another of the operators involved in the Coral Nurture Program, Ocean Freedom, is also reporting positive results. Owners of Ocean Freedom, Taryn and Perry, are extremely excited to be part of the initiative, saying that it’s all about 【小题8】 (assist) the reef as nature intended, strengthening but not changing 【小题9】 balance of its ecosystem on their sites.

The Coral Nurture Program has 【小题10】 (successful) re-planted over 1,000 pieces of coral, and are helping the reef to not just survive, but grow.


Terry Townshend is an ecologist from the UK. In late October, he climbed to the roof of a building to check out a hand-sized recording device 【小题1】(lay) there to catch the sounds of migratory birds (候鸟) at Beijing’s Olympic Park. Every two weeks, he came here to collect data and share it 【小题2】 universities’ research centres for this year’s bird tracking study.

As a birdwatcher 【小题3】 has lived in Beijing for over a decade, Townshend founded a website 【小题4】 formed a group for fellow enthusiasts. He works to raise environmental 【小题5】(aware) among people to help save some of China’s most endangered birds, initiating projects to track some of Beijing’s celebrated birds.

Though observing the migratory birds in Beijing【小题6】(be) one of Townshend’s main activities now, his bond with China was established twelve years ago. At that time, the non-governmental organization Townshend once worked with was invited by the Chinese government 【小题7】(cooperate) in boosting support for China’s general environmental laws on climate change. As the project leader, Townshend came to-China for the first time. After getting to know the country, he decided to stay here for 【小题8】(far) research.

“China 【小题9】(value) the recovery of nature in past decades. With the efforts to carry out various targeted protections toward nature, 【小题10】 future looks bright for China’s biodiversity. ”Townshend said.
