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Check out the facts about the tsunami (海啸)and learn some interesting information related to these great walls of water that can cause so much destruction. Find out what causes tsunamis and read about some recent examples of tsunamis that have occurred around the globe.

Tsunamis are huge waves of water that are usually caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions (喷发).As a tsunami approaches the shore, water may move back from the coast. If it is shallow enough, water may be pulled back hundreds of metres. If you are on the shore and observe this phenomenon, you'll know that a tsunami is on the way.

Regions in tsunami danger zones often have warning systems in place to give people as much time to evacuate (撤出)as possible. When tsunamis hit shallow water (often near the coast), they slow down but increase in height.

An earthquake in the Indian Ocean off Indonesia in December 2004 caused a tsunami that killed over 200,000 people in 14 countries. In March 2011, the Tohoku earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan caused a tsunami that was a major factor in the death of over 15,000 people. The tsunami waves created by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake reached heights of over 40 metres in northern Japan, destroying coastal towns and causing a number of nuclear accidents.

The Japanese word "tsunami'' literally means "harbour wave''. Tsunamis are sometimes referred to as tidal waves but this term has fallen out of favour because tsunamis are not related to tides.

【小题1】Which of the following shows a tsunami is around the corner?
A.An earthquake takes place.
B.The water near the shore is pulled back.
C.The water marches towards the coast.
D.The water near the shore is very shallow.
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.More people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake than in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
B.The term ''tidal wave'' is used more often than ''tsunami''.
C.The word ''tsunami'' is from British English.
D.Some nuclear accidents happened after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.
【小题3】The underlined parts "out of favour'' can be replaced by ''        ''.
【小题4】The passage is mainly developed by         .
A.stating some facts
B.making some comparisons
C.making some conclusions
D.providing some quotations
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On August 21, 1986, a man making his way to Nyos, a village near a lake in northwest Cameroon, found dozens of dead animals along the road. He called into a home to see if the residents knew what had happened. Instead of getting answers, the man discovered that everyone in the village was dead, though they seemed otherwise unharmed.

Within days, officials confirmed that more than 1,700 people had died, along with several thousand animals. The strange and tragic event seemed similar to one that occurred at Lake Monoun two years earlier, just 60 miles to the south, where villagers found 37 people and many animals dead along its shores.

Initially, authorities were confused about the cause. Witnesses reported hearing strange sounds and seeing a sudden rise of white cloud from the lake, which quickly disappeared. Fortunately, the disaster caught the world’s attention. Scientists from around the globe gathered in Nyos to investigate. Because Lake Nyos sits on an inactive volcano, their first theory was that the volcano had erupted and sent poisonous gases into the air. After further research, however, they found the cause was much more unusual. The deadly events were called limnic (湖泊的) eruptions.

Although deadly and terrifying, limnic eruptions are extremely unlikely. They occur when dissolved (溶解的) carbon dioxide (CO2) suddenly erupts from the deep waters of a lake, forming a deadly gas cloud above the surface. Because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, the cloud will sink toward the ground, killing wildlife, livestock and humans.

Carbon dioxide dissolves more easily in the deep, cold parts of lakes. As a result, the bottom of deep lake can have very high levels of carbon dioxide, while the levels decrease towards the lake’s surface, and the pressure at the bottom builds and builds. Any changes in pressure can set off the rapid and forceful release of the accumulated carbon dioxide, causing an eruption.

It’s unclear what caused the lakes to explode, but considering they’re near the Oku Volcanic Field, it’s possible that an earthquake or a small volcanic eruption occurred before each disaster.

【小题1】Why are the numbers mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To arouse the empathy of the readers.
B.To display the destructive effect of the events.
C.To prove the necessity of preparing for disasters.
D.To highlight the difficulty looking into the cause.
【小题2】What is to blame for the mass deaths in Nyos?
A.High concentrations of CO2.
B.The great power of the lake explosion.
C.Poisonous gases from a volcano eruption.
D.The lake water flooding the nearby villages.
【小题3】Which may have nothing to do with limnic eruptions?
A.An earthquake.B.Dissolved carbon dioxide.
C.Great pressure differences.D.Warm environments.
【小题4】Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A charity poster.B.A biography.
C.A science magazine.D.A cultural website.

The world is lucky when our most brilliant minds choose to work for the common good. Young Ryan Honary is among one of the brilliant minds.

Shocked by the deaths in the 2018 Camp Fire, California’s frightening wildfire, Honary turned his attention to how to decrease future disasters. In 2019, Honary won a $10,000 prize in the Ignite Innovation Student Challenge for his early wildfire detection (检测) network, which provides app technology for firefighters. He was only in fifth grade at the time.

Turning 14 years old and going into the eighth grade this year, Honary is busy working in SensoRy AI, the company he set up. With the help of his father and a team of experts, the company has received a lot of attention.

Honary started creating websites when he was in third grade. He learned Python and JavaScript in a local after-school program. At the same time, he was interested in animals and the environment. He became worried as he saw how much the environment was under pressure.

When wildfires started ruining the air quality, destroying homes and killing some people, Honary thought about how AI can be used to solve environmental problems such as wildfires. In order to get data to train the machine learning models on his fire detectors, he collected real-world data from Google Earth about the Camp Fire of 2018 in California. Once a fire is detected by a fire detector, the information can be sent to the app he created. Also, machine learning can be used to predict where the fires are going.

Honary is hoping to attract more people from his generation to his company. He believes the environment is going to be a big responsibility for all of us.

【小题1】What can be inferred from paragraph 2 and paragraph 3?
A.Honary’s detecting network was free.B.Honary gained many awards in 2019.
C.Honary’s company is facing serious challenges.D.Honary is young but makes amazing achievements.
【小题2】Why did Honary invent the detector?
A.To make a fortune.B.To enlarge his company.
C.To save firefighters!D.To reduce wildfire disasters.
【小题3】How did Honary train the machine learning models on detectors?
A.By creating websites.B.By collecting data.
C.By taking an after-school program.D.By sending information to the app.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Honary?
A.Gifted and humorous.B.Curious and confident.
C.Creative and responsible.D.Friendly and intelligent.

Maria Belon was lying by the pool, reading a novel at the Orchid Resort Hotel in Khao Lak, Thailand. Her children, Lucas, Tomas and Simon, played in the water with their dad nearby.

Belon and her husband, Enrique Alvarez, had taken their children overseas for the Christmas holidays.

“We started to hear a horrible sound. I was looking around, thinking this was just in my mind. It felt like the earth was coming apart (分崩离析), but everything looked perfect,” Belon told The Mirror.

Moments later, however, the Belon-Alvarez family was hit by the fierce force of the Indian Ocean tsunami. Belon was separated from her husband and sons who were in the swimming pool. But as she held onto a palm (棕榈树), she saw her oldest son floating nearby. “When I saw Lucas, I thought. ‘Okay. I have an incredible reason to be alive,’ she said. ‘We were in the water struggling, and Lucas was screaming.’ I said to myself, ‘We need to be brave, we need to take care of each other, but we will not die.’” she said.

While Belon held on for her son, her injuries were slowly killing her. “I was dying. I could feel it happening to me. When I was up in the tree, bleeding very heavily with deep wounds. I could feel the dying process.” she told The Mirror.

Luckily, Belon and her eldest son were then rescued by a Thai man and taken to hospital. “The man wouldn’t allow me to die. He dragged me through the mud for a long time until he was sure I was safe,” she said.

After the tsunami struck the area, Enrique Alvarez lost his two youngest sons, who had been in his arms, after a wave tore them apart. He got washed and later grabbed onto a palm tree, feeling sad about the loss of his children. Minutes later, he heard a voice. “Papa! Mama! Lucas! Simon!” Thomas shouted, according to The Mirror.

The family reunited two days later. While Belon and her family survived the natural disaster, she insisted it was their fortune.

“There is no difference between me and thousands of mums who are under the sea. I feel pain and compassion for so many others who didn’t come back up or lost their loved ones.” she told The Mirror.

【小题1】How did Belon react when she began to hear the terrible sound?
A.She couldn’t believe it.B.She escaped immediately.
C.She climbed up a palm tree.D.She shouted at her children.
【小题2】Why did Belon decide to stay alive?
A.She could deal with her injuries.B.The tsunami was not so severe.
C.Her husband encouraged her.D.She caught sight of her son.
【小题3】How did Belon feel when she was up in the tree?
A.She was safe enough.B.She was close to death.
C.She felt quite relieved.D.She felt quite ashamed.
【小题4】Belon said she owed the survival of her family to their_______.
A.strong willB.good luck
C.surviving skillsD.receiving medical treatment
