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A bird went to seek (寻找) its happiness in the distance.

It flew and flew when it suddenly saw a little wilting (枯萎的) flower, whose face was full of smile. Not knowing why, the bird asked the little flower, “You are going to die. Why are you still so happy?”

“I am going to bear fruit and my dream will come true,” said the little flower.

Then the little bird saw it: happiness is a hope in the heart.

The little bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a lame (瘸的) duck, which was singing a song. Not knowing why, it asked the duck, “You are so unlucky. Why are you still so happy?”

“Because I saw a little duck fall. And I helped it stand up again!”

Then the little bird saw it: happiness is a love in the heart.

The bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a spider climbing a slippery wall. It fell off the wall for several times, but it went on climbing over and over again. Not knowing why, the little bird asked the spider, “You failed again and again. Why don’t you have pain but happiness on your face?”

“I am sure to climb up the wall if I try my best.”

Because it had seen the truth: happiness is not in the distance but in your own heart.

【小题1】Where did the bird go to seek its happiness at first?
A.In a far place.B.In the forest.
C.On the top of a wall.D.Near a river.
【小题2】What was the little flower’s dream?
A.To become beautiful.B.To bear fruit.
C.To become strong.D.To get hope.
【小题3】Which word can best describe the lame duck?
【小题4】Who was happy because of having faith in the heart?
A.The bird.B.The little flower.
C.The lame duck.D.The spider.
【小题5】What do you think is the best title for the passage?
A.Happiness is in the heart.B.Learn from the bird.
C.How to be happy.D.Happiness is in the distance.
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There are a few personal qualities we can all develop to bring more success into our lives. They come from small changes we make throughout our lives, one step and one day at a time. 【小题1】

· Patience. This is probably one of the most difficult of the personal qualities to develop. 【小题2】 To achieve true success and happiness in your life, you need to cultivate (培养) patience. Only through patience will you gain the clarity ( 清晰的思维能力) required to overcome the problems that you face in life.

· Courage. Far too often I see people fail to reach their potential ( 潜力) because they’re afraid. They aren’t afraid of growth, but they’re afraid of taking risks. 【小题3】 So stop fearing what could go wrong and begin focusing on what could go right.

· Self-confidence. You need to believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goals. 【小题4】 It truly is that simple. To be successful, you first need to have belief in your abilities. If you don’t, you may not take action to move forward or improve yourself fully.

· Integrity ( 正直). Integrity is super important. 【小题5】 Practice this quality daily. The best way to cultivate integrity in your life is by being honest, and open in everything that you do.

A.You need to trust yourself.
B.Very little in life happens overnight.
C.Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
D.This fear prevents them from achieving their goals.
E.Living an honest and successful life may be difficult without it.
F.The better you perform every day, the more success will find its way back to you.
G.The most successful people are often the people who are also the best problem-solvers.

Growth that Starts from Thinking

It seems to me a very difficult thing to put into words the beliefs we hold and what they make you do in your life. I think I was fortunate because I grew up in a family where there was a very deep religious(宗教的)feeling. I don’t think it was spoken of a great deal. It was more or less taken for granted that everybody held certain beliefs and needed certain enhancements of their own strength and that that came through your belief in God.

But as I grew older I questioned a great many of the things that I knew very well my grandmother who had brought me up had taken for granted. And I think I might have been a quite difficult person to live with if it hadn’t been for the fact that my husband once said it didn’t do you any harm to learn those things, so why not let your children learn them? When they grow up they’ll think things out for themselves.

And that gave me a feeling that perhaps that’s what we all must do—think out for ourselves what we could believe and how we could live by it. And so I came to the conclusion that you had to use this life to develop the very best that you could develop.

I don’t know whether I believe in a future life. I believe that all that you go through here must have some value, therefore there must be some reason. And there must be some “going on”. How exactly that happens I’ve never been able to decide. There is a future—that I’m sure of. But how, that I don’t know. And I came to feel that it didn’t really matter very much because whatever the future held you’d have to face it when you came to it, just as whatever life holds you have to face it exactly the same way. And the important thing was that you never let down doing the best that you were able to do—it might be poor because you might not have very much within you to give, or to help other people with, or to live your life with. But as long as you did the very best that you were able to do, then that was what you were put here to do and that was what you were accomplishing by being here.

And So I have tried to follow that out—and not to worry about the future or what was going to happen. I think I am pretty much of a fatalist(宿命论者). You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.

【小题1】From the first paragraph we know that_________.
A.the author’s family talked quite a lot about religious topics.
B.the author finds it hard to say her family has a deep religious feeling.
C.in the author’s family, their belief in God was what made them stronger,
D.the author feel herself lucky as her family takes religions for granted.
【小题2】From the second paragraph, we know that as the author grew up, she_________.
A.no longer believed in her grandmother who brought her up.
B.began to doubt what she had ever been taught in the family.
C.was in disagreement with her husband over children education.
D.became a person who was hard to get along with.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” refer to in the third paragraph?
A.Whether there is a futureB.How there is a future
C.However the future might comeD.Whatever the future might be like
【小题4】Through this passage, the author mainly wants to tell us some conclusions she has drawn from thinking about_________.
A.the meaning of holding religious beliefs
B.the meaning of living in the world
C.the meaning of going through growth
D.the meaning of accepting one’s fate

Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.

I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金).

For weeks, I’ve been thinking of bigger, deeper questions. How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with need, and use less? Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball-simple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.

We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.

【小题1】What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects?
A.Saving up for her holidayB.Raising money for a poor girl money
C.Adding the money to her fundD.Giving the money to a sick mother
【小题2】Why did the author play the ball with Shepherd?
A.To try out an idea.B.To show a parent’s love
C.To train his attention.D.To help him start a hobby
【小题3】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Take it or Leave itB.A Lesson from Kids
C.The Pleasure of GivingD.Live More with Less
