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High blood pressure, a common condition, rarely has noticeable symptoms, which make the condition difficult to identify, and that is why many people don't know they have it. The best way to find out whether you have the condition is to have your blood pressure(BP) checked with a monitor.

This is important because spotting any problems as early as possible reduces the risk of complications(并发症),which include cardiovascular disease such as stroke(中风),heart attack and heart failure, and kidney disease.

So how often should we check your blood pressure to find out whether you have the condition?

Dr Sarah Brewer, medical director of Healthspan, said if you haven91 had your blood pressure checked in the last year, make this a priority.

She explained, "If the reading is below 130/80 mmHg, then you go forward and have your blood pressure checked at least once every 5 years as it tends to increase slowly with age. If your BP is on the high side of normal (130/85mmHg to 139/89mmHg) or if you are aged 40 or over, it's best to have an annual check. If your blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or higher, see your doctor for advice on high blood pressure."

How often should you check your blood pressure if your BP is high?

If you have hypertension(高血压),check your blood pressure as often as your doctor tells you to, said Dr Brewer.

She added, "Guidelines suggest your doctor review you every 3 to 4 months until your blood pressure is well controlled. Once your blood pressure is stable on medication, you may be reviewed less often, every 6 months or annually. It's a good idea to check your blood pressure with a home monitor so you can ensure it isn't increasing or affected by changes in diet, lifestyle and stress?"

【小题1】Why are many people unaware they have high blood pressure based on the passage?
A.Because its symptoms are difficult to identify.
B.Because they don't consider high blood pressure risky.
C.Because the way to identify high blood pressure is not found yet.
D.Because it is difficult to get a monitor used to check blood pressure.
【小题2】Noticing high blood pressure in time is important because.
A.it is impossible to spot it as time goes by
B.patients won't have to see a doctor regularly after that
C.uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to serious health problems
D.it will take doctors less money to treat patients with high BP by doing that
【小题3】Which of the following will be supported by Dr Sarah Brewer?
A.A 41-year -old adult should have BP checked at least once a month.
B.BP will never change if you have it checked with a monitor.
C.It is good for you to consult a doctor if your BP is 140/90 mmHg or higher.
D.You don't have to worry about BP if your age is below 40.
【小题4】Which column in a magazine could this passage belong to?
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A multi-institutional team of researchers conducted the first study to evaluate how the duration of nightly sleep early in the semester affects first year college students’ end-of-semester grade point average (GPA), Using Fitbit sleep trackers, they found that students on average sleep 6.5 hours a night, but negative outcomes accumulate when students received less than six hours of sleep a night. The results are available in the Feb. 13 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Sleep guidelines recommend teenagers get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Many college students experience irregular and insufficient sleep.

David Creswell, the William S. Dietrich Ⅱ Professor in Psychology and Neuroscience at the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, led a team of researchers to evaluate the relationship between sleep and GPA.“Animal studies have shown how critical sleep is for learning and memory,” said Creswell.“Here we show how this work translates to humans.The less nightly sleep a first year college student gets at the beginning of the school term predicts lower GPA at the end of the term. Lack of sleep may be hurting students’ ability to learn in their college classrooms.”

The study evaluated more than 600 first-year students across five studies at three universities. The students wore wrist Fitbit devices to monitor and record their sleep patterns. The researchers found that students in the study sleep on average 6.5 hours a night.More surprisingly, the researchers found that students who receive less than six hours of sleep experienced a pronounced decline in academic performance. In addition, each hour of sleep lost corresponded to a 0.07 decrease in end-of-term GPA.

“Once you start dipping(下降)below six hours, you are starting to accumulate massive sleep debt that can impair a student’s health and study habits, compromising the whole system,” said Creswell.“Most surprising to me was that no matter what we did to make the effect go away, it persisted.”

【小题1】What is the recommended sleep duration for teenagers per night?
A.6 hours.B.6.5 hours.
C.8 to 10 hours.D.Over 10 hours.
【小题2】What’s Paragraph 5 mainly talking about?
A.The process of the research.B.The reason for the research.
C.The result of the research.D.The shortage of the research.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “impair” in the last paragraph probably mean?
【小题4】What surprised Creswell most?
A.Sleep can influence college students’learning.
B.Many college students experience insufficient sleep.
C.College students have poor academic performance for lack of sleep.
D.The negative effect of insufficient sleep on college students won’t disappear.

Five Nutrition Myths and What Health Experts Want You to Know Instead

If you’re looking to improve your diet and achieve your health goals, keep reading to find out what you need to know.

MYTH 1: All fat is bad.

By the 1980s, doctors, government health experts, the food industry and the media were reporting that a low-fat diet could benefit everyone. As a result, many people replaced calories from fat with calories from refined carbohydrates such as white flour and added sugar. 【小题1】 Examples of those include monounsaturated (单元不饱和的) fats found in olive oil, certain nuts and seeds.

MYTH 2: 【小题2】

While the nutrition of plant-based drinks can vary, many have more added ingredients which can contribute to poor health than cow’s milk. Typically, cow’s milk has about eight grams of protein per 250 millilitres. Almond drinks on the other hand, typically has one or two grams in the same amount.

MYTH 3: Potatoes are bad for you.

Potatoes have often been defamed in the nutrition community because of their high glycemic index (血糖指数), which can increase your blood sugar sharply. 【小题3】 They are also inexpensive and available year-round in grocery stores.

MYTH 4: “Calories in, calories out” is the most important factor for maintaining weight.

【小题4】 But research does not suggest that eating more will result in becoming overweight or obese. Rather, it’s the types of foods we eat that may be the long-term drivers of those conditions.

MYTH 5: Fresh fruits and vegetables are always healthier than canned, frozen or dried varieties.

     Research has found that frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts. 【小题5】 However, some canned, frozen and dried varieties contain added sugars, saturated (饱和的) fats and sodium, so be sure to read nutrition labels, especially on prepared foods.

A.All drinks are nutritious.
B.They can also be a money saver.
C.Plant drinks are healthier than dairy milk.
D.In reality, healthy fats help reduce your risk.
E.It’s true that extra-processed foods can lead to weight gain.
F.However, they are rich in vitamin C, fibre and other nutrients.
G.If you burn more calories than you consume, you will probably lose weight.

Drinking more water is an excellent goal for your health. Water is also a calorie-free choice, so drinking more water can help you to lose weight or keep a healthy weight. 【小题1】

Always having water on hand makes it easier to remember to drink it. It’s important to drink more water any time you’ve been sweating, such as when you’re exercising or after spending time in a hot environment. 【小题2】

Drinking water before your meals and while you eat can help to reduce your appetite since thirst is often confused with hunger. 【小题3】 This will save your money when you eat out and help you cut calories.

【小题4】 Try filling up a water bottle and adding a few simple fruit slices such as orange, lemon or some fresh berries such as blueberries, strawberries. Then, let the water sit in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours while it absorbs the flavors.

Tracking the amount of water you drink each day also works. This will help you to determine how much water you’re drinking and figure out if you might need to increase your intake. Remember to set a goal for how much water you want to drink each day. 【小题5】 The amount of water you need depends on your weight, sex, activity level, environment, and other factors. Consider how much of your daily fluid intake is water and identify how much of it you’d like to be water.

A.After meals, drinking water is a good choice.
B.The more water you drink, the healthier you are.
C.Here are some tips that can help you drink more water.
D.There’s no “right” amount of water for everyone to drink.
E.Replace your typical drink before and during meals with water.
F.Adding flavor to your water is a simple way to make it more tasty.
G.Always keep a water bottle into your bag or car and refill it regularly.
