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Trees often grow to appear strong, which might make it hard to believe that they're easily harmed on the Inside. But that is the case, according to a worldwide survey of more than 200 types of trees. Researchers studied the inner part of the trees and found that most don't have a built-in safety net that would allow them to survive a serious drought.

"I think this is a really big deal." ecologist David Breshears said. He says it and other studies "keep pointing to: ‘Whoa, our forests are really fragile."'

Studies like this one are particularly worrying about climate change. The average temperature of the planet is rising. Scientists predict that warming will cause changes in rainfall patterns. That could lead to longer, more severe droughts in many regions around the world. As a result, the trees that now grow there could face a serious threat.

When drought strikes, trees begin to fail in the xylem(木质部), special tissue made of many tiny, strawlike tubes. This tissue makes it possible for a tree to draw water from the ground and deliver it to the leaves. During times of drought, tiny air bubbles can develop in the tubes. Too many bubbles block the flow of water——and lead to certain death for the tree.

Brendan Choat, a plant physiologist, worked on the new study along with 23 other researchers. All together the scientists studied 226 tree species in 81 different sites around the world. Choat said that this study is the first to look at all forest types and find so many species living on the edge. Of the 226 different types of trees Choat and his colleagues studied, 70 percent lived close to the point where a serious drought would stop water transport. Trees that flower, such as maples and oaks, were more vulnerable than conifers (针叶树), which, including pines and firs have evergreen, needlelike leaves.

Plant ecologist Bettina Engelbrecht said that in the interest of conservation, scientists can't just concentrate on a few species. "We have to worry about them all."

【小题1】The first paragraph implies that trees       .
A.can live through a drought.
B.have the ability to protect themselves
C.are worth a great deal of money
D.are weak as a matter of fact
【小题2】What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The drought.B.The tube.C.The waterD.The xylem.
【小题3】What does Choat think of the study?
【小题4】According to Bettina, what should scientists do?
A.Care about the trees that flower.
B.Pay attention to all species of trees.
C.Find out why pines and firs are strong.
D.Study the trees living on the edge of death.
【小题5】What can be the best title of the text?
A.Serious drought is a threat to most trees
B.Trees face death due to lack of protection
C.Global warming reduces the number of trees
D.Trees reflect the change of the global climate
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文语意转化逻辑推理观点态度标题判断指代猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I have spent the last few months with Yang, my new dog, one I am co-raising to be a service dog. He will stay with me for 14 months or so. If he proves to be good enough, he will be sent to the guide dog school for further training and eventually become a seeing-eye dog.

Dogs help people in lots of ways, but service dogs are different from working dogs, therapy (治疗) dogs, and emotional support animals. Service dogs are trained to do specific tasks for people with disabilities. They can pull wheelchairs, get medicine, remind you to take your medicine, help keep you stable while walking, and alert (警示) you to important sounds or dangerous things in your way. Service dogs have lots of different skills, depending on the disability they are trained for.

No matter how you get a service dog, they usually go through a tough training program with an experienced trainer. In the last month of training, the service dog spends time with you and the instructor. The instructor teaches the dog to help you, and tells you how to command, handle, and care for the dog.

Service dogs need obeying skills and other very special skills. When you think about how to get a service dog, consider finding one with relevant characters. They should be calm, be able to learn and hold onto information. To train a service dog, you should start with basic skills like focusing on you, ignoring disturbing factors and being able to stay on task in new places with new people, smells, and animals.

It’s important to keep your dog healthy so that they can best help you. Give your dog access to plenty of fresh water and a balanced diet, and keep their vaccinations (疫苗) updated. Yearly visits to the vet are also important to make sure you catch any changes in your dog’s health.

【小题1】Why does the author mention Yang in paragraph 1?
A.To show his emotions.B.To present a mystery.
C.To describe his daily life.D.To introduce the main topic.
【小题2】Who is advised to keep a service dog?
A.A healthy animal lover.B.A person with sight disability.
C.A person requiring emotional support.D.A policeman performing a special task.
【小题3】Which of the following is among the basic skills for a service dog?
A.Helping the owner to remain calm.
B.Learning to analyzing information.
C.Focusing on disturbing surroundings.
D.Handling different situations and areas.
【小题4】What is the suitable title of the text?
A.Caring for AnimalsB.Helping the Disabled
C.Keeping a Service DogD.Training a Special Dog

While Ellard Hunting and fellow researchers were out studying the weather at a field station in England, they noticed something unexpected on their instruments. Though there was no storm approaching, the scientists’ electric field monitors recorded a strange increase in atmospheric electric charge (大气电荷).

Nearby, honeybees that lived in on-site hives were swarming (蜂拥) as they attempted to find a new home. When the team took a closer look at their data, they discovered that the swarming honeybees had created an atmospheric electric charge. The researchers shared more details about their findings in the journal Science.

“This is the first report of biology as a source of space charge.” says Hunting, a biophysicist at the University of Bristol in England. Scientists had known that individual bees carry a small charge while flying through the air, caused by the friction of their body parts against the air and each other. It’s similar to how rubbing a balloon on a piece of cloth creates static electricity. Scientists believe a bee’s charge helps pollen (花粉) stick to it and signals to other bees which flowers have already been visited. But until now, researchers had never recorded such a high voltage (电压) among swarming honeybees.

In terms of electricity generation, a bee swarm’s charge isn’t so impressive: It would take about 50 billion bees to power an LED light. But compared to the charges produced by common weather events, the bees’ charge density was six times greater than an electrified dust storm and eight times greater than a thunderstorm cloud.

Using the honeybee data, the researchers created a model to predict the potential atmospheric electric charge of other insects, including locusts (蝗虫), moths and butterflies. “Locusts swarm on biblical scales.” says Liam O’Reilly, a co-author and biologist at the University of Bristol. Clouds of these insects can expand up to 1,200 square kilometres and contain roughly 30 million locusts per square kilometer. The researchers predict locusts would have a much bigger influence on the atmosphere compared to honeybees.

Scientists hope to continue exploring how biology influences physics and are curious to know if something similar is happening with other wildlife, such as birds and bats.

【小题1】What were the researchers doing when something unexpected on their instruments happened?
A.Studying weather events.
B.Testing their instruments.
C.Recording insects’ behavior.
D.Looking for honeybees’ new home.
【小题2】What’s the function of a bee’s charge?
A.To signal to other bees.
B.To help the bee fly fast.
C.To find pollen more easily.
D.To avoid losing their way.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “biblical” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
【小题4】What will the scientists continue to study next?
A.The wide application of biology.
B.Measures to protect birds and bats.
C.The influences of dust storms on wildlife.
D.Whether other wildlife can produce electric charge.

Dogs bark at each other for a variety of reasons, according to Trevor Smith, a dog trainer. “But mainly,” he says, “dogs use barking as their primary communication tool to express their needs.” It may be especially difficult when they bark at their fellow four-legged friends-which begs the question: 【小题1】

They Are Feeling Anxious

Your dog may be anxious by nature, and being around other dogs may heighten his sensitivity. And he may respond with his primary communication tool: barking. 【小题2】 But with time and patience, most dog-barking issues can be managed.


A dog may bark at other dogs to try to engage in play. He’s essentially calling the other dog, trying to get it to join in the fun. If you’re at the dog park and know your dog generally plays well with others, now is the time to set him free so he can engage in some positive playtime.

They Are Being Angry

A dog that barks at other dogs may or may not ever get to the point where he can play with other dogs. 【小题4】 Others just aren’t friendly with other dogs.

If your dog’s facial expression, tail position and barking show he’s feeling playful, the solution to stopping him from barking may be to let him play or socialize with other pups in an environment where he feels safe. 【小题5】 “Through consistently positive information, your furry friend will learn which behaviors are rewarded, avoid those that receive no rewards and become comfortable in situations where they encounter the disrupting stimuli.”

A.They Are Being Playful.
B.They Are Feeling Optimistic.
C.how can we satisfy their demands?
D.why exactly do dogs bark at other dogs?
E.For some pups, that action is based on fear.
F.Dealing with a dog barking persistently can be frustrating.
G.In contrast, Smith says that if your dog barks out of extreme fear, take them away.
