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It’s a popular belief that a fish’s memory lasts for only seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don’t remember what they’ve eaten or where they’ve been, and they don’t identify you or any of their friends -- every moment in their life would be like seeing the world for the first time.

But don’t be so quick to feel sorry for them. A new study has found that fish have a much better memory than we used to think. In fact, certain kinds of fish can even remember events from as long as 12 days ago. In the study, researchers from Mac Ewan University in Canada trained a kind of fish called African cichlids to go to a certain area of their tank to get food. They then waited for 12 days before putting them back in the tank again. Researchers used computer software to monitor the fish’s movements. They found that after such a long break the fish still went to the same place where they first got food. This suggested that they could remember their past experiences.

In fact, scientists had been thinking for a long time that African cichlids might have a good memory. An earlier study showed that they behaved aggressively (挑衅地)in front of certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past “fights”. But until the latest findings, there was no clear evidence.

Just as a good memory can make our lives easier, it also plays an important part when a fish is trying to survive in the wild. “If fish are able to remember that a certain area contains safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives at risks,” lead researcher Trevor Hamilton told Live Science.

For a long time, fish were placed far below chimpanzees, dolphins and mice on the list of smart animals. But this study has given scientists a new understanding of their intelligence.

【小题1】According to the article, people commonly believe that _______.
A.fish can only remember part of their past experiences
B.fish can remember things that happened long time ago
C.a fish’s memory lasts for only seven minutes
D.fish don’t recognize any of their friends
【小题2】What's the biggest advantage fish can get from a good memory?
A.They remember where to get food and survive
B.They can avoid their enemies and fight
C.They can easily find safe places
D.They can recognize their helpful mates
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about African cichlids?
A.African cichlids tend to treat other fish aggressively.
B.African cichlids may remember things for 12 days.
C.African cichlids don’t belong to the list of smart animals.
D.African cichlids usually go to a certain area for food.
【小题4】What is the article mainly about?
A.Fish having very bad memories.B.Fish being smarter than we thought.
C.How fish improve their memory.D.What we can learn from fish.
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文直接理解语意转化正误判断文章大意 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Peggy, an old border collie (柯利牧羊犬), was signed over to the RSPCA, a charity with a primary focus on rescuing and rehoming animals, after her owner could no longer communicate with her. The owner thought she could no longer work because she was not able to hear.

However, after being handed to the RSPCA, Peggy was taken in by Chloe Shorten, an animal health manager from the organisation.

Shorten and her husband, Jason, a shepherd (牧羊人), taught Peggy to understand hand signals and body language. The couple trained Peggy with the help of a sheepdog trainer and their two other working dogs, Sid and Nora.

Shorten said, “We completely fell in love with Peggy almost at first sight, and it soon became clear that she wouldn’t be going anywhere. We knew Peggy wanted to be working, so we started the long process of teaching her how to work with a shepherd without relying on voice orders.”

The couple began by training Peggy to look at them to receive hand signals. They used repetitive and positive reinforcement and instead of pairing a voice order with an action, they’d use a hand gesture. Peggy read their hand signals and body language as a way of telling what they’re asking for.

Shorten and her husband point in a certain direction to indicate where they want Peggy to go and pat their knees to call her back to them. To ask her to slow down, Shorten does a waving gesture.

Peggy is not working full-time but enjoys helping out in the fields. “It can be difficult with a deaf dog, because you have to wave at her to get her attention, and sometimes she doesn’t realize straight away,” she said. “But she’s such a happy little dog. She’s no spring chicken, and she is generally retired, but she loves going out to work with us and running around in the fields.”

【小题1】Why was Peggy brought to the RSPCA?
A.Because she was old.B.Because she was noisy.
C.Because she was deaf.D.Because she was retired.
【小题2】How did the couple train Peggy to communicate?
A.By relying on other sheepdogs.
B.By working long hours in the fields.
C.By using sign and gesture language.
D.By matching voice orders with actions.
【小题3】According to the passage, which word can best describe Chloe Shorten?

Gorillas(大猩猩) are on the edge of extinction. They are calling on YOU to donate your phone today!

You can now help save gorillas in Africa simply by donating your mobile phone! Coltan is a metallic ore(金属矿石) that is mined both in and out of Africa and can be found within many electronic devices such as mobile phones. The mining of coltan within the Congo River Basin is contributing to forest loss there, and is speeding up the loss of mountain gorillas at a shockingly fast rate. While efforts are being made to deal with this issue, the mining of coltan within gorilla habitat continues. It is very difficult to know which phones contain coltan mined from Africa; however, every phone can help save gorillas when donated to They’re Calling on You.

By donating your phone through the They’re Calling You mobile phone recycling program you are:

●Preventing your phone from going to the landfill.

●Helping Melbourne Zoo raise money to support the Jane Good all Institutes monkey conservation work in Africa through the sale of refurbished(翻新)phones.

●Lessening the demand for coltan mining.

To support the They’re Calling You mobile phone recycling program you can:

1.Visit Melbourne Zoo to collect a postage paid recycling bag, and post your mobile phone to the Aussie Recycling Program. Your phone will be resold to poor community groups.

2.Register your support simply by emailing the registration form to zvfoundation@zoo.org.au or fax it to (03)9285-9377.

Schools can get involved too! Please contact Kate McCabe at Melbourne Zoo by email or phone(03)9285-9471 Discuss adding this program to your course while inspiring students to take action for wildlife.

For further information please contact: Rachel Lowry


Mob: 0488-504-490


Next time your mobile rings, let that be a reminder that “they’re calling on you”!

【小题1】Why do you save gorillas by donating your phones?
A.Gorillas won’t be troubled by the ringing of cell phones.
B.Africans will protect gorillas easily by using phones.
C.Africans won’t kill gorillas to exchange for phones.
D.Gorillas’ habitat won’t be destroyed due to less coltan mining.
【小题2】The phones you donate will ____.
A.be beautified and sold againB.be taken apart for their coltan
C.be given to the poor AfricansD.be presented to poor community groups.
【小题3】The underlined sentence in the passage probably means ___.
A.you are expected to donate phones for wildlife
B.you are reminded to call back immediately
C.you care called back by the recycling program
D.you should feel guilty about using the mobile phone

When Gogo was just a young pup, his owner Xiao Mei hoped the dog might one day become a service dog and help people. But Gogo had other plans, at least for the first part. He failed at service dog training, but he went on to help millions of people around the world learn how to trust, how to love, and how to surf.

According to Xiao Mei, the dog seemed naturally suited to life as a service dog. He was great with people, especially kids, and he had plenty of energy. But birds were his weakness. He just couldn't seem to stop running after them. And that's not a good quality for a service dog that needs to focus on the person he's helping.

Xiao Mei said at the beginning she was disappointed when Gogo didn't succeed at service dog school. But to her amazement, at just 8 weeks old, Gogo climbed on to a board that had been left in a children's pool, showing his special talent for balance. Gogo let his true skills shine through. Soon, Gogo was making a mark as the beach-loving dog who could hang ten on a surfboard. However, he wasn't finished showing off his special talents yet.

“One day at the beach, he jumped on a surfboard with a 14-year-old boy who had spinal cord injuries,” Xiao Mei said. “It was at that moment that his life purpose to surf with people who are disabled was realized. He's just such an inspiration to everyone — he's got such a strong connection to people, and we see such improvements in the people who he surfs with.”

Gogo now surfs daily with children and adults with special needs. He specializes in helping military veterans with PTSD and children with autism by connecting with them in ways that no one else can.

【小题1】What do we know about Gogo?
A.He was taught how to surf.B.He has saved millions of people's lives.
C.He has helped many people.D.He succeeded at service dog training.
【小题2】What was Gogo's biggest shortcoming?
A.Impatience.B.Lack of focus.
C.Not being brave.D.Lacking in modesty.
【小题3】What made Xiao Mei amazed?
A.Gogo's rapid progress at service dog training.B.Gogo's dropping out of school.
C.Gogo's widespread popularity.D.Gogo's extraordinary talents.
【小题4】Which statement is true according to the text?
A.Gogo is afraid of birds.
B.Gogo once had a spinal cord injury.
C.Gogo has a unique connection to people with special needs.
D.Gogo didn’t succeed at any thing and disappointed his owner.
