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If you come across two drivers who stop in the middle of the road in this richly forested island community, they’re probably arguing — about how to improve the local fairgrounds (游乐场), or property taxes, or the teen drop-in center. They argue about everything in South Whidbey, Washington, and that’s a good thing.

“Don’t bother to honk your horn (按喇叭),” resident Susan Knickerbocker says. “When they’re done, they’ll be done. They won’t move before that, so you just wait it out.”

This frequent scene is one sign that people care deeply about their town. “We argue passionately about where we want our community to go,” says Josh Burnett, who writes for the South Whidbey Record. “But at the end of the day, we’ll all say hi and shake hands at the farmers’ market on the weekend.”

That love for debate — passionate and constructive — has made South Whidbey residents intensely proud. Because, as stubborn as they are, everyone gets to work. That’s how they have created a first-class food bank and a no-kill animal shelter; developed new methods for residents to make — and accept — donations of veterinary (兽医的) services, oil changes, and advice on paying medical bills; and more. One group of volunteers is well-known for rescuing abused horses.

Another resident, Linda Briere, wrote on the Reader’s Digest Facebook page, “The love of country, joy of living, and the let-the-other guy-live-but-with-a-helping-hand make me proud.”

Of course, working for the greater good is what many communities do. What’s unusual about South Whidbey is that residents pull together despite the kinds of cultural differences that make progress difficult in so many other parts of the country. South Whidbey is home to sizable populations of farmers, artists, Christians, retired vets, Republicans, Democrats, and independents, and the clash (碰撞) of ideas inspires them.

The one thing they never disagree on is that their island is profoundly special.

【小题1】How does the writer lead in Para.1?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving examples.
C.By providing statistics.D.By offering possibilities.
【小题2】What can you do if you run into two drivers in South Whidbey arguing in the middle of the road?
A.Give suggestions.B.Wait until they finish.
C.Ask them to shake hands.D.Prevent them from fighting.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe people in South Whidbey?
A.Passionate for their hometown.B.Proud of farmer’s market.
C.Satisfied with their property taxes.D.Ridiculous in their behavior.
【小题4】What is mainly discussed about South Whidbey in this passage?
A.Its beautifully forested surrounding.
B.Some people with different cultures.
C.The special feature of the community.
D.Its brief history and different customs.
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Nearly 50 million Americans spend at least 20% of their time working in office settings. Office workers run the risk of work-related illness and stress. Psychological scientist Casey Lindberg and his co-workers were interested in examining how different types of office environments are related to employees' short-term health outcomes and well-being.

Taking advantage of digital tools, Lindberg equipped 231 employees in a US government agency with activity trackers over 3 days and 2 nights. Participants also downloaded a mood-monitoring app on their smartphones that quizzed them about their moods at different time throughout the day, both at work and at home. The participants come from a variety of positions working in four different office buildings Choosing a wide range of workers and office types was important to the researchers because it meant their findings could widely apply to many types of workers outside of the agency.

The study produced some results that fell in line with previous findings: Those employees who worked mainly on computers moved around during the day less than those who didn't work computer-based jobs. Older workers and those with higher body-mass indices(BMI) were less active than their younger, lower-BMI colleagues.

The researchers also found something they had not expected. People working at long open tables were 20% more active than were cubicle workers, and 32% more active than were people who worked in their own offices. “It is possible that the open nature of a space leads to increased physical activity by encouraging communication and movement when employees are available,” Lindberg explained. Besides, cubicle-and office-bound employees had higher level of stress both at work and at home after work, which could be caused by lower activity levels.

Although employees generally like to have their own offices, employers often prefer to consolidate employees to save space and money. So it seems open offices have a long way to go.

【小题1】What were the participants asked to do in the experiment?
A.To change the working positions.B.To test the stress level via phones.
C.To work in different office settings.D.To record movement track and mood.
【小题2】Which aspect of companies is likely to be influenced by the research result?
A.Office design.B.Bonus policy.C.Working hours.D.Location choice.
【小题3】Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Office Workers Suffer Stress and Illness
B.Open Offices Make Employees More Active
C.Employers Change Traditional Working Settings
D.Different Office Buildings Provide Health Benefits

The Art Newspaper, an online and print publication that covers the international art world, listed the 4 most visited art museums based on attendance figures recently. How many of these places have you visited?   

The Mus é e du Louvre, Paris, France.

It is the world’s largest art museum and a historical landmark of Paris. Housed in the Louvre Palace, the museum has been extended many times since its opening in 1793. Its glass pyramid in the main courtyard was designed by Chinese American architect Ieoh Ming Pei, and it later became a signature design of the museum, appearing in the hit thriller The Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou.

National Museum of China, Beijing, China.

Near Tiananmen Square in Beijing, it’s one of the largest museums in the world and the second-most visited art museum in the world, just after the Louvre.

Covering a time span from the Yuanmou Man of 1.7 million years ago to the Qing Dynasty (1644— 1911), the museum has around 1.05 million items— and many cannot be found in museums elsewhere.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, US.

Commonly known as the Met, the museum is among the must-visit attractions in New York City. It stands on the eastern edge of Central Park at Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

The Met maintains has a large collection of African, Asian, Oceanian, Byzantine and Islamic art. Every May, the museum holds the grand Met Gala, grabbing global attention like the Oscars.

Vatican Museums, the Vatican City.

If you are into Roman history and Renaissance art, the Vatican Museums will be your ideal destination. Along the exhibition route, visitors can appreciate the wonderful Sistine Chapel decorated by Michelangelo and the Stanze di Raffaello decorated by Raphael.

【小题1】How did the Art Newspaper determine the ranking of the 4 most visited art museums?
A.By the museum’s location
B.By the museum’s collection
C.By the number of exhibitions held at the museum
D.By the number of visitors
【小题2】What famous landmark is housed within the Mus é e du Louvre?
A.Louvre PalaceB.Glass pyramid
C.The Da Vinci CodeD.Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou.
【小题3】Which museum best suits people who are interested in the culture of Rome and ancient Greece?
A.National Museum of China, Beijing, China.
B.Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, US.
C.Vatican Museums, the Vatican City.
D.The Mus é e du Louvre, Paris, France.

Living near the ocean is good for health, but not all people can afford it. However, those who can certainly gain a lot of health benefits.

【小题1】 As we know, because people living near a shore get enough time to swim in sea water, they naturally tend to be stronger. Physicians have been recommending visits to coasts that specialize in providing sea water cleansing treatment, which improves the immune system.

Living near the ocean promotes physical activities. The seashore encourages outdoor activities like jogging on the sand, beach volleyball, scuba diving, surfing, etc. 【小题2】

Fresh air helps get sleep. Fresh ocean air enables us to consume oxygen, adding to good health. It also helps people feel more relaxed. 【小题3】 Little by little, this leads to better sleep after spending more time near the beaches.

Living near the ocean can help us absorb more Vitamin D. 【小题4】Thus, natural sunlight, along with the sun rays which bounce back from the sand and the ocean, is an excellent supply for our everyday need of Vitamin D.

Living near the ocean is helpful in meditation. 【小题5】 It helps people free from all worries of the past or the future. We get totally tuned to the present and become calm, as we listen to the rise and fall of waves.

A.Sunshine is a major source of Vitamin D.
B.People living near a sea coast are a bit healthier.
C.How will living near the ocean help improve your health?
D.Besides, when you listen to the sound of waves, it calms you.
E.Vitamin D builds up you bone, making a normal immune system.
F.Just sit near the seashore and see the waves moving back and forth.
G.These activities help live actively for people living near or on beaches.
