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The number one thing you'll probably do is book your flight if you want to travel to another country. But in some countries, you won't be able to fly directly.

Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, as a 109-acre area in the middle of Rome, doesn't have its own airport, but visitors can easily get there via Italy's capital.

Similarly, San Marino, the fifth smallest country in the world, is also surrounded by Italian land. It has a population of a little more than 33,000 and sits just nine miles from Federico Fellini International Airport in Rimini, Italy.

The second-smallest country in the world is Monaco, with a population of more than 38, 500. To get there, you'll have to go through France's Nice Cote d' Azur Airport, which is just a 25-minute car ride away from Monaco. Perhaps that's why developers didn't bother creating anything like a short flight.

Interestingly enough, the third and fourth smallest countries, Nauru and Tuvalu have their own airports, but the fifth and sixth smallest don't We already mentioned San Marino, and to get to Liechtenstein, you'll have to go through Switzerland's St. Gallen-Altenrhein Airport, 24 miles away from the capital.

No such luck trying to fly into Andorra, which only requires a 25-mile drive to get from one end of the country to the other. Situated in a mountain range valley, Andorra has too much difficulty in building an airport runway. But for visitors there is no difficulty in going Andorra. Both Spain and France have access to Andorra. The closest way to Andorra's capital is Girona-Costa Brava Airport in Spain.

【小题1】How many countries or regions introduced in the passage don't have their own airport?
【小题2】Which country is the sixth smallest country?
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Visitors can easily get to Vatican City via Switzerland's capital.
B.The fifth smallest country in the world has a little less than 33, 000 residents.
C.To get to Liechtenstein, you'll have to go through Italy's airport.
D.Visitors can arrive at Andorra through Spain or France.
【小题4】Why CANNOT we fly into Andorra?
A.It is difficult to build an airport in a mountain range valley.
B.It only requires a 25-mile drive to get from one end of the country to the other.
C.The closest option to Andorra’s capital is Girona-Costa Brava Airport in Spain.
D.Developers didn't bother creating anything like that.
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Entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and Space X, Elon Musk may have a little more time on his hands, as he’s leaving his position on the board of the Open AI, according to a blog post.

The departure is likely the result of Tesla’s moving into the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which he said in 2017 would be the “best in the world” and would even be able to “predict your destination.” Musk will continue to “donate and advise the organization,” Open AI said in a blog post on Feb. 20, adding that “As Tesla continues to become more focused on AI, this will avoid a potential future conflict for Elon.”

Musk and Y Combiner CEO Sam Altman co-founded the nonprofit enterprise in December 2015, its mission is to develop safe artificial general intelligence and ensure those developments are made public. Open AI researchers published a paper on the site ArXiv. Org, detailing the possible secure threats that come with “malicious” AI. In fact, Musk has heard of the “evil AI” alarm several times. On Aug. 11, 2017, he warned that artificial intelligence poses a bigger threat to humanity, and he told a gathering of state governors that the government needs to regulate AI before robots start “killing people.”

Musk’s departure from the Open AI board could mean big things for Tesla. As Elon Goodbye, a financial reporter, noted on Futurism, the move “could signal that Tesla is more deeply committed to their own AI projects than we thought.” He added, “Those who have had their ears to any rumors that Tesla is ready to deliver vehicles capable of Level 5 autonomy could take this new Open AI development as a sign that the company is inching closer to that unapproachable goal.” No company has reached that level of autonomy, which means that a driverless car could navigate any road under any conditions and that all the human “driver” would need to do is to input a destination.

【小题1】Why does Elon Musk leave his position?
A.To create safer AI.
B.To build the powerful Internet.
C.To develop social communication.
D.To avoid a possible conflict with Tesla.
【小题2】What is the Elon Musk’s attitude towards the AI?
【小题3】What can we infer from Elon Goodbye’s comments?
A.Level 5 autonomy is impossible.
B.The rumors about Tesla is meaningless.
C.He has no confidence in Open AI.
D.Level 5 autonomy could set human drivers free.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.Elon Musk is planning to compete with AI.
B.Elon Musk is stepping down from AI safety group he co-founded.
C.Elon Musk: AI is humanity’s biggest existential threat.
D.Elon Musk: Open AI will take new measures to cooperate with Tesla.

Are you planning to drive over a long distance? These tips for long road trips can help you get there safely and comfortably.

Store your sleep time.

Think about extreme tiredness before you begin your journey, not after. Get at least seven hours of sleep for two non-stop nights before the road trip to build up your energy reserves. 【小题1】, when the body’s temperature is slightly lower and people are naturally sleepy.

Fuel up.

【小题2】. Carrying along a variety of vitamin-packed, healthy foods will allow you to get by on smaller snacks throughout the long drive, while the skipping the fast-food stops.”To stay alert(警觉的),carrots and almonds are my favourite,” says travel expert Gretchen Breuner.

Use food smells.

During long distance driving, keep peppermint(薄荷)smell nearby. When you need a help, take a sniff. 【小题3】.

Plan your stops.

One of the most important tips for long road trips is to get out of your car and relaxed your legs every two hours or so. 【小题4】. It doesn’t matter wheather they fall at mealtimes or can be timed to let you view interesting places.


Books on tapes help keep the brain active, without creating a dangerous distraction(干扰).Breus recommends listening humorous books or even comedy CDs. Laughing will keep you awake.

A.Make full use of it every day
B.Treat yourself to some sounds
C.Buy as many CDs as possible to kill time
D.Plan these stops into your long distance drive
E.This time, we mean fuel for you,not your car
F.Also, try to avoid driving between 1:00 and 3:00 pm
G.It has been shown to reduce tiredness and increase alertness

Japan’s famously diligent workers spend more hours at the office than employees in almost any other country. Authorities have a message: Stay home. 【小题1】 . Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend Olympic and Paralympic events in Tokyo during the 2020 Games, putting additional pressure on the city’s already notoriously crowded commuter routes. Officials also hope that promoting working from home during the Games will encourage a more easy-going approach in a country known for its cases of karoshi, or death from overwork.

On July 22, one year before the Games, Tokyo rolled out a month-long “Telework Days” campaign, with government offices and private businesses committing to avoiding peak commuting hours. 【小题2】 . The government has been urging employers to be more flexible, hoping to help parents and others caring for elderly relatives to better balance their work and home responsibilities. Officials hope the campaign will show firms that employees can actually “work even more effectively” when they stay home.

【小题3】 . Such as concerns over the security of sensitive information, the difficulty of controlling working conditions and the fact that corporate culture stresses the importance of face-to-face communication.

Experts and government officials hope that Olympic efforts to expand telework might serve as something of a legacy for the Games. “Tokyo 2020 is a chance to actively introduce telework, which can create a stress-free lifestyle,” said Azuma Taguchi, a professor of engineering at Chuo University. 【小题4】 . And he also urged to take serious measures to tackle Olympic traffic.

【小题5】 . “This is a chance to make telework a legacy of the Games that will take root” in Japanese society, Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko said in a recent forum to promote flexible work. And some officials are hoping that a more open-minded approach to work could encourage people to take “workstations” — working remotely from far-flung locations with attractive leisure options.

A.Workstations have already appeared in Japan.
B.The concept isn’t completely unfamiliar in Japan.
C.The efforts have also run up against various barriers.
D.Tokyo tells workers to stay home to enjoy a new lifestyle.
E.The aim is to avoid traffic chaos during next year’s Olympics.
F.He warned of potentially “fatal traffic jam” if action is not taken.
G.Others also see the Games as a chance to break existing work habits.
