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Long before "digital" and "native" were words that could reasonably fit into the same sentence, kids had adventures in the great outdoors-the sort of nature-filled adventures filmmaker Paul Ward experienced as a child growing up on a farm.

"Unfortunately, children today don't have the same exposure to nature," says the father of Estella, nine, and Sylvie, seven. "Instead, these digital natives are often glued to their screens."

Wanting to reconnect this young generation with the outside world-via a medium that they're familiar with-Ward teamed up with film producer Vicky Pope to create Wild Eyes, a website that uses technology to help children to get in touch with nature.

Ward and Pope spent two years developing Wild Eyes, which requires users to complete interesting tasks in nature, such as setting up camp or finding a certain kind of bird. Once a challenge is complete, the player uploads a photo to the website to earn online encouragement and "likes" from other players.

"It's all about interacting with kids on their own terms," says Ward.

Ward, who spent almost two years working as a producer for the Discovery Channel in Los Angeles, says the response so far has been positive. "We've had more than 15, 000 site visitors to date, which is really encouraging."

Both Ward and Pope are working hard to ensure all the tasks are affordable and adaptable for both the home and classroom. They believe there's also a future benefit to turning square eyes into wild eyes.

"As David Attenborough says, people will only protect what they care about and they'll only care about what they've experienced," he says. "Given so much of our lives are lived online, if we care about looking after our natural world, it's important we provide attractive digital experiences that engage young kids with nature."

【小题1】How was Ward's childhood different from his children's?
A.He did a lot of outdoor activities.B.His vocabulary was limited.
C.He seldom played in the wild.D.He had no computer or TV set.
【小题2】What do children do on Wild Eyes?
A.Expand their knowledge about nature.B.Complete their tasks given by the website.
C.Share their outdoor activities with others.D.Participate in activities organized by the website.
【小题3】What do the underlined words "square eyes" in paragraph 7 refer to?
A.An activity that requires hard work.B.An activity that is affordable and adaptable.
C.A person spending a lot of time in nature.D.A person spending too much time on the screen.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Experiencing the Great OutdoorsB.Keeping away from the Screen
C.Combining the Screen with NatureD.Looking after the Natural World
知识点:人与动植物科普知识 说明文直接理解语意转化标题判断短语猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

One of the talks from the TED stage in Long Beach, California, came from Richard Ture re, an inventor. He is a Maasai from Kenya. And he is very young.

Lions are the top tourist attraction to Kenya, especially in the Nairobi National Park, which is near where Richard lives. Lions are also considered critically endangered in Kenya. One of the main causes of their demise, “is that people kill them in retaliation (报复) for lions attacking their livestock (牲畜)”, says Paula Kahumbu, executive director of Wildlife Direct, a wildlife conservation organization in Africa. She has been studying the conflict between humans and lions, and her work led her to Richard. In one week, she monitored over 50 cases where lions attacked livestock.

One night Richard was walking around with a flashlight and discovered the lions were scared of a moving light. A light went on inside him and an idea was born. Three weeks later, Richard had invented a system of lights that flash around the cowshed (棚), which seemed like a human walking around with a flashlight. His system is made from broken flashlight parts and an indicator box from a motorcycle. “The only thing I bought was a solar board, which charges a battery that supplies power to the lights at night,” Richard says. He calls the system Lion Lights. “There have been a lot of efforts to try to protect the lions,” Kahumbu says. “It’s a crisis and everyone is looking for a solution. One idea was land leases (租赁), another was lion pro-offences (防护栅栏). And basically no one even knew that Richard had already come up with something that worked.”

His simple solution was so successful. He equipped the lights for his neighbors and for six other homes in his community. From there, the lights spread and are now being used all around Kenya.

To get to the TED stage, Richard traveled on an airplane for the first time in his life. He says he has a lot to tell his friends about when he goes back home, and what impressed him the most on his trip was something he saw at the Aquarium of the Pacific: “It was my first time seeing a shark. I’ve never seen a shark.”

【小题1】Why is Richard able to get to the TED stage?
A.He has saved fifty lions.B.He is a successful speaker.
C.He helped his neighborhood.D.He invented a light to protect the lions.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “demise” mean in the second paragraph?
【小题3】Whose job is to protect wildlife?
A.Richard’s.B.Wildlife Direct’s.C.The government’s.D.The TED’s.
【小题4】What can we learn from the text?
A.People in Kenya live in harmony with the lions.
B.Richard is a caring, thoughtful and inventive American boy.
C.There were three methods to protect the lions before Richard’s solution.
D.With kindness and consideration, people can achieve peace with natural world.

Can plants talk? Modern research has found something amazing: they do communicate with each other.

It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals to communicate with each other. This happens when a plant gets attacked by insects. The plant gives out chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, or a call for help: "I'm being attacked! " When another plant gets the chemicals, it starts to give out its own, different chemicals. Some of these chemicals drive insects away. Others attract the wasps(黄蜂;蜜蜂)! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants. Scientists hope to learn more about this plant warning system, so that we can use it to grow more crops.

More surprisingly, plants also use sound to communicate. People can't hear these sounds ; but plants are making them. Some plants make noises with their roots. Corn and chili plants do this. Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water.

Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest. Scientists call this system the “ wood wide web”. The wood wide web is linked underground by fungi(霉菌).It links the roots of different plants to each other. It is in some ways similar to the Internet we use. Using the wood wide web, plants can share information and even food with each other. However, it may lead to bad effects. Plants may use it to steal food from each other,     or spread chemicals to attack other plants. Perhaps one day scientists will learn how to create a “firewall“ to help prevent these attacks within the wood wide web.

Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each other. Maybe one day we will know enough about plant communication to be able to "talk” with them ourselves.

【小题1】What will plants do when they are attacked by insects?
A.They will kill the insects by themselves.
B.They will control the wasps to kill the insects.
C.They will send out signals to ask for help.
D.They will produce chemicals as a warning or a call for help.
【小题2】How is the wood wide web linked by fungi?
A.By making noises with their roots.
B.By connecting the roots of different plants to each other.
C.By sharing food and information with each other.
D.By spreading chemicals to each other.
【小题3】What is the structure of the passage?

【小题4】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Secret Language of Plants
B.The Study About the Plant Warning System
C.The Plants that Give Warnings
D.Why Scientists Do Research About Plants

Actress Hayden Panettiere recently got into trouble with Japanese fishermen as she tried to stop them from killing dolphins.

The 18-year-old star with some other surfers sailed out to reach the dolphins in order to stop them from being driven into a nearby pool and killed, but the six surfers, from Australia and the United States, were stopped by a fishing boat before they could reach them. The fishermen blocked their way with a boathook (钩篙). It was an ugly, unfriendly and life-threatening struggle before the surfers were forced to return to the beach. It is believed that the dolphins were later taken into a pool and killed.

Panettiere, who is a brave surfer and loyal animal protector, made up her mind to save the dolphins of Japan and said, “It was really frightening. Some of us were hit by the boathook, but in the end all we were really worried about was the dolphins. It was so sad. We were so close to them and they were jumping out of the water to see us.” Breaking down in tears, she added, “One little baby dolphin stuck his head out and looked at me and the thought that it’s no longer with us is really hard to take.”

The surfers left the country to avoid arrest (逮捕) by the Japanese police. Panettiere is now back in Los Angeles.

More than 22,000 dolphins are killed by fishermen in Japan every year. Many Japanese believe dolphins should be treated like fish. They have been hunting dolphins for centuries and see any criticism (批评) of this as an attack on their culture.

【小题1】Why did the surfers get into trouble with the fishermen in Japan?
A.They said something that hurt the fishermen.
B.They entered a pool which wasn’t allowed to go into.
C.They attacked Japanese culture.
D.They tried to stop the fishermen from killing the dolphins.
【小题2】From Paragraph 3, we can learn that Panettiere ________.
A.was really frightened and sad
B.succeeded in saving the dolphins
C.cried when they were hit by the boathook
D.didn’t like the Japanese fishermen
【小题3】Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A.What Happened While Surfing in Japan
B.Hayden Panettiere Cried in the Sea of Japan
C.People Worldwide Are Against Killing Dolphins
D.Protect the Wild Animals
