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Automatic dishwashers have been around for more than 100 years. It started in 1886 with Josephine Cochrane, a woman in Shelbyville, Illinois. She was a rich woman who could afford servants to wash her dishes, so she really didn’t mind the work. What she did mind was that her servants broke the dishes. She hosted quite a few dinner parties, and after every party the servants broke more of her expensive dishes.

Finally, Cochrane took action. First, she measured her dishes and bent wire into racks to hold them. Next, she put the racks on a wheel in a large copper boiler. Then, the boiler sprayed hot, soapy water on the dishes as a motor turned the wheel. After a hot water rinse(冲洗), the dishes were clean!

Josephine Cochrane’s friends were impressed with the machine and asked her to build more. After that, word got out fast. Soon hotel and restaurant owners who didn’t like broken dishes also were interested. Cochrane then knew that she had a wonderful machine, so she received a patent from the government, which said that only the inventor can make money from an invention. Then in 1893 Chicago held a World’s Fair where inventions from all over the world were shown. Cochrane’s labor-saving machine was a big hit. Her dishwasher won the highest award.

Cochrane’s company came out with a smaller machine in 1914. It was supposed to be for the ordinary home, but it wasn’t an immediate success. Many homes couldn’t produce the extremely hot water it needed. Also, in most homes, dishwashing wasn’t considered very difficult compared to most other housework. In fact some people liked to relax at the sink after a hard day! Sales of the home model finally picked up in the 1950s when people had more money and wanted to have more time to enjoy themselves. Now many homes have electric dishwashers that aren’t very different from the one Josephine Cochrane invented more than 100 years ago.

【小题1】Why did Josephine Cochrane invent the dishwasher?
A.To avoid possible damage to the dishes.
B.To reduce the number of servants.
C.To host more dinner parties.
D.To make the dishes cleaner.
【小题2】What does the underlined words in Paragraph 3 suggest?
A.The machine wasn’t as efficient as described.
B.Josephine Cochrane could no longer keep it a secret.
C.The invention drew immediate attention of the public.
D.Josephine’s friends soon began to talk about the new machine.
【小题3】The smaller machine became popular only when      .
A.people had more relaxing jobsB.hot water was not needed
C.housework became easierD.people’s living conditions improved
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Recently, Hannah Lucas and her brother Charlie sat at their kitchen table describing the moment the two of them put their heads together to create a special app. At the time, Hannah was suffering with an illness that causes her to pass out. She was also being bullied at school. So she searched for an app that would allow her to press a button so a trusted friend or family member would know immediately that she needed help.

After realizing there was no such thing, Hannah and her brother decided to do something about it. After some research, Hannah made some early drawings of what the app might look like. Then, after taking a programming class, Charlie began figuring out the best way for the app to work.

The pair wanted something that would send a text message to up to five contacts that reads “Hey, I’m not OK. Please call me, text me, or come to find me”, along with a link to the user’s current GPS location. Together, they started looking for someone to help them make the app. And when Hannah shared her dream with instructors inn a summer business class she attended, they got behind the idea. “They were really excited about the app. They thought of a million different marketing strategies.” Hannah said.

By mid-December, a working version of the app, named “notOK”, was finished as a birthday present for Hannah. “It was exactly what we wanted,” Charlie said.

In today’s age, most people will agree that apps like these are a great idea. Whether you’re suffering from illness, or anything emergent, writing a text message of making a phone call to get the help you need can be difficult, While not OK was created for Hannah to give her peace of mind and security, she is excited to know that her app will help many more people. “It’s like I went through my dark times, so I could help people through theirs,” she said.

【小题1】Why did Hannah want to create the app notOK?
A.To help treat her illness.B.To avoid being bullied at school.
C.To call for help when in need.D.To encourage people with similar illnesses.
【小题2】What can we learn about notOK from the article?
A.It was made bt Hannah and Charlie all by themselves.
B.It can automatically call family or friends.
C.It can tell others the location of the user.
D.It will mainly be used by children and old people.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?
A.They didn’t think it a good idea to make the app.B.They supported Hannah in making the app.
C.They believed that the app would sell well.D.They thought the app was not practical.

Smart entertainment is changing how we engage with leisure. By combining cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), augmented reality, and the internet of things with traditional forms of entertainment, this innovation is enhancing users’ experiences.

In 2023, Huawei introduced its Vision Smart TV3, transforming your home into your own amusement park. This innovative technology features groundbreaking AI super-sensing cameras and AI vision chips powered by deep learning and big data. These advanced components see and study your movements, enabling you to control characters through your body gestures. Social media is busy with users sharing their experiences of playing motion-sensing games, which require real-life movements like jumping and squatting instead of simply holding a controller.

The Vision Smart TV is not only cutting-edge but also family-friendly. Turning on the kids mode allows the screen to monitor real-time data, offering suggestions for adjusting a child’s viewing distance and posture. This provides a safe and comfortable entertainment experience for the younger audience. TorieZ, a Huawei Vision Smart TV3 owner and a mother of a 3-year-old daughter, shared her experience on Xiaohongshu. “Thanks to the smart screen, my child maintains good posture without constant supervision because her favorite cartoons stop if she slouches (懒洋洋地坐),” she said. When she’s free, TorieZ and her husband enjoy exercising together under the instructions of the TV.

We can not only play video games merely on the screens; now, with smart entertainment, you can get an immersive experience of Mario Kart, a racing video game, put right into your living room. While playing the game, players can control their karts running in their living rooms. Each kart has an onboard camera on it. The camera can record the layout of where they are and upload it to the Nintendo system. After processing it, some settings, like jungles and snowy landscapes, are created based on the layout and shown on the Switch screen. So, things in your living room, like the sofa and table, your feet or even your cat, can be a part of your game.

Step outside and you can also enjoy smart entertainment experiences. Shanghai Disney Resort uses big data analysis to offer personalized services. In the US and South America, VR World, the largest VR club, gives users super real gaming and travel adventures.

Looking forward, cutting-edge technologies will continue to change how we spend our leisure time.

【小题1】How does Huawei’s Vision Smart TV3 improve user interaction in gaming experiences?
A.Through touch-activated screens.
B.Through voice-activated commands.
C.Through thought-based gaming controls.
D.Through immediate responses to motion gestures.
【小题2】According to TorieZ, how does Vision Smart TV3 benefit her child?
A.By limiting overall screen time.
B.By providing exercise instructions.
C.By restricting access to certain content.
D.By offering real-time posture monitoring.
【小题3】What can we know about the video game Mario Kart according to the passage?
A.The settings are fixed and can’t be changed.
B.Physical objects in the room can become part of the game.
C.Players wear VR headsets for a more engaging experience.
D.Players interact with AI characters in the game.
【小题4】What can be the best title of the passage?
A.Having fun in new waysB.How to spend our leisure time
C.Cutting-edge technologiesD.Innovative video games

Li Bai holds a wine cup in his hand, while Du Fu sits in front of a desk, writing poems on the paper in front of him. It’s not that we have traveled to the past. Modern technology has brought ancient poets “back to life” .

The two great poets, along with other humanoid robots were presented at the World Robot Conference 2023 in late August in Beijing. They looked similar to real human beings.

“The skin is made of medical-grade bionic silicone (仿生硅胶) which is why the skin looks soft and veins can be seen through it,” CGTN explained in a video about Liaoning-based producer EXROBOTS. Goosebumps (鸡皮疙瘩) and palm lines can also be seen on the arms and hands.

Researchers are also trying hard to create other features of humans on robots. A US robotics company Apptronik brought out its humanoid robot called Apollo on Aug 23. Apollo has around 30 muscles. However, humans have around 300 muscles in our bodies. For now, engineers can only simplify the muscles, allowing them to do basic movements like holding objects and walking.

The robot also contains cameras, helping it map out a 360-degree view of its environment. It also has sensors (传感器) in its head to help keep balance when walking on uncertain surfaces.

Nowadays, bionic human-like robots mostly work with humans, as tour guides or by helping visitors at front desks. There are also robots that share the work of nurses, such as handing out medicine. This could be because people are comfortable living and working with machines that look or act like them. “They can strike a chord (引起共鸣) with people,” a US robotics scientist Marc Raibert told New Yorker.

As more humanoid robots come out, safety will be the key, according to the Robot Reportwebsite. When a 70- kilogram robot breaks down and falls, humans nearby may be hurt.

【小题1】What does brought ancient poets “back to life” mean in Paragraph 1?
A.The robots can create better poems than poets.
B.Technology can make ancient poets back to life.
C.Visitors can experience real ancient life with robots.
D.The robots looked and acted like real ancient poets.
【小题2】What does the skin of robots made by EXROBOTS show?
A.How human-like their robots are.
B.How soft the robots skin is.
C. How the robots’ skin should be made.
D.How different they are from other robots.
【小题3】What can Apollo do with built-in sensors?
A.Wave at humans.B.Walk stably.C.Know human faces.D.See better.
【小题4】What do people worry about with human-like robots?
A.People may be at war with the robots.B.Human-like robots look scary.
C.The robots weight may cause problems. D.The robots may get out of control.
