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Speed reading is a skill with which a person can increase the rate of words read a minute. Generally speaking, a person can read between 200 and 250 words a minute. 【小题1】 Here are some ways that can help you read fast.

Have a general idea about the topic before reading. If you’re reading a book, it’s a good idea to read the introduction or preface before reading the main text. 【小题2】.

Increase your eye span. Your eyes can take in several words at a time and this is known as eye span. To increase your eye span, avoid reading word by word, but try reading blocks of words in a sentence. 【小题3】. Even if you ignore them, you’ll still understand the main idea of the sentence you’re reading.

Do not reread. The most common mistake made by readers is frequent going back to think about some sentences they’ve read. 【小题4】. In other words, cover each line once you've finished reading it.

【小题5】. Some people move their lips and speak out while reading, which will lead to a low reading speed. The best way to break this habit is to pay attention while reading and if you catch yourself moving your lips, just place a finger on your mouth.

A.Avoid reading out loud
B.Give your full attention to your reading
C.You can also leave out words such as the, a, it, to, etc
D.We can’t judge what to read and what part to leave out
E.This will give you a guide to what you’re going to read
F.One way to avoid this is to place a piece of paper over the text you read
G.But with speed reading tips, a person can increase his/her speed from 500 to 600 words a minute
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The Pomodoro Technique involves working on a task for 25 minutes, followed by a short5-minute break before picking up the next task to repeat the cycle. In theory, the method follows simple approach. 【小题1】, here is how the flow looks like:

Choose the task you need to work on

【小题2】. You must pick a single task because it helps avoid distractions and multitasking. Feel free to pick a long term goal or an urgent task waiting for your action.

Use Time Management Tools

You need a timer to tell you when the period is over. You can use an online stopwatch, your phone alarm, or a physical timer to notify you. Don't worry if the task you're targeting needs more time. 【小题3】


You must put all your energy and attention on the task at hand for those 25 minutes. While you're on it, you must stay away from distractions like answering calls, responding to text messages, or striking a conversation with people around.

Take a short break when the Pomodoro is complete

When the timer sounds, you've completed one Pomodoro. 【小题5】, drinking water checking your phone, etc. Do not use the time to get more work done because your brain need breathing space.

Repeat these steps 4 times

Follow the same pattern of 25 minutes of work followed by a short break. You can pick new task for every Pomodoro or resume where you stopped at the end of the last slot.

Once you finish 4 such cycles, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. And of course, do no forget to pump your fist for the job well done.

A.Have a short rest of several minutes to relax by taking a walk
B.List some of the problems you are facing
C.It's unnecessary to finish your entire job in the same period
D.If you go through the whole process step by step
E.The first step is to pick what you need to get done
F.Once you get the hang of the technique
G.Work on the task until the timer sounds

How to choose a career-for many, it’s a big and scary question. Deciding on the right career path is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life. With endless career options available, making the right choice can be overwhelming (令人不知所措的). 【小题1】. Here is a practical guide on how to choose a career path.


No matter who you are, I know there are plenty of things you’re good at. Make a list of every single one that comes to mind. What subjects did you do very well in school? What talents do people compliment (赞美) you on? These are all evidences that tell you what your strengths are. Don’t leave out any skill, even if you don’t think it qualifies as a career skill. You never know how your unique set of strengths could transfer to a job.

Figure out your motivation.

The next factor you need to consider is your mission. Who are the people you most want to help? What problems do you want to solve? What causes inspire or concern you? How have you been able to help people in ways that were meaningful to you? 【小题3】, because without having a deeper purpose of or the reason for your work, it will be hard to stay with it in the long term.

Do some research.

Thorough survey about the listed careers is of great importance. Here is where you could find out the minimum requirements for each profession educationally, physically and mentally. As you continue your research, first consider jobs that are in line with your expectations. 【小题4】

Identify your passions (激情).

Passion isn’t just a pipe dream (白日梦). It’s a very real and necessary part of doing a job that’s meaningful to you. No one wants to do work that makes them feel bored! Finding your passion doesn’t mean the work will always be easy, but it does mean you’ll be fulfilled while doing it. Make a list of the activities that bring you to life, energize you, inspire you, and make you lose track of time.

【小题5】 when you choose the future job.

A.List your skills
B.Don’t worry about that
C.Make full use of your skills
D.You can be at the height of your career
E.These are important questions to ask yourself
F.Ignore ones that have little in common with your strong desire
G.Admittedly, the combination of the above steps proves extremely effectively

Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things they do.

The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will stay away from a scary or angry look.

One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Who’s their favourite singer, where do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. Make sure you have something to add to the conversation, too. When someone asks you a question, do have an answer for it. There is nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug for an answer.

Kids who show an interest in other kids and who are kind and friendly make good friends. Remember, everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who are nice to them.

【小题1】This passage gives us some advice on ________.
A.how to make friendsB.who you can make friends with
C.how to start a conversationD.the importance of smile
【小题2】Most people like to make friends with those ________.
A.who are sad every dayB.who share the same interest
C.who are fond of talkingD.who say bad things to them
【小题3】According to the third paragraph, most people enjoy talking to one ________.
A.who is always smilingB.who seems to be friendly
C.who praises themD.who points out their shortcomings
【小题4】What does the underlined part in this passage mean?
A.Being very proud.B.Making no answer.
C.Knowing nothing.D.Not hoping to answer.
