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For much of the 20th century, milk was a simple part of daily life in the U.S, as farmers raised cows, milkmen delivered bottles and children drank it at school. But those days are fading.

America has fallen out of love with drinking milk, as lower-calorie options have increased and people are replacing water bottles with milk cartons. Americans each drink an estimated 146 lb. of fluid milk in 2018, according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service. That may sound like a lot, but it’s down by 26% just since 2000.

The downturn has been tough on dairy processors like Borden and Dean, which buy fresh milk from farms and use techniques like pasteurization (巴氏杀菌) to create a consumer-safe drink with a longer shelf life. For the past five years, thanks to technology that increased milk production, fresh-milk prices were relatively low, which meant processors could still earn some money even despite the decreasing demand. But prices began going up again last year, squeezing the processors’ already tight profits. “Declining sales in a thin-profit business is not a good recipe for success,” says Mark Stephenson, director of dairy policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin.

Milk processors are also facing competition from big retailers, which have set up their own processing plants. In 2018, Walmart opened a milk-processing plant in Indiana to serve hundreds of stores in the Midwest, taking away approximately 95 million gal of milk-processing business from Dean Foods.

On the other end of the supply chain, dairy farms are facing trouble of their own. The low prices left small farmers struggling across the industry. The number of farm bankruptcies (破产) in 2019 was up by 4% from the previous year. “We’re trying our best to hang on,” says Mary Rieckmann, a dairy farmer in Wisconsin whose family has turned to GoFundMe to keep their century-old farm running.

【小题1】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Why some dairy farmers turn to GoFundMe.
B.Why America’s milk industry get into much trouble.
C.Why Americans consume less milk than before.
D.Why big retailers set up their own processing plants.
【小题2】It can be inferred from the passage that _________.
A.An American consumes 146 lb fluid milk every year
B.Technology in milk industry improves the production
C.Walmart is probably not a target customer of Dean Foods now
D.2019 witnessed 4% more farm bankruptcies than the previous year
【小题3】In which section of a newspaper may the passage appear?
知识点:新闻报道逻辑推理文章出处文章大意 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The French submarine is called Le Triomphant, meaning “the winner”. The name of the British submarine is Vanguard, meaning “the leading position in an army”. It’s clear from the submarines’ names that they were made for victory.

However, it was an accident, rather than a victory, that led these two submarines to recently make news headlines across the world.

On February 16, Britain and France admitted that two of their nuclear — armed submarines, HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant, collided while deep in the Atlantic in early February. Both submarines were on secret patrols (巡逻) and carrying nuclear arms when they collided.

Le Triomphant had no idea that it had run into HMS Vanguard until several days later. The French navy at first believed that Le Triomphant had hit an “object, probably a container (集装箱)”.

Investigations have begun to work out how such a collision could have happened. Both submarines are equipped with state-of-the-art (最先进的) technology that is supposed to find other submarines. Yet, neither submarine saw the other until it was too late.

One idea being considered was that their anti-sonar (抗声呐) equipment, which hides submarines, was just too effective in hiding one from the other.

Submarines use sonar to sense what is in the sea near them. Sonar is a submarine’s ear. Many sea animals use sonar as well. Dolphins produce high-pitched (声调高的) clicks. When these clicks hit an object, some of the sound will echo (发出回声) back to the “sender”. By listening to the echo and working out the time it took before the echo came back, the dolphin can work out how far away the object is.

There are two kinds of sonar: active sonar, which sends out signals, and passive sonar, which listens for signals with extremely sensitive microphones.

The two submarines were designed to be very quiet and as hidden as possible because a submarine’s job description (工作职责) is not to be found. Many modern submarines do not use active sonar, only passive sonar. This makes it very difficult for a submarine to “hear” if another submarine is near.

Britain’s Ministry of Defense (国防部) has said the collision did not lead to any radioactive leaks (放射物泄漏). The chance of a full nuclear explosion was almost impossible. However, experts say that if the walls of the submarines had broken, or a fire had been started, there could have been a major disaster.

A senior British Navy source told The Sun newspaper that the possible consequences of such a collision were “unthinkable”.

“It’s very unlikely there would have been a nuclear explosion. But a radioactive leak was a possibility. That would have been a national disaster.” he said.

【小题1】What has made HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant well known recently?
A.Their names carried very positive meanings.
B.They collided in the Atlantic this February.
C.They are both equipped with advanced technology.
D.They are both nuclear-armed submarines.
【小题2】What’s the probable reason for the accident?
A.The two submarines were moving at a high speed.
B.Their anti-sonar equipment was too effective.
C.They were not equipped with active sonar.
D.The submarines were designed to be too quiet.
【小题3】Which of the following is the right order in which the dolphin senses the object’s position?
a. The sound hitting the object.
b. Producing high-pitched sound.
c. The sound echoing back.
d. Working out the time to come back.
e. Receiving the sound.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true about the passage?
A.Both of the submarines carried nuclear arms when they collided.
B.Many modern submarines do not use passive sonar so as to be as hidden as possible.
C.The collision may have caused a disaster if a fire had been started.
D.There would have been a nuclear explosion if the two submarines had collided harder.

After more than a year of bitter political debate, President Obama sat down in the White House East Room on March 23 and signed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law with a pen, and then another pen, and another. Obama used 22 pens to sign the $938 billion health care bill.

The practice of using different pens to sign important legislation(法规)dates at least as far back as Franklin Roosevelt. The reason is fairly simple. The pen used to sign historic legislation itself becomes a historical artifact. The more pens a President uses, the more thank-you gifts he can offer to those who helped create that piece of history. The White House often give pens to supporters of the newly signed legislation. When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, he reportedly used more than 75 pens and gave one of the first ones to Martin Luther King Jr. And in 1996, President Clinton gave the four pens he used to sign the Line-Item Veto bill to those most likely to appreciate the bill’s consequence.

Once they’re given away, some pens end up in museums; others are displayed proudly in recipients’(接受者) offices or homes. But they sometimes appear again, like in the 2008 presidential campaign(竞选活动), when John Macain promised to use the same pen given to him by President Reagan to cut pork from the federal budget.

Not every President goes for the multipen signature, however. President George W. Bush preferred signing bills with only one pen and then offering several unused “gift” pens as souvenirs.

【小题1】.We can learn from paragraph 1 that the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act        .
A.has been passed easily
B.was put forward one year ago
C.becomes law in the USA
D.is unimportant
【小题2】How are the pens dealt with after being used by President Obama?
A.Supporters of the newly signed legislation are likely to get some of them.
B.Obama will keep them.
C.They will be just set aside
D.They will be sold to the public at a high price.
【小题3】What can we learn about John Macain?
A.He was ever President in the USA.
B.He took part in the 2008 presidential campaign.
C.He never used the pen given by Reagan.
D.He was only concerned about his own business.
【小题4】What does this passage mainly tell us ?
A.Obama signed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
B.It is a practice to use multiple pens to sign important legislation in the USA.
C.Pens are necessary in the signature.
D.All the presidents like the multipen signature.

Most 5-year-olds are just learning their ABCs but one little girl from the UK has actually written a book that was published in January 2022. Bella-Jay Dark from Weymouth, is the world’s youngest female to be published and was awarded the title by Guinness World Re-cords. Her book, The Lost Cat tells the story of Snowy, a cat who got lost after going outside alone at night. She hopes the book will teach children not to go outside at night alone.

While many adult writers find inspiration for their books from life experiences, Bella’s creative vision actually came from one of her drawings. “It started off as a picture. My daddy said I could make a book and a story came from the picture,” Bella said.

Her mom, Chelsie Syme, was surprised that the book turned out as well as it did. “I am just really proud of her; I did not think it was going to go this far, so I’m just proud and want to see her get the acknowledgement she deserves.”

But how do you get a child’s homemade book published? According to Syme, they took Bella’s book to a book fair and found a publisher willing to take a chance on it. Syme helped Bella with proofing copies and making necessary changes. To earn the Guinness World Record title of The World’s Youngest Published Author, female, the book has to be published by a commercial publishing house and have at least 1,000 copies printed and sold. Bella’s book met the criteria, so she was awarded the title.

Besides being an accomplished author, Bella is just a regular kid who enjoys reading, swimming, and playing on her tablet. In her free time, she is currently working on a sequel(续篇)to Snowy’s story. Who knows what pearls of wisdom will come next?

【小题1】Who is Snowy
A.Bella’s pet.B.A lost child.
C.A cat in Bella’s work.D.A talented female writer.
【小题2】What gives Bella a brainwave to generate the idea of her book?
A.Her life experiences.B.A picture she painted.
C.Her interest in animals.D.A story from a book.
【小题3】What can we know about Bella from the text?
A.Her father is a painter.
B.Her mother is strict with her.
C.She wants to help children with her book.
D.She pays much attention to protecting animals.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The World’s Youngest Author
B.The Smallest Female Publisher
C.A 5-year-old Girl’s Book—The Lost Cat
D.A Pet Cat——Snowy
