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Severe heat waves have killed more than 100 people in India this summer and are predicted to worsen in coming years, creating a possible crisis as large parts of the country potentially become too hot to be inhabitable (适宜居住的).

Heat waves in India usually take place between March and July and abate (减弱) once the rains arrive. But in recent years these hot waves have become more severe, more frequent and longer.

India is among the countries expected to be worst affected by severe heat, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say that even if the world succeeds in limiting the rise in average global temperatures, parts of India will become extremely hot.

Last year, there were over 480 official heat waves across India. During that period, more than 5,000 people died. This June, temperatures of 48 degrees Celsius hit Delhi. Churu nearly broke the country's heat record with a high of 50.6 degree Celsius. Bihar closed all schools, colleges and coaching centers for five days after severe heat killed more than 100 people. The closures were accompanied by warnings to stay indoors during the hottest time of the day.

India is trying to develop a heat action plan. The city of Ahmedabad, in Gujarat introduced the country's first action plan in 2013, and its text messages, extra drinking stations and advice to keep out of the sun are credited with saving more than 2,000 lives.

At the same time, India is seeking long term solution The country has planned to cut its carbon emissions (排放) by 33% to 35% in 2030.

【小题1】What's the possible crisis for India?
A.It will rain less and less.
B.Drinking water will run out.
C.Some places will be too hot to be livable.
D.More people will be killed in coming years.
【小题2】What dos paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The heat record was broken.B.People are warned to stay indoors.
C.More heat waves hit India this year.D.The heat waves brought great loss.
【小题3】Which of the following are the measures India has taken to fight severe heat?
①Avoiding carbon emissions.
②Building more drinking stations.
③Sending messages about severe heat.
④Giving advice to stay away from severe heat.
【小题4】What is the suitable title for the text?
A.Heat Waves Hit IndiaB.India Suffered a Lot
C.Global Warming Affected IndiaD.A Plan to Fight Severe Heat
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Tropical(热带的)birds deep in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest are shrinking as the world’s climate changes. Researchers studied data for 77 tropical bird species over the past 40 years and found that all of them had lost body mass, with some species losing nearly 2% of their weight per decade.

A 2019 study of birds that had crashed into buildings in Chicago, Illinois, found that they’d lost mass over a 40—year period, but those species were migratory(迁徙的). However, why the birds changed in that way was unknown. Therefore, researchers decided to examine the records of 15, 000 non-migratory birds living in a rainforest within a few hours’ drive from Manaus in Brazil.

The average temperature of the birds’ habitat is 1℃ warmer in the wet season and 1. 65℃ warmer in the dry season compared with that in 40 years ago. What’s more, 13% more rain falls in the wet season and 15% less in the dry season. The birds have lost mass more sharply following extremely dry or wet seasons. This could be a short-term response to changes in their environment, such as a lack of rainfall causing a decline in the number of insects that the birds feed on.

“Mass is a generally good indication of body condition in birds, says Vitek Jirinec at the Integral Ecology Research Center in California, who led the study. "If they’re simply not getting enough to eat, you’d expect them to lose weight.”

Birds of the same species are generally larger at higher latitudes. The leading theory is that their smaller surface — area — to — volume ratio(表面积和体积比)allows them to better conserve heat. The opposite would help smaller species in hot climates to cool and could explain why birds are getting smaller as the climate warms, says Jirinec.

The marked physical change during just four decades show why stopping destroying trees alone won’t prevent the ongoing extinctions of animal species across the world, says Camila Gomez, a scientist who studies evolutionary changes in birds. "This study also shows how human-caused changes in climate are contributing to observed population declines in tropical birds," says Gomez.

【小题1】Why did the researchers study the non-migratory birds?
A.To make the conclusion of the 2019 study.
B.To prepare them for their future migration.
C.To find the reason for their physical change.
D.To seek a way to save the Amazon rainforest.
【小题2】What is the birds’ habitat studied by researchers like?
A.High temperatures are rarely seen.B.It seems much drier in wet seasons.
C.Weather patterns get more extreme.D.Rainfall is increased in dry seasons,
【小题3】What does Vitek Jirinec think of the birds’ shrinking?
A.It enables them to hide easily.B.It makes them feel less cold.
C.It keeps them in good shape.D.It helps them lose extra heat.
【小题4】What might be the best title for the text?
A.Global Warming Leads to Population Declines in Birds
B.Climate Change Is Causing Some Birds to Lose Weight
C.Tropical Birds Are Struggling to Survive Dry Climates
D.Migratory Birds Are Experiencing Big Physical Changes

The United Nations predicts worldwide temperatures over the next five years may at times rise to more than 1. 5 degrees Centigrade above pre-industrial levels. The U. N. 's World Meteorological (气象的) Organization,WMO, said the prediction suggests continued warming could present a challenge to climate change goals set in the 2015 Paris Agreement, which seeks to limit world temperature rises through major cuts in human-caused greenhouse gases.

The WMO said there was a 20 percent chance that the yearly average temperature will rise above 1.5 Celsius higher than the pre-industrial average levels in at least one year. The report identifies 1850-1900 as the pre-industrial period. That does not mean that the average would be crossing the long-term target of 1.5 Celsius that scientists have set as the limit for avoiding catastrophic(灾难性的)climate change.

Temperatures over the last five years have been the warmest on record,the WMO reported. Temperatures over the next five years are very likely to be within the range of 0.91 to 1.59 Celsius above pre-industrial levels, it predicted. Almost all of the world, except for parts of the southern oceans, are likely to be warmer than the recent past, which is defined as 1981 to 2010. Southern Africa and Australia, where fires last year destroyed millions of hectares (公顷),will probably be drier than usual through 2024, the report said. Africa's Sahel region is likely be wetter,while Europe should see more storms.

Maxx Dilley, the WMO's director of climate services, told the Associated Press the predictions are worrisome. "It shows how close we're getting to what the Paris Agreement is trying to prevent,”he said. Still, Dilley added that it would not be impossible for countries to reach the target set in Paris, of keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius, by the end of the century. Petteri Taalas, the WMO Secretary-General,added,"While COVID-19 has caused a severe international health and economic crisis, failure to cope with climate change may threaten human well-being, ecosystems and economies for centuries.”

【小题1】What can we infer about the continued warming?
A.In an alarming trend.B.Out of control.
C.At a steady speed of rising.D.Within the range of permission.
【小题2】What does the author try to tell us in Paragraph 3?
A.Temperatures will have a sudden rise.
B.People in Africa should get more help.
C.Fires in Australia will last over 5 years.
D.Our living environment is getting worse.
【小题3】Which word best describes Maxx Dilley's attitude to continued warming?
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Global impact of Climate change.
B.The most serious challenge we face.
C.The predictions about temperature rise.
D.The methods of coping with continued warming.

The gradual heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere is primarily caused by human activity. We burn fossil fuels, and pump carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases act like a greenhouse.   【小题1】

Already, the consequences of global warming are measurable and visible【小题2】Lakes around the world are warming rapidly-in some cases faster than the surrounding environment. Animals are changing migration patterns, and plants are budding their leaves earlier in the spring and dropping them later in the fall.

One of the most immediate and obvious consequences of global warming is the increase in temperatures around the world. The average global temperature has increased by 0.8℃ over the past 100 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.【小题3】That year, Earth's surface temperature was 0.99℃ warmer than the average across the entire 20th century.

【小题4】We have more unpredictable extreme weather. These extremes come in different flavors. One effect can be colder than-normal winters. Changes in climate can cause the boundary between the cold North Pole air and the warm equatorial air to migrate south.【小题5】This is why some areas can have a sudden cold snap or colder-than-normal winter, even during the long-term trend of global warming.

A.That will bring with it cold, Arctic air.
B.They trap in heat and cause global warming.
C.An immediate consequence is freezing weather.
D.Our Earth is heating up, and heating up quickly.
E.Ice is melting in both polar ice caps and mountain glaciers.
F.Since 1895, the hottest year on record worldwide was 2016.
G.As global average temperatures go up, weather patterns are changing.
