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Free Level Test: Spanish courses in Sydney

Let your language journey begin.

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and the official language of more than 20 states, including Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, etc.

If you are planning a trip or just want to learn Spanish, consider taking a free Spanish Level Test at Instituto Cervantes Sydney, the official Spanish language and cultural centre in Australia.

Instituto Cervantes Sydney is home to Spanish language classes whose purpose is to develop students’ ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. All teachers are university qualified and use the most up-to- date teaching methods.

If you already have some knowledge of Spanish, this Level Test is fit for you, as you will be tested by one of the teachers before being put into a class. You can also have all the information you need to start learning Spanish here, including courses and costs.

Ask the customer service team members about information on the free library service for students and the exciting cultural activities held all year round.

If you haven't studied Spanish before, you can enroll(注册) online in a level A1.1 ( Beginner Course). You can also enroll at the reception during business hours.

Don't miss out on discounts. Learn Spanish with up to a 7% Early Bird Discount if you enroll before the 20 of April. Students at Instituto Cervantes Sydney also enjoy special discounts on activities such as dance classes, cinema tickets and much more.

Begin your Spanish language journey with Instituto Cervantes Sydney today by joining a free Level Test this summer; there are different classes to choose from between the 11h and 18 of April.

For more information on Instituto Cervantes Sydney and their classes and cultural activities, please visit sidney. cervantes. es/ en/ default. shtm.

【小题1】To a student who has learned Spanish, the class he will be in is decided by _______.
A.which country he is fromB.his grades in a Level Test
C.when he enrolls for the courseD.his reasons for learning Spanish
【小题2】What do we know about the Spanish courses?
A.They are about business Spanish.B.They center on learners' listening.
C.They are run with cultural activities.D.They are taught with traditional methods.
【小题3】Why are learners advised to enroll before the 20" of April?
A.They can save some money.B.They can go to free dance classes.
C.They can start their classes earlier.D.They can choose their favorite teachers.
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Handwritten Chinese characters can be beautiful. Living in a digital era with smartphones and computers, most students sooner or later ask themselves this question:【小题1】

Knowing how to write Chinese characters by hand is just cool. It feels like magic when you write a few strokes (笔画)on paper that don’t normally make sense, but they suddenly come together and create a meaning.【小题2】

Handwriting characters trains your muscle memory, making characters stay longer in your memory and improving your reading and speaking skills. 【小题3】However, without knowing how to write characters by hand, you are very unlikely to reach a level above intermediate (中级的).

【小题4】Handwriting characters is a form of meditation. Once you learn how to stay focused, you will not only notice that your concentration skills improve, but you will also find yourself feeling calm and relaxed when writing characters.

Most people agree that we should learn to write last least some characters at some point as a student of Chinese, although not necessarily straight away and not necessarily all the characters that you can say. But unless you don’t care about written language at all, you should learn the basics of handwriting.【小题5】You don’t need to be a calligraphy master, but you do need basic handwriting skills to do this. Simply looking at things is, as usual, a bad way of learning.

A.And amazingly, you can understand it.
B.Is it important to learn Chinese culture?
C.Handwriting characters trains your-concentration.
D.Learning characters is a good idea for all students.
E.Without it, it will be very hard to understand characters.
F.Is it really necessary to learn how to write by hand in Chinese?
G.You can learn Chinese to a certain level without handwriting characters.

Believe it or not, English has become the global lingua franca (世界通用语) in the 21st century. The ability to speak English fluently has become a necessity for individuals and countries to participate in the global economy. This is particularly true for countries that heavily rely on international trade and investment. Singapore is a perfect example of such a country.

Singapore is a small city-state located in Southeast Asia. Despite its small size, it has become one of the most prosperous and innovative economies in the world. This nation has gained a reputation for having a good quality of life, well-developed infrastructure (基础设施), and a favorable climate for businesses. While there are four official languages in Singapore, English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil, English is the most commonly used language in business, education, and government.

English has played a crucial role in Singapore’s economic development. The country’s founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, acknowledged the significance of English in the international business environment and made it a priority to promote English learning in Singapore. He saw English as a tool to connect Singapore to the world and attract foreign investment. The government carried out policies to promote English learning, such as making English the medium of instruction in schools and providing financial support for teachers to teach English.

As a result of these policies, Singaporeans have become proficient in English, and this has given them a competitive edge in the global economy. Singapore is home to many multinational corporations, and English proficiency is a critical factor for these companies when selecting employees. Singaporeans’ proficiency in English has also made it easier for them to conduct business with other countries, particularly those in the Western world. As a consequence, the country started marching forward steadily towards prosperity.

【小题1】What is indicated in Paragraph 1?
A.English is necessary for people to communicate with neighboring countries.
B.English is the only language spoken in the global economy.
C.English is a tool to draw in overseas investors to invest.
D.English is the official language of all countries.
【小题2】What do we know about Singapore in Paragraph 2?
A.English is the most widely used official language in Singapore.
B.Government officials have a high quality of life.
C.It is the most economically powerful country in Asia.
D.Tamil is the most commonly used language in business, education, and government
【小题3】What did Lee Kuan Yew do in Singapore’s promotion of English learning?
A.He made policies to protect the business environment in Singapore.
B.He was a huge supporter of English-related business.
C.He laid emphasis on English learning in Singapore.
D.He was devoted to attracting foreign investment.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Reasonable policies lead to the prosperity of Singapore.
B.English learning drives Singapore’s development.
C.English, the global lingua franca.
D.The road to a prosperous country.

Miriam Mitchell, 12, started to learn Chinese five years ago. “My parents want me to have more work opportunities(机会). I also want to learn Chinese,” says Miriam.

Lily Rabb, 14, started to learn Chinese in 2011. “I think Chinese is a beautiful language. China has a beautiful culture and a colorful history. I want to learn about it,” says Lily. And she would like to study fashion in China when she grows up.

These teenagers are from Chicago Intercultural Montessori Language School. They’re learning Chinese out of love for Chinese culture. The school started teaching Chinese in 2009. It has students from the ages of 2 to 14. Of the 300 students at the school, more than 100 are taking Chinese classes.

At first, interest came from their parents of Chinese origin(出身), but then some non-Chinese Americans asked their children to study in the school, because they were doing business. “They want to make sure that their children know how to speak Chinese,” says the school headmaster Roderick Shaw.

The school celebrates Chinese Spring Festival every year, and the students have all kinds of activities. The school also asks all students to taste mooncakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Roderick says, “We don’t want just to teach the language, we want the students to taste the culture of China.”

【小题1】Lily loves learning Chinese because ________________.
A.her parents ask her to learn Chinese
B.it will help her get a job in China
C.she wants to make more friends
D.she’s interested in Chinese culture and history
【小题2】We can know that in Montessori Language School, _______________.
A.Chinese classes started in 2009
B.no one wants to learn Chinese
C.there are about 200 students now
D.students think it’s easy to learn Chinese
【小题3】Paragraph 4 is mainly about _________________.
A.how the students speak Chinese
B.how much work the students do
C.why the students learn Chinese
D.where the students are from
【小题4】From the passage, we can know _____________.
A.Miriam is living in China with her parents
B.Lily will study Chinese for another eight years
C.Roderick is good at speaking Chinese
D.students in Montessori Language School can experience different Chinese festivals
