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Among the coronavirus’s many effects is a boom (突然风靡的时期) in remote workers, who try to get accustomed to a work-from-home lifestyle. Matt Mullenweg, CEO of a software company, said that “it might offer an opportunity for many companies to finally build a culture that allows long-overdue work flexibility.” 【小题1】

Research shows that remote workers gain in productivity. A study led by the Stanford professor Nicholas Bloom examined remote workers at a Chinese travel agency. 【小题2】 But research also shows that they often miss in creativity thinking. Steve Jobs believed that Apple employees’ best work came from accidentally bumping into other people. 【小题3】 Mr. Jobs said, “You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘Wow,’ and soon you’re cooking up all sorts of ideas.”

【小题4】 That’s a good thing if you’re a boss looking to squeeze extra efficiency out of your employees, but less ideal if you’re someone trying to achieve some work-life balance. Mr. Bock, who was previously Google’s top human resources officer, said that for most people, balancing office work with remote work is good. 【小题5】 It’s enough to participate in office culture, with some time reserved for deep, focused work.

A.Remote workers also tend to take fewer sick days.
B.Some people are less productive if they work at home.
C.Creativity comes from random meetings and discussions.
D.So it will be an exciting time for some fans of remote work.
E.Many people find it hard to balance their work and their home lives.
F.It found that they were 13 percent more efficient than the office-based ones.
G.The perfect amount of work-from-home time is one and a half days per week.
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Three Steps to a Rewarding Career

You see the saying: “Do what you love, love what you do.”【小题1】“When it comes to work, it is much easier to focus on earning a paycheck to feed, clothes and provide housing for yourself and your family than it is to examine your purpose and passion.” says Julie Jansen, an executive career coach in Stamford, Connecticut. She has come up with a three-part process to help individuals find more rewarding jobs or careers.

Step 1:【小题2】

Jansen suggests having a full understanding of personal values, interests, attitudes and skills. The point is to understand your strengths and how these lead to a meaningful career. Take note of what is important in your career and in your personal life.

【小题3】 One person might want to spend more quality time with the family, while another might want to join a particular group of people.

Step 2: Identify barriers

【小题4】 For example, age, money, time, education or lack of experience. Then, figure out how to overcome those barriers.

Step 3: Create an action plan

You must be very clear about what you need to do to improve your career goals. Think about each and every step you need to take. Divide your plan into short-term action steps.【小题5】

“By putting your short-term goals on paper, you will feel more determined to do what you have to do in order to create the meaning you are looking for in your work,” she says.

A.Find what you like best.
B.Complete a self-assessment.
C.Of course, meaning looks different for everyone.
D.Set very clear deadlines for when you will get each done.
E.Think about what may keep you from taking up a different kind of occupation.
F.To find meaning, you need to question the purpose of the work you are doing now.
G.Yet some people never find work that they love or work that gives meaning to their lives.

It’s very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level. 【小题1】 Here are three ideas that guide professional resume writers and should guide you as well:

Don’t focus on your responsibilities, focus on what you achieved.

A resume is not your life story. No one cares. The only things that should be on your resume are achievements. The best way to show that you did your job well is from achievements. 【小题2】 It is an objective way to show that you impressed the people you work for. The next best way to show objective measures is to present quantified achievements.


Think about when a company announced the launch of their product. First of all, the product is not done. Second of all, it has bugs. And third, the company is probably showing photos of prototypes and the real thing will look different. 【小题4】, because a resume is a marketing document. The best marketing documents show the product in the very best light, which means using whatever most outrageous tactics possible to make you look good. As long as you are not lying, you will be fine.

Don’t give everything away in the resume.

The idea of a resume is to get someone to call you, talk with you on the phone, and offer you an interview. So a resume is like a first date. 【小题5】

A.You only show your best stuff and you don’t show it all.
B.So I recommend to a lot of people that they hire someone to help them.
C.However, some of you will be able to do a decent job writing your own resume.
D.In fact, the interview is where the hard-core selling takes place.
E.You need to take the same approach with your resume.
F.The best achievement is a promotion.
G.Don’t make your resume a moral statement; it’s a marketing document.

When is it time to start thinking about a new job?Is it acceptable to switch jobs to work with a close friend?Can you leave an employer after the two-week training period is up?Should you stick with the same employer for over a year, even though you aren’t learning anything new?

As with so many things in life, these are questions only you can answer. However, there are several considerations to take before you terminate your employment.

The hiring process is costly and time-intensive, and your employer has decided that you are worth the effort. This is a big responsibility and privilege. While it doesn’t mean that you have to remain at a job for the rest of your life, you should be fair enough to give the employer at least a few months of your time. Get through the training, settle into a routine, and then decide. If you still don’t like it or something better comes up, you’ll at least know you tried.

Perhaps your best friend just started at the counter of the local gym, and it sounds like fun. Maybe you found an opening for a job you’ve been wanting for years. It could just be that you’re bored and looking for something new. No matter what it is, however, make sure you take the time to weigh the pros and cons. Working with a friend might be fun for a while—until you both want the same Saturday off to go to the lake. The job of your dreams might pay less or offer fewer hours. If you’re bored, there’s a chance that another job might provide a temporary solution but not give you whatever it is you are seeking.

You’re young, and the possibilities for your future are endless. While the teen job you have now isn’t necessarily going to map out your entire life, there’s nothing wrong with making decisions that will provide you with more opportunities later on in life. If you want to be a doctor, working at the hospital gift shop might be a better choice than flipping burgers. If you want to be a chef, the reverse is true. If your current job isn’t necessarily aligned with your future, you might want to consider switching jobs.

No matter what you decide, remember that the longer you are at a job, the better it looks on your resume. An employer who sees that you switch jobs every few months might not prefer you over a   candidate who was with his or her former employer for a year. For working teens, dedication and commitment always look good.

