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Trees are commonly cut down for wood and paper. 【小题1】. The unique chemical process that trees and plants use to turn light energy from the sun into oxygen is known as photosynthesis (光合作用).


The production of oxygen is a result of photosynthesis, but it is not the main purpose of this process. 【小题3】. Plants create their own food through photosynthesis. During this process, a plant’s roots absorb water from the ground, and its leaves take in light energy and carbon dioxide. The plant uses these elements to make fats and proteins that are then used to maintain the plant’s life.

The process of photosynthesis

The first step in photosynthesis is using the sun’s energy. During this process, chlorophyll (叶绿素) absorbs the light energy of the sun. The energy from the sun then acts upon the water absorbed by the roots of the plant. Carbon dioxide sent into the atmosphere by animals and humans is then absorbed by the plant’s leaves and paired with the hydrogen to produce sugar. The sugar is turned into plant food. 【小题4】.

Threats to tree photosynthesis

【小题5】. Today, only about 30 percent of Earth’s land is covered in trees. This is contributing to global warming since trees are necessary to consume the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Experts believe planting trees is vital in order to ensure the preservation of the delicate balance that enables photosynthesis.

A.The purposes of photosynthesis
B.The advantages of photosynthesis
C.In fact, oxygen is simply a by product
D.It is also responsible for giving plants their green color
E.During this process, extra oxygen is produced and released
F.The trees that change carbon dioxide into oxygen are disappearing rapidly
G.But the greatest value of trees comes from their ability to turn the sun’s energy into chemical energy
知识点:动物科普知识 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The loneliest chimp (黑猩猩) in the world just got the best surprise — a hug from a new friend. Peter has been by himself for nearly three years, finding himself alone after his wife and children died on the island where they were abandoned by a medical testing company many years ago.

For years a nearby villager named Fred has been Peter’s only company, visiting him so often to bring bananas and bread — the chimp’s only source of food on the tiny island. It was clear how much Peter missed companionship when he was recently visited by Chimpanzee Conservation Centre Director Estelle Crusoe. The chimp immediately embraced Estelle Crusoe in a huge hug and laughed as she reached out for him, with his smile from ear to ear.

For those who know Peter’s back-story, his immediate ease and trust in humans might be surprising. Peter was one of 20 chimps, all between the ages of 7 to 11 years old, relocated to an island off the Ivory Coast after being used for testing by the New York Blood Centre. After the tests were completed in 2005, the lab reportedly transferred the chimps to a string of islands, occasionally dropping off food and water because there was none in the chimps’ new homes.

Disease and hunger soon left only Peter, his mate and their two children standing. But at the end of 2013 they died within days of each other and Peter was now completely alone.

A group called SOS PETER is trying to raise money for the poor lonely chimp, already achieving its goal of 20,000 — all of which will be used for Peter’s care.

【小题1】What do we know about the chimp Peter?
A.He was deserted by his family.
B.He found many sources of food.
C.He came to the island for a test.
D.He suffers from loneliness greatly.
【小题2】How did Peter feel about the visit of Estelle Crusoe?
【小题3】What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The chimps’ new settlement.
B.Why Peter was used for a test.
C.How Peter came to the island.
D.The medical test about chimps.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the text?
A.Many people show concern for Peter.
B.A new lab will be built on the island.
C.Fred won’t visit Peter anymore.
D.More chimps will be brought to the island.

The memory of elephants is the stuff of lore (传说), and now it seems they can recall the smell of a relative even after a decade apart.

When Franziska Hörner at the University of Wuppertal in Germany and her colleagues heard about planned reunions between two mother-daughter pairs at zoos in Germany, the took advantage of the chance to test the elephants’ memories. One pair had been separated for two years, while the other had spent 12 years apart.

Hörner collected faecal (排泄物的) samples from these African elephants and others at German zoos, hauling the stinking 10-to-15-kilogram samples around in her tiny car.

Her team presented these samples one at a time to the four elephants in advance of their reunions with family members. When they encountered faeces from unrelated elephants, cither those in the same zoo or unfamiliar animals, they sniffed and walked away.

But when presented with a sample from the mother or daughter they were due to be reunited with, the female elephants repeatedly sniffed the samples and showed a variety of reactions, from making sounds to flapping their ears.

Such reactions may be linked to positive emotions, the researchers say. “That was amazing and really intense,” says Hörner. “We were sure they do remember, and they know exactly what they are smelling there.”

The sample size was small, but it would be cruel to do similar tests on elephants that weren’t being reunited, says Hörner.

“I am not surprised that elephants have memories, especially in social contexts, that last a long time,” says Joshua Plotnik at Hunter College in New York, who wasn’t involved with the work. Elephants live in groups that split up and come back together over long periods of time.

But Plotnik says the experiment may not be a true test of memory. There may be scent cues (线索,提示) common to all relatives that can trigger recognition not linked to memory, he says, and presenting the elephants with other smells would help make sense of their responses.

【小题1】Why did Hörner collect faecal samples from elephants at German zoos?
A.To figure out mother and daughter elephants.
B.To haul samples in the tiny car.
C.To help elephants reunite with their family.
D.To test elephants’ memories.
【小题2】How did the elephants react when presented with samples from family members?
A.They sniffed and walked away.
B.They responded actively.
C.They recognized their family members.
D.They showed no reactions.
【小题3】What’s the shortcoming of this experiment according to Hörner?
A.There is no experimental preparation.
B.Samples are of different age level.
C.The experiment is immoral.
D.There are only four samples.
【小题4】What does Plotnik suggest?
A.Drawing a conclusion according to the findings.
B.Making use of the findings.
C.Conducting further research.
D.Clarifying the purpose of the study.

An elephant and a crocodile were once standing beside river. They were disputing which was the better animal.

“Look at my strength,” said the elephant. “I can pull up a tree, roots and all, with my trunk.”

“Ah! But your skin is not nearly so thick as mine,” replied the crocodile. “No knife or tooth can cut through it.”

Just as they were coming to blows, a lion happened to pass.

“My dear friends !” said the King of all animals, going up to them. “Let me know the cause of your disagreement.”

“Will you kindly tell us which is the better animal?” cried both at once.

“Certainly,” said the lion, pointing across the river. “Do you see the soldier’s metal hat on that wall?”

“Yes!” replied the beasts.

“Well, then,” continued the lion, “go and get it, and bring it to me, and I shall be able then to decide between you.”

Upon hearing this, off they started, The crocodile, being used to the water, reached the opposite side of the river first, and was soon standing beside the wall.

Here he waited till the elephant came up. The elephant, seeing that the crocodile had no way of reaching their goal, raised his long trunk, and took down the hat quite easily.

They then made their way together back again across the river. The elephant was trying to keep up with the fast-moving crocodile in the water and became careless. When he was forced to turn sharply to avoid a floating tree branch, the elephant dropped the hat and it fell to the river bottom. The crocodile noticed the accident, so down he dived, and brought it up in his huge mouth. They then returned, and the crocodile laid the metal hat at the lion's feet. The King took it up, and turning to the elephant, said:“You, because of your size and trunk, were able to reach the hat on the wall but, having lost it, you were unable to get it back. And you,” said the lion to the crocodile, “although unable to reach the hat, were able to dive for it and save it. You are both wise and able in your own ways. One is no better than the other.”

【小题1】The underlined word “disputing” in Paragraph 1 means ________.
【小题2】What did the crocodile think was best about himself?
A.His big mouth.B.His swimming skill.
C.His strong skin.D.His dangerous teeth.
【小题3】How did the lion deal with the animals disagreement?
A.He ordered them to fight.B.He suggested a competition.
C.He made a quick decision.D.He asked them to describe themselves.
【小题4】How were the elephant and the crocodile able to complete their task?
A.By working together.B.By planning carefully.
C.By sharing their ideas.D.By listening to the lion.
