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Is It a Healthy Interest?

The Guinness Book of World Records describes Ranulph Fiennes as the world’s greatest living explorer. His journeys include the first polar circumnavigation (极地环行) and the first unsupported crossing of the Antarctic continent on foot. So when he suffered a heart attack, it came as something of a surprise.

Exercise is highly beneficial as it reduces both the pulse (脉搏) rate and the blood pressure so reducing stress on the heart as it brings blood round the body. It also helps to keep the artery (动脉) walls more elastic (有弹性的).

But can you push yourself too much? On the subject of exercise, it is good to take several parts of “moderate” exercise a week,which is a little more than quick walking. “We need to be careful when we’re doing extreme sports,” says expert Len Almond. “Extreme stress can make almost impossible demands on the body’s ability to recover. The stress of extreme sports forces biochemical changes in the body, and the physical response to that kind of activity will be too extreme.”

We all know how the Olympics began. The man who ran 26 miles from the town of Marathon to Athens with news of a victory died as soon as he arrived,and the cause of his sudden death might be the heart attack. Further research was done by scientists. They studied cyclists (自行车运动员) on a race that covers 230km with a height change of 5,500m. They were interested in one particular enzyme (酶), high concentrations of which are found in those who have suffered a heart attack. The scientists found that levels of this chemical increased in most of the cyclists who completed the race. The largest increases were seen in the fastest cyclists who had trained the hardest.

Most of us will never put our bodies to such extreme sports. But if, when you hear about someone like Fiennes,you ask whether exercise is worth it. I advise you to consider your own condition. Personally, I agree with the saying: “Run not to add years to your life but to add life to your years.”

【小题1】According to the passage, taking exercise can_______ .
A.speed up the heart rateB.increase stress on the heart
C.reduce the blood pressureD.keep the artery walls straight
【小题2】What does expert Len Almond suggest?
A.Our bodies can easily deal with physical stress.
B.Playing extreme sports is harmful to the human body.
C.We need a long period of recovery after extreme sports.
D.There is more to learn about the effect of physical stress.
【小题3】Why is the research on the cyclists mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A.To suggest a different area of research.
B.To support the activity of taking part in sports.
C.To explain the effect of a height change on cyclists.
D.To prove that extreme sports may cause heart attacks.
【小题4】The author believes that exercise_______.
A.helps you have a regular lifeB.adds years to your life
C.should be done in moderationD.will be worth the effort
知识点:体育健身 议论文直接理解逻辑推理目的意图 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

If you have watched the amazing Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, chances are that you have fallen in love with some winter sports and you’re already making sure your equipment is ready for them.   【小题1】 However, there’s   another   element to get ready for the   slopes—your body. Even   if you   exercise regularly,   skiing, snowshoeing or skating challenges your muscles in ways other activities don’t.

【小题2】 Your metabolism (新陈代谢) increases to warm you up. Your heart and lungs also need to work harder to warm air before it enters your body. Depending on the sport, certain muscles may also be used more frequently compared to activities in other seasons. The good news is that most winter sports involve heart endurance, muscle strength and muscle endurance.   【小题3】

But there are still some other things to think about. Skiing and snowboarding are great winter sports that provide a total body workout.   【小题4】   As anyone who has spent time skiing or snowboarding can prove, after a long day on the slopes, the body becomes extremely tired. And that is when injuries are more likely to occur.   【小题5】   Before the winter season, a regular exercise program should include exercises that get the blood running while challenging the entire body, such as stair climbing or running. The intensity should vary from 20 to 45 minutes at least 3 to 5 days a week. As winter nears, adding a cardio (有氧的) workout longer in duration but lower in intensity can help increase endurance.

A.Maybe you haven’t bought all the equipment.
B.Exercising in the cold decreases your body temperature.
C.You should take advantage of this opportunity to have a rest.
D.Probably, you have got your skis tuned and skates sharpened.
E.However, it can be hard on the body the first time you hit the slopes.
F.All of them are areas which can be trained before the winter season comes.
G.To avoid this, you need to take sometime to strengthen your body and improve endurance.

With the cold weather drawing nearer, few people will choose swimming as a daily or usual activity. 【小题1】. Here come the reasons.

Good for your brain.

Swimming is one of the best activities you can do all year round, which benefits your body and your mind. Swimming has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen. 【小题2】.

Work your muscles.

Every time you swim, it is like doing a mini-resistance workout. Each kick and pull works your muscles more than you could imagine, especially your arms, shoulders and gluteus — the muscles that are inactive all day when you’re sitting at your desk. 【小题3】. So along with building fitness, it is a wonderful full body exercise.

Lift your spirits.

【小题4】. They can cause a positive feeling into your body which makes you happy. Swimming has been shown to reduce stress and tension. The repetition, movement and the breathing can help you to relax, and that’s why swimming is also regarded as a relaxing exercise.


While swimming is an individual sport, it is also very social. You can meet people from all walks of life when swimming. Have a chat in the lap pool, join a swimming club or get involved in social water sports to get to know people in your community.

A.Meet new people
B.Benefit your body
C.These chemicals can control your thought and action
D.However, swimming in winter is of great benefit in cold days
E.And that means you’re experiencing better memory and sharp mind
F.Exercise gives off chemicals in your body called endorphins (内啡肽)
G.Swimming also works your abs (腹肌) and will reduce your waist line

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for beginners because it is gentle on the body. It does not shake your bones or damage your joints, but swimming is still effective for weight loss. Swimming improves your cardiovascular (心血管的) fitness and flexibility. 【小题1】.

If you do not know how to swim, adult lessons are often available at gyms. 【小题2】. You can learn how to more effectively work out in the pool with just a few lessons. Swimming styles include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly.

【小题3】. It is important that you stick to the posted guidelines, which are meant to keep the swimming pools running properly. There are different rules for different pools. But the majority request that you shower before you enter the pool. 【小题4】.

You will find that there are also posted rules about using the lanes (泳道) of the pool. This simply means that the pool is divided up so multiple people can use it at the same time. At times, you may share a lane with one or more other swimmers. 【小题5】. You need to stay in the appropriate lane. Find a lane in the pool where the other swimmers are similar to you. When several swimmers are using the same lane, all swimmers swim in a counterclockwise (逆时针方向的) direction.

A.It can help recover soon
B.Stay in the slow lane if you're new
C.Besides, the water helps strengthen your muscles
D.When this happens, think of it as driving on the highway
E.If using a pool at a gym, you need follow certain pool rules
F.This rule helps keep the pool water clean by removing body oils and sweat
G.Even if you learned to swim as a child, you may want to consider signing up for a class
