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To many of us, art is obviously a kind of human expression of creativity. But in recent years, you may have read news about artificial intelligence (AI) creating its own art, such as painting or writing poems. Some people worry that AI might someday replace artists.

【小题1】Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists, AI is bringing artists more possibilities.

A piece of music created by AI recently attracted attention. AI was used to turn the novel virus into a piece of nearly two-hour long music based on its protein structure. The project was led by Markus Buehler, an American musician and MIT professor of engineering. He assigned (指定) a unique note to each amino acid (氨基酸) in the protein.【小题2】

Listeners found the project to be “mind-blowing”. “It allows me to see the virus from a new angle,” said one listener.【小题3】As The Verge wrote, “AI helps artists play around in unpredictable ways, creating things beyond what they have ever thought was possible before.”

【小题4】For example, in the comic and animation industries, there are now AI tools that can automatically (自动地) color in black-and-white line drawings. Although the results can be unpredictable and require a little cleanup, it “could give artists room to experiment, by cutting down the time it takes to color each frame (画面)”, said Joao Do Lago, animator of Netflix’s Castlevania.

As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip, art of every kind has always been influenced by technological breakthroughs.【小题5】

A.The AI then translated these notes into music.
B.AI has become an important part of our everyday life.
C.But this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now.
D.AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the art world.
E.Besides the music industry, AI has entered the world of poetry as well.
F.This surprising marriage between science and art could not be achieved without AI.
G.Apart from co-creating imaginative works, AI can also help artists avoid repeating tasks.
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“It’s incredible. I never thought my dream would come true so soon,” Chinese ballet dancer Chun Wai Chan recalled the scene when he got the news that he was promoted to the principal dancer with New York City Ballet(NYCB), the company’s first Chinese and fourth Asian principal dancer in 74 years.

Born in Huizhou, Guangdong in 1992, Chan has become attached to dance since childhood. However, his parents preferred him to be a doctor or a lawyer in the future. The uncompromising boy then wrote a seven-page letter to his parents describing his resolution to study dance.

Thanks to the sincere letter, Chan finally gained the support of his family, and at the age of 12, he was admitted to Guangzhou Arts School, marking the start of his dream-seeking journey. Chan’s first turning point in life came at the age of 18, when he was a finalist in the 2010 Prix de Lausanne, which earned him a full scholarship to study with Houston Ballet II. Two years later, Chan joined Houston Ballet and became a principal in 2017. There, he gained a reputation as a confident and sensitive performer. In 2020, he appeared as a contestant on the Chinese television show Dance Smash, which gained him a large following.

Chan returned to New York last year, and was finally promoted to the principal dancer with the NYCB in May this year. He attributes his success to his passion, hard work, concentration, perseverance and the pursuit of excellence.

In China, Chan’s success has become a source of pride. News of his promotion to principal dancer was widely circulated, and he has been featured repeatedly in the Chinese media.

After performances, audience members sometimes tell Chan that they have never seen Asian dancers in leading roles. He has been moved to hear young dancers of color say his example has given them hope for their own careers. “I used to think I danced just for myself,” he said. “Now I’m dancing for my family, for the audience, for the whole dance community.”

【小题1】What can we learn about Chan?
A.He is the first Asian principal dancer.
B.He is fond of dancing when he was young.
C.His parents have supported him from the beginning.
D.He gained the popularity in the 2010 Prix de Lausanne.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “uncompromising” in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Chan?
A.Generous and considerate.B.Perseverant and talented.
C.Warm-hearted and ambitious.D.Passionate and devoted.
【小题4】Why did Chan change his opinion about the significance of dancing?
A.Because he got a lot of praises from the audience.
B.Because he had been promoted to principal dancer.
C.Because he realized his dance inspired other dancers.
D.Because he received persistent support from his family.

The famous British writer Charles Dickens, who penned the letter that led the signatures of resistance to street music in 1864, would be pleased to hear that, to be a busker (街头艺人) in London today, one must pass a strict "interview" first. Each busker must go through a shortlist process and then perform live in one of underground stations in front of three judges. Each musician must perform two songs (one prepared by themselves and the other selected by judges from a submitted set list). The judging process reviews the musician's songs, musicality, technique skill and performance. If successful, the musician will receive a 12 - month license to perform in the street. Last year, more than 600 musicians attended the "interview" and only 70 got license.

The method of tipping buskers is changing. London is the first city in the world to introduce the electronic payment system (EPS). London mayor (市长) Sadiq Khan described London as “a powerhouse of music". “For London to keep its status as a global capital of music, it's vitally important that we support the stars of tomorrow," Khan said. "Busking helps them show their talent and gives them the chance to perform in front of huge numbers of people. The new method means more people will now be able to show their support for the capital city s many street performers because it's more convenient for them to do so."

Charlotte Campbell is one such busker who' s been helping to trial the project. After only two weeks, she said it had “already had a significant effect on the contributions I've received." She's noticed when one person taps the reader to donate, others who witness the act often follow suit, suggesting people are more than willing to adopt the new way of rewarding buskers.

【小题1】What was Charles Dickens' attitude towards street music in London?
【小题2】What is the 1st paragraph mainly about?
A.The long history of street music.B.The way of playing street music.
C.The buskers ' competition to get a license.D.The introduction of buskers in London.
【小题3】Why did London mayor promote the new scheme?
A.To make more people help the buskers.B.To show London is full of buskers.
C.To catch up with modern art trends.D.To reform street music s performance.
【小题4】How did London people respond to the EPS according to Charlotte Campbell?
A.They were opposed to it.B.They accepted it quickly.
C.They paid no attention to it.D.They thought it made no difference.

I’ll always remember the first time I tried ballet. My mother was a dancer and I wanted nothing more than to be like her, but after making mistakes during my first class, I felt like I wanted to quit right away. However, I told my mom I couldn’t wait to dance again because it was only my first day.

Weeks passed and my dancing didn’t get any better. Then my dance teacher announced that we were going to perform in a show. I was scared of falling on my face in front of hundreds of people and disappointing my mom.

Even though I practiced hard for the show, I never quite got the hang of it. Finally, I went to my mom to tell her how I felt. She simply laughed and told me she would teach me all she knew about ballet.

My mom quickly discovered how bad at ballet I was, but she still taught me with the greatest patience, love and understanding. When I jumped and fell, she was there to catch me. When I lost my balance, she held me up. By the time the show arrived, I was as prepared as I could be.

The music began and my heart started to race. Breathing calmly, I began moving to the music without missing a step. When the music stopped, I ran off the stage and laughed in excitement.

My mom found me and gave me a huge hug, telling me how proud she was. I looked my mom in the eye and told her that there was no way this could have happened without her. Through this, I realized one important fact: My mom will always be there to catch me if I fall.

【小题1】What happened to the author on her first day of ballet?
A.She fell down and hurt herself.B.She made no mistakes while dancing.
C.She realized she was talented in ballet.D.She lied to her mom about liking ballet.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “got the hang of it” mean?
A.learned to do it well.B.lost interest in it.C.had trouble with it.D.jumped high in the air.
【小题3】How did the mother respond when the author expressed her difficulties in ballet?
A.She simply laughed and ignored her concerns completely.
B.She encouraged her to quit and pursue something else.
C.She offered to teach her everything she knew about ballet.
D.She scolded her strictly for not practising enough.
【小题4】When preparing for the show, the author found out that her mom was ______.
A.nervous and dependable.B.calm and impatient.
C.excited and concerned.D.understanding and reliable.
【小题5】What did the author learn from her ballet experience?
A.Don’t be afraid of disappointing others.
B.Never try something you are not good at.
C.A mother’s love is pure and unconditional.
D.Every mom will be proud of their children’s achievements.
