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The competition Michael Stone, a blind man, faced today was fierce. The pole was set at 17 feet. That was three inches higher than his personal best. Michael faced the most_______day of his pole- vaulting(撑竿跳) career.

As long as Michael could_______he had always dreamed of flying. Michaels mother read him many stories about flying when he was_______. Her excitement and enthusiasm made Michael’s dreams full of_______and beauty.

From the age of 14, Michael_______every day with weights and running. The program was carefully_______by Michael’s father.

All of Michael's vaults today seemed to be the_______for his hard work. As soon as he_______on the mat full of air,the crowd stood on their feet in surprise. Without hesitation,Michael_______began preparing for his next attempt. He seemed________of the fact that he had just surpassed (超出) his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two________in the pole vaulting event.

When Michael cleared the________at 17 feet 4 inches, again he showed no emotion. What he needed were constant________and strong determination. As he________his turn and heard the other let out a sigh, Michael knew the other vaulter had________his final jump. He knew it was time for his________jump. He knew it was time to________when he heard the singing of some distant bird.

As he began________, something felt wonderfully different, yet________. Michael Stone was now flying, just like in his childhood________.He set a new world record National Junior Olympics record.

A.catching onB.growing upC.giving inD.breaking down
A.worked outB.made upC.turned overD.fit in
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A month after having my gratitude journal, I threw it in the trash can. Writing in it every day felt like a(n) _________ addition to my already overwhelming to-do list. _________, I had been keeping a “normal” journal for years. Why add another? My friend_________ me to give it another shot. He     said that writing down a few things to be thankful for was_________ from free writing.

The_________ of a gratitude journal didn’t resonate with me, but I did_________ to write in an     ordinary notebook. Writing down thoughts and ideas was part of my daily habit. Along with journaling, reading motivational ( 励 志 的 ) material was a(n) _________ in my life. But my endless goals never seemed to be achieved. So, I’d_________   . Then I’d read a new book, set more goals and   start again.

What was I doing wrong? Recently, while organizing a cabinet (储藏柜), the _________ came to me.

I__________ the collection of journals I’d written over the years and decided to__________ them. As I read, I realized these notebooks were a road map of my__________-a full description of my journey. These daily journals were__________ that I had been making progress all along, but had been so focused on the__________that I was unable to live in the moment. I hadn’t been celebrating the little wins because I didn’t __________ them.

Looking ahead to see how far I have to go can make the finish line seem__________. But enjoying the process and looking back to see how far I’ve come makes every__________ success feel more like a victory.

The gratitude journal found its way back into my life. This simple habit that__________ me in the past finally makes sense. I’ve learned nothing is too small to be__________. I still believe I can have it all, but I’ m __________ enough now to know I can’t have it all at once.

A.set offB.go backC.give upD.show off
A.came acrossB.put awayC.stuck toD.gave away
A.mix upB.add upC.rely onD.look through

I’d always dreamed of exploring Africa, ever since I read my first Tarzan (《人猿泰山》)comic as a child. Finally, in 2004, to celebrate my 60th birthday, I went to Tanzania to experience a safari (东非游猎)and climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Seated next to me on the flight was Tanzania’s minister of water and wildlife development. We talked for thousands of miles, and he arranged me to visit a school. When I toured the school, I was shocked. The leaky (漏的) roofs turned the dirt floors into mud during the rainy season, and the walls couldn’t keep out the heat, cold or bugs (小昆虫). The school was in need of all material goods, but the kids possessed great human spirit.

It broke my heart that these children had to struggle to survive, so I asked the headmaster what it would cost to feed them. As little as 20 cents per child per day, he told me. Immediately I got home, I founded Kids of Kilimanjaro. Since then we’ve grown to provide hot lunches for nearly 13,000 schoolchildren every day. The free lunch program has eased a major problem the youngsters face.

I know a good education could really make a difference in these children’s lives. My parents always stressed the importance of education. I paid my own way through college in Tokyo by teaching English to students and businesspeople. After attending university I moved to San Francisco, when I was 25 years old. In 1978 I realized my American dream when I founded my own company. My success all started with a good education.

It’s amazing that something as simple as a nutritious lunch can change and enrich so many lives. Giving young people a better, healthier life can inspire them to go all the way through college and lead a movement that transforms their country.

【小题1】What is the correct order of the following events?
a.“I” founded “my” first company.
b.“I” founded Kids of Kilimanjaro.
c.“I” read “my” first Tarzan comic.
d.“I” moved to San Francisco.
A.c, d, a, bB.a, d, c, b
C.c, a, d, bD.a, c, d, b
【小题2】What is the main purpose of Kids of Kilimanjaro?
A.To make sure the African kids are mentally healthy.
B.To spread knowledge among the African kids.
C.To protect the African kids from hunger.
D.To build new schools for the African kids.
【小题3】Why did the author go to Tanzania to celebrate his 60th birthday?
A.He hoped to lead a movement that would transform his country.
B.He was concerned about the Africans’ miserable life.
C.He wanted to get an idea of the area’s wildlife.
D.He was curious about what Africa was like.
【小题4】The author believes education is important because __________.
A.his parents always stressed the importance of education
B.he paid his own way through college by teaching English
C.a good education contributes to his success
D.he’s trying to realize his American dream

Eight years ago, when Kyle Amber was five years old, he came face-to-face with a huge problem: His brother, Ian, ten, was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病). Their parents, Laurie and Henry, were spending much of their__________with him in hospital. Kyle often felt alone and   ____

What could a kindergartner do? Not much, it seemed._____, Kyle was determined. He looked around and saw lots of kids being______for cancer and decided he could help them by helping the hospital, which was trying to______money for bone-marrow(骨髓)transplant.

But how? Since Kyle’s grandfather was in the printing business, he______bring decorative cards for Kyle, who______with the idea of selling them_____. He made a large sum of money-$80-for the hospital. His next______was a candy sale at this school, Palmetto Elementary, and it has turned into an annual______.

And then people in Miami read about his efforts and were inspired to______to donate more money and toys, and things just snowballed.

Within a year Kyle’s idea turned into an official fund-raising organization called Kids That Care Cancer Fund. Today it is one of the______organizations in the country run by kids and______kids. It’s hard to estimate just______the group has collected, says Laurie, but it is more than $100,000. As the Mayor of Miami wrote to Kyle, “ Your efforts have made a remarkable______in the lives of many suffering from this disease.”

Never once has Kyle thought of_____, because the smiles of the kids are too important. “ Basically, the entire feeling that you get is very______,” he explains. Helping other kids has taught him to be less______. And there’s another thing he learns for sure: “ There is______going to be a time when you’re going to have a very hard barrier,” he says. “______you overcome that, you can do anything.”

A.came outB.came acrossC.came onD.came up
A.at schoolB.at hospitalC.in businessD.in town
A.whatB.whereC.how muchD.how soon
A.UnlessB.Even thoughC.UntilD.Once
