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Something strange happened when I was 14 years old. Every previous year on Thanksgiving Day I’d woken up early, filled with excitement. But that Thanksgiving, for some reason I saw no reason to celebrate. None of my family were really thankful, I realized. The whole thing was a lie!

During the dinner time, I left, hiding in the guest room and cried. My mom came to see what was wrong. “No one is really thankful!” I sobbed, “They just pretend for one day because that’s what they’re supposed to do!”

After I finished talking, she nodded. “You’re right,” she told me. “It’s fake until you find the truth for yourself.” She said it was my choice whether to celebrate with them or not. She said Thanksgiving is a time to reflect because we don’t always get to see loved ones and eat a good meal. Then she left.

I didn’t listen to her, thinking that every holiday was a lie and I could never find joy celebrating again. But giving in to my starving stomach, I went back to the dining room in a few minutes. I couldn’t believe what I saw. My entire extended family was waiting for me with wide smiles and concerned looks, and the table was covered with untouched plates.

“Andy,” my aunt said, “We can’t eat without you. We’re waiting for your turn. Now you can start it.” I didn’t know what to say first. Finally, I said I was thankful for having a younger brother to teach, play with, and see grow.

The family shared, and everyone had something beautiful to say. Listening to what they said, I suddenly understood what my mom meant about finding out my own reason for celebrating. For me, this holiday was a chance to pause and reflect on everything I cared about.

And with that, I took a huge and satisfying bite of food.

【小题1】Why did the author hide himself and cry on the Thanksgiving Day?
A.Because he got up too late
B.Because some of his family were absent.
C.Because he thought the dinner was tasteless.
D.Because he doubted the sincerity of others’ thankfulness.
【小题2】What can we know about the author’s mother according to the text?
A.She is very understanding.B.She is strict with the author.
C.She disagreed with the author.D.She showed great worry about the author.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Having dinner.B.Expressing thankfulness.
C.Giving a performance.D.Making a wish.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.My loving motherB.Love and lies
C.An inspiring ThanksgivingD.An unforgettable dinner
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Angel Sanguino, an electronics technician from Caracas, Venezuela, who last year lost his left arm in a motorcycle accident, has recently won a prize for science, technology and innovation, after he managed to build a robotic arm that would allow him to perform a series of useful tasks.

33-year-old Angel Sanguino was riding his motorcycle when he was hit by a speeding car. He was taken to the emergency room, and the doctor had to amputate(截肢)his left arm. It was a devastating blow to the talented electronics technician. The doctor told him that he should accept his disability and move on with his life, but he had other plans. Three months after his accident, the young man used his experience to design an artificial arm that would allow him to repair electronic components just like before.

With the help of his uncle, Brunel Rodriguez, Angel managed to create an ingenious robotic arm fitted with a series of switches and sensors that allowed him to control it with the motion of his collarbone(锁骨). Angel used his knowledge of electronics to make sure that the artificial arm would allow him to do his job without any kind of assistance from anybody else. He paid little attention to aesthetics(美学), focusing solely on functionality, but he has already had a new prosthesis(假体)that is apparently much more visually appealing.

【小题1】Angel Sanguino was given a prize because________.
A.he had a robotic arm
B.he lost one of his arms in an accident
C.he was very clever and brave
D.he made a man-made arm that could allow him to do things by himself
【小题2】What do you think the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in the second paragraph is?
【小题3】Angel Sanguino controls his artificial arm by moving________.
A.his neckB.his headC.his collarboneD.the other hand
【小题4】From the passage we can infer(推知)that________.
A.Angel’s new arm may not look nice
B.Angel could do everything with his new arm
C.Angel was speeding his car when the accident happened
D.Angel was in hospital for 3 months
【小题5】What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Brave Venezuelan Man
B.A Great Venezuelan Inventor
C.A Talented Electronics Technician
D.Venezuelan Man Builds His Own Prosthetic Arm
Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure(奇遇)?Riding the train can be a real adventure. That is how I feel every time I take Amtrak. I often take a four-hour trip to visit my children. Every time I take this trip I never know what will happen.
Last week when I was on the train and over an hour into the train ride,there was a man sitting by himself in the back of the train carrying on a mobile phone conversation-in another language. It was loud and disturbed most of the people on the train. I think it was annoying.
Fortunately I sat next to a wonderful old lady who was taking a two-day trip by train. She said her two daughters were distraught at the thought of her driving for three days to reach her home,although she had no trouble driving. The train ride was the only choice for her. She loved to look out of the window and watch the world go by on the train.
She was fun to talk to and asked me when my children started being parents. That is a very good question. Both of us are old and have children. She asked that same question from time to time.
There are always many people on the train from all walks of life,different countries,and many   languages. Riding the train is a great way to increase your knowledge and take in all kinds of cultures. If you get hungry,you can buy food in the food car at any time. If you need to use the restroom there is always one available.
It sure beats driving the car,which has to stop for food and restrooms. And it is better than taking the bus.
【小题1】According to the passage,the purpose of the author’s train ride was .
A.to do businessB.to see her children
C.to visit places of interestD.to see her old friends
【小题2】Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “distraught” in Paragraph 3?
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about the old lady sitting next to the author?
A.She is too old to drive now.
B.She does not like to take trains.
C.Although she is old,she has a good memory.
D.Her daughters live far away from her home.
【小题4】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Train ride-a cultural experienceB.A painful experience on the train
C.The history of AmtrakD.A wonderful lady

I always seemed to be running late and hurrying up. I’d wake up early in the morning in order to have enough time to get to where I wanted to go. But by the time I found myself on the road, I was clearly going to be late. 【小题1】 This constant rush entered every area of my life. For example, when I went shopping, I’d race up and down the passage.

Then one day when going to work, I had been running behind again. Unluckily, on the way, my car was out of gas. As my car left the road, I looked at my watch. It’s clear that I’d be late. 【小题2】I had a meeting in fifteen minutes and I hadn’t finished preparing for it.

But as I looked out towards the east, the sun was just beginning to climb out of the hill. There was fog hanging over the river and some ducks were swimming across the glass-like surface of the water. A few boats sat on the river, which was shining in the sunshine. 【小题3】

I was surprised. This pretty scene had been going on right outside my car every morning. 【小题4】I had been rushing around in such a hurry to not miss anything that I had been missing everything!

【小题5】I understood I needed to set schedules and made good preparations for big events in case of any hurry. More importantly, I should try to stay relaxed and enjoy present life. And there was no need to worry about unimportant things. Now I am here traveling this life joyfully and patiently.

A.How could I avoid it?
B.I became worried and upset.
C.What an amazing picture outside!
D.I found some surprising things happened.
E.However, I had never taken the time to see it.
F.So I would drive fast to make up for the minutes I had lost.
G.Finally a co-worker recognized my car and stopped for me.
