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I found my email address was sold online, so now instead of just getting letters from the few charities(慈善机构) I can afford to support, I am also getting letters from a dozen other charities asking for my help. One of my more cynical(愤世嫉俗的) friends talked a lot about the old saying, “No good deed ever goes unpunished.” I just smiled and didn't argue knowing it wouldn't change his mind. My own mind, however, was remembering another moment from many years ago.

It was a windy, snowy day in December. I was a young dad who had saved just enough cash to buy my children a few presents for Christmas. As I walked to the store I saw the Salvation Army kettle with a man ringing a bell standing beside it. Next to him was his daughter, a little girl no more than three feet tall, got together against the biting cold. I took a one -dollar bill out of my wallet and dropped it into the kettle. As the man was thanking me, though, I felt pressure on my legs. I looked down and saw that the little girl was giving me her own thank you hug. I smiled down at her, bent down and hugged her back. Then I went inside feeling the warmth that no winter wind could ever take away.

Thinking back to that moment in time reminded me that no good deed ever goes unrewarded(无回报的). We may not always get a heartfelt hug but in time every act of giving, every act of kindness, and every act of love that we make flows from heart to heart and soul to soul, around the world and back to us again.

No good deed is ever wasted. Don't let this sometimes cynical world get you down then. Share your love today! Give from your heart. Fill your life with acts of kindness.

【小题1】Why did the author receive a lot of letters?
A.His mailbox was made public.B.He had a good many friends.
C.Many charities had his mailing address.D.He let out his personal information.
【小题2】For what purpose did the author go out on a windy, snowy day?
A.To buy presents.B.To ask for help.
C.To raise money for the poor.D.To give the passers-by warmth.
【小题3】What does the author really want to say in Paragraph 3?
A.A good deed is never lost.B.A little help is worth a deal of pity.
C.No good deed ever goes unpunished.D.Treat others as you want to be treated.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe the author?
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The country is India. A large dinner party is being given in an up-country station by ac olonial official and his wife. The guests are army and government officers and their wives, and an American naturalist.

At one side of the long table, a spirited discussion springs up between a young girl and an army officer. The girl insists women have long outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and that they are not as anxious as their grandmothers were. The officer says they are, arguing women haven't the actual nerve control of men.

“A woman's reaction in any crisis,” the officer says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has. ”

The American scientist does not join in the argument but sits and watches the faces of the other guests. As he stares, he sees a slight, though strange look of anxiety come over the face of the hostess. With a small gesture she summons the servant standing behind her chair. She whispers to him. The servant's eyes widen. He turns quickly and leaves the room. No one else sees this, nor the servant when he puts a bowl of milk on the balcony outside the glass doors.

The American understands. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing. It is bait fora snake. He realizes there is a cobra in the room. The American's eyes move across the room but he sees nothing. He realizes the snake can only be in one place - under the table.

His first reaction is to jump back and warn the others. But he knows any sudden movement will frighten the cobra and it will strike. He speaks quickly, the quality of his voice so arresting that it quietens everyone. “I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred - that's five minutes - and not one of you is to move a single muscle. Now! Ready!”

The 20 people sit like stone images while he counts. He is saying “…two hundred and eighty…”. when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the snake emerge and make for the bowl of milk. Four or five screams ring out as he jumps to slam shut the balcony doors.

“There is your proof!” the host says. “A man has just shown us real control.”

“Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess, “How did you know that cobra was in the room?”

A faint smile comes across the woman's face as she replies. “Because it was lying across my foot.”

【小题1】What is the argument between the army officer and the young girl about?
A.Whether women are afraid of mice.
B.Whether men are calmer than women.
C.Whether men are cleverer than women.
D.Whether women would make suitable soldiers.
【小题2】Why is the servant asked to put out some milk?
A.To play a trick.
B.To serve the guests.
C.To attract the snake .
D.To feed the hostess's pet.
【小题3】Why does the scientist suggest the guests play a game?
A.He doesn't want anyone to panic.
B.He intends to test the officer's theory.
C.He sees there was a snake in the room.
D.He wants to entertain the other guests.
【小题4】What does the author imply through the hostess's final statement?
A.The army officer's opinion is wrong.
B.The hostess understood the American's intention.
C.The American was surprised by the snake's presence.
D.The hostess has had previous experience dealing with snakes.

I don’t remember the exact date I met Marty for the first time. Like a lot of people who want to get through a checkout line, I found my thoughts on speed, nothing more. The line I was standing in wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced toward the cashier, who was receiving money from customers.

He was an old man in his sixties. I thought, well, it probably took him a little longer to get the jobs done. For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before he began scanning the goods they were purchasing. Sure, his words were the usual, “How’s it going?” But he did something different—he actually listened to people. Then he would respond to what they had said and talk with them briefly.

I thought it was strange, but I guessed I had grown accustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking. Usually, after a while, you don’t give any thought to the question and just say something back quietly.

This old cashier seemed sincere about wanting to know how people were feeling. Meanwhile, the high-tech cash register rang up their purchases and he announced what they owed. When customers handed money to him, he pushed the appropriate keys, the cash drawer popped open, and he counted out their change.

Then magic happened.

He placed the change in his left hand, walked around the counter to the customers, and extended his right hand in an act of friendship. As their hands met, the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. “I want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them. “You have a great day. Bye-bye.” The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.

Now it was my turn. I glanced down at the name tag on his red waistcoat, the kind experienced Wal-Mart cashier wore. It read, “Marty.”

Marty told me how much I owed and I handed him some money. The next thing I knew he was standing beside me, offering his right hand and holding my change in his left hand. His kind eyes locked onto mine. Smiling, and with a firm handshake…

【小题1】While the author stood in the checkout line, she felt ______.
【小题2】In the opinion of the author, people tended to ______.
A.talk about unimportant topicsB.develop a mindless conversation
C.remain calm while having a talkD.face communication problems
【小题3】Why did the author think Marty was special?
A.He was patient with all the questions from customers.
B.He spent as much time as possible serving customers.
C.He expressed his sincerity while giving back the change.
D.He showed particular interest in customers’ personal life.
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Marty was a talkative man.
B.Marty cared a lot about what he did.
C.The author got along well with others.
D.The author was dissatisfied with such a waste of time.

My teacher,Mr.August J.Bachmann,was the most influential teacher I ever had.

I had gotten into trouble in his class:Another student had pushed me for fun,and I became angry and began to hit him.Mr.Bachmann stopped the fight,but instead of sending me to the office,he sat me down and asked a simple question,“Penna,why are you wasting your life?Why aren't you going to college?”

I didn't know anything about colleges or scholarships.No one had ever considered that a fatherless boy from the poorest neighborhood had a future.That day,instead of rushing off for lunch,he stayed and explained possible education options to me.At the end of our talk,he sent me to see a secretary who had a child at a state college.This was in 1962 at Emerson High School in Union City,New Jersey.

Well,55 years have passed,and what have I done with the knowledge he gave me?I gained a PhD from Fordham University when I was only 29.I taught English and social studies and then moved up the chain of command from teacher to principal(校长).

I've sat on the board for Magnet Schools of America and represented that organization at the United Nations.I've won a number of great educational awards.But where would I be if a truly caring teacher had not taken the time out of his lunch period to speak to me?It was without question only his confidence in me that helped me forward.

I have repaid his kindness hundreds of times by encouraging misguided youngsters to aim higher.If I have saved any children,it is because of him.If I have been a successful educator,it is because I had a great role model in Mr.Bachmann.

【小题1】The writer ________ before Mr.Bachmann talked to him.
A.was an active boy
B.was an aimless boy
C.liked making troubles in class
D.would get punished by his teachers
【小题2】Which of the following best describes Mr.Bachmann?
【小题3】How did Mr.Bachmann influence the writer?
A.He set the writer on the right path.
B.He was strict with the writer.
C.He helped the writer with his study.
D.He tried to set a good example to the writer.
【小题4】What does the writer think of his achievement?
A.He is very proud of himself.
B.He feels his effort gets paid off at last.
C.He owes his achievement to Mr.Bachmann.
D.He thinks it an honor to be a successful educator.
