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Getting around in Australia

You know Australia is a big country, but you may not know how easy it is to get around. The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon are just there, waiting to be reached and explored. Following are the different ways you can explore our vast country.


Flying is the best way to cover large distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia's can’t-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle. Moreover, competition among airlines makes great flying fees available for you.


Australia has a vast network of well-maintained roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the world. You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports, central city locations, suburbs and attractions.


Bus travel in Australia is comfortable, easy and economical. Buses generally have air conditioning ,reading lights, adjustable seats and videos. Services are frequent, affordable and efficient.


Train travel is the cheapest and gives you an insight into Australians size and variety, all from the comfort of your carriage. Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities and regional centers.


The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly. Extra services are running during summer rush hours. Sea Jink ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo Island several times a day. Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities.


With easy — on — the — feet pedestrian streets, walking is a great way to get around our cities.

Besides all of above, you can also experience some of the longest tracks and trails in the world in central Australia — impressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.

【小题1】If you have only 5 days and want to visit Australia's famous attractions that are far away from each other, which way of travelling best suits you?
A.By air.B.By car.C.By bus.D.On foot.
【小题2】Ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania usually runs .
A.only during rush hoursB.at night hours
C.several times a dayD.in summer
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about travelling in Australia?
A.More travelers make the flying fees among airlines higher than before.
B.You can easily rent a car to explore its most beautiful touring routes.
C.Taking a bus tour is the most comfortable, economical and efficient way.
D.Train services can offer you more comfort than any other means of transport.
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Shakespeare City Walk

This 90-minute leisurely walking tour does not go to the Globe Theatre (because everyone already knows it), but instead uncovers less known monuments and locations in the City of London with connections to Shakespeare’s life, his friends, his loves and his works.

The Shakespeare City Walk takes place on Fridays at 11 am. at Temple tube station.

Address: Temple tube station, London

Telephone: 44(0)790-574-6733

Camera Trails

Learn how to take better photos as you explore London with a professional photographer on a Camera Trails tour. Walk around Brick Lane and Spitalfields on the Urban East tour, or take photos of Elizabeth Tower and St. Paul's Cathedral on the South Bank tour.

Address: Trafalgar Square, London

Telephone: 44(0)798-957-9336

The Celebrity Planet

See celebrity (名人) homes, famous film locations, music landmarks and places linked to pop history on a Celebrity Planet tour. Find out about stars in Notting Hill, Mayfair, Primrose Hill or Chelsea, or try a Harry Potter, James Bond or Beatles tour.

Address: 40 Porchester Square, London

Telephone: 44(0)20-7193-8770

Email: info@thecelebrityplanet.com

Sandemans New London Tours

Sandemans New London Tours offer a completely free tour of Royal London, including the Changing of the Guard. There’s also an Old City of London Tour, and a Grim Reapers of London Tour. Our expert guides are all graduates of the world’s leading universities, including Yale, Cambridge and Oxford. As guides work for tips, you are guaranteed the best tour of London. Our walking tours are healthy and environmentally friendly, so you won’t contribute to the pollution problem of London’s cars and buses.

Email: info@neweuropetours.com

【小题1】What is TRUE of the Shakespeare City Walk?
A.It takes place five days a week.
B.It consists of not so many famous destinations.
C.It lasts about half a day.
D.It includes a visit to a famous theatre.
【小题2】If you want to take some wonderful photos of Elizabeth Tower, you may ________.
A.receive some professional trainingB.go to Temple tube station
C.join the South Bank tourD.join the Urban East tour
【小题3】Sam is a movie fan. He will probably ________.
A.call 44(0)798-957-9336B.call 44(0)790-574-6733
C.go to 40 Porchester SquareD.email info(@neweuropetours.com

Nowadays, travelling has been a trend. Many people often dream of a perfect holiday with white sands, blue beaches and so on. 【小题1】 Here are some tips to make your holiday a enjoyable and memorable one.

• Set a budget. Before making a plan for the holiday, the most important thing is to plan how money will be spent.【小题2】

• Plan ahead.【小题3】 Do you want to experience the local culture or just have fun on those sandy beaches? You can plan your trip according to your needs and likes.

【小题4】 You had better look for information before visiting an unknown holiday place. Buy a good guidebook and read up on the culture, history, local attractions of the place. You can also surf the internet for more information. The more you know, the better you can enjoy the place and its traditions.

• Pack light and right. Pack only the important things. Avoid carrying unnecessary things around.【小题5】 Carry clothes that are suitable and right for the season. Try to put everything you need in a single carry-on bag.

• Have realistic expectations. Unreasonable expectations can lead to a lot of stress. So enjoy each moment, whether good or bad. If you bear these suggestions in mind, planning a perfect holiday isn’t just a dream.

A.Read up before you go.
B.But sometimes planning a trip can be difficult.
C.Buy as many books as possible for your holiday.
D.A heavy luggage may sometimes influence your holiday spirit.
E.It helps you to plan and enjoy the trip within your limits of money.
F.The first thing you need to do is to be sure of what you need from this trip.
G.It’s vital for you to make a list of things you need to buy during your coming holiday.

Why do visitors go to museums? I often ask this question to those who have ever come to a museum.【小题1】As an artist and part of the educational staff at the Walker Art Center, I hope to dig into visitors’ needs so that we could tailor museum experiences to create more successful visitor experiences. Here is my observation of each motivational identity and characterization of different types of visitors.


This category includes teachers, educators, museum professionals, artists, and people in related fields.【小题2】 For example, a photographer may attend with the goal in mind to take pictures or to learn about photography through exhibits. An art educator may be interested in the art to broaden the knowledge of his own field or to plan a lesson.


【小题3】 If you ask them if they like art they will say “yes”; but if you ask them if they come for something in particular, they will probably say “no”. They do not have concrete learning goals but they like to know new things. They may or may not know how to use the museum.

Experience Seekers

An experience seeker is a person who is checking off a list of landmarks to visit, whether personal or as a tourist. 【小题4】They simply want to do “what you’re supposed to see in that city or area”. This type of visitors may need to see the museum’s highlights to feel satisfied.


Facilitators come because of someone else. They are perhaps bringing a friend or a group of people- possibly the children or students because they think the visit would benefit the others, not out of a personal need.【小题5】

A.They want to see what is typical of that place.
B.Their goals may range by their particular .roles.
C.There are different reasons for visitors’ coming here.
D.You may wonder why I’ m interested in this question.
E.Others will naturally pay a visit to museums regularly.
F.Their personal need is to make a good experience for others.
G.They come because attending museums satisfies their curiosity.
