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Why should most of us hate spiders when we know deeply how much good they do? Is it because they somehow seem so alien? After all, what other land creatures on earth have eight legs? What other creatures spin silk webs in which to catch and wrap their prey to preserve it for the future, much as we put food in the fridge to eat later? I do not personally suffer from arachnophobia, the name given to an abnormal fear of spiders, but I can't say that I like the little beasts. However, some people do, and they actually keep them as pets!

There is a wide variety of spiders in the world. In fact it has been estimated that there are some 35,000 species——from little "money spiders" that live in your back garden, to the "black widow spider", and the “tarantula” ,the spider that is now sometimes kept as a pet.

A tarantula can be any one of a large hairy spiders family and there are about 800 species of them. While experts can tell the difference between species at a glance, most are usually described in reference books as “rather slowly" with “a strong bite which may be poisonous”. They are covered with hairs which can cause a rash (皮疹)if they are handled.

No one has calculated the number of human deaths caused by a bite from a tarantula perhaps because it has never happened, or happened so rarely, and indeed a tarantula will do no harm to anyone if handled correctly. Their disgusting image cannot belie their gentle nature but experts tell us not to handle a tarantula without expert advice.

Tarantulas are popular as pets and it requires very little space to maintain them in excellent condition. They should be kept singly in a glass container, which need not be very large but should have a layer of stones in the bottom. They feed on insects, and while young tarantulas eat twice a week, adults will often eat no more than once every 10 days.

You might like the idea of keeping a tarantula, but personally I am content with just watching them at a distance.

【小题1】According to the text, why do most people dislike spiders?
A.They are abnormal beasts.
B.They take food from fridges.
C.They have unpleasant appearance.
D.They make people suffer from arachnophobia.
【小题2】What do we know about the tarantula?
A.It must be kept in groups.
B.It feeds on poisonous insects.
C.It doesn't belong to hairy spiders.
D.It has mild nature if handled properly.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The death caused by a tarantula.
B.The number of human deaths.
C.The bite from a tarantula.
D.The rash caused by hairs.
【小题4】What's the best title for the text?
A.Never judge a book by its cover.
B.Nothing seek, nothing find.
C.No sweet without sweat.
D.Once bitten, twice shy.
知识点:动物说明文语意转化标题判断指代猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Some plants get so hungry that they eat flies, spiders, and even small frogs. What’s more amazing is that these plants occur naturally (in special environment) in every state. In fact, they’re found on every continent except Antarctica.

You’ve probably seen a Venus’ flytrap. It’s often sold in museum gift stores, department stores, and even supermarkets. A small plant, it grows 6 to 8 inches tall in a container. At the end of its stalks(茎) are specially modified leaves that act like traps. Inside each trap is a lining of tiny trigger(触发) hairs. When an insect lands on them, the trap suddenly shut. Over the course of a week or so, the plant feeds on its catch.

The Venus’ flytrap is just one of more than 500 species of meat-eating plants, says Barry Meyers-Rice, the editor of the International Carnivorous(食肉的) Plant Society’s Newsletter. Note: Despite any science-fiction stories you might have read, no meat-eating plant does any danger to humans.

Dr. Meyers-Rice says a plant is meat-eating, only if it does all four of the following: “attract, kill, digest, and absorb” some forms of insects, including flies, butterflies, and moths. Meat-eating plants look and act like other green plants ---well, most of the time.

All green plants make sugar through a process called photosynthesis(光合作用). Plants use the sugar to make food. What makes “meat-eating” plants different is their bug-catching leaves. They need insects for one reason: nitrogen(氮). Nitrogen is a nutrient that they can’t obtain any other way. Why almost all green plants on our planet get nitrogen from the soil, “meat-eating” plants can’t. They live in places where nutrients are hard or almost impossible to get from the soil because of its acidity. So they’ve come to rely on getting nitrogen from insects and small animals. In fact, nutrient-rich soil is poisonous to “meat-eating” plants. Never fertilize them! But don’t worry, either, if they never seem to catch any insects. They can survive, but they’ll grow very slowly.

【小题1】According to the passage, carnivorous plants ________.
A.only grow in wild fieldB.are rare to see
C.are as common as fliesD.cannot grow on Antarctica
【小题2】We can conclude from the third paragraph that ________.
A.carnivorous plants are dangerous
B.carnivorous plants are fictional
C.carnivorous plants occasionally eat books
D.carnivorous plants are harmless to humans
【小题3】In the eyes of the author, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Carnivorous plants cannot grow in acid soil.
B.Carnivorous plants can grow in nutrient-poor soil.
C.Carnivorous plants will die if they cannot catch any insects.
D.Carnivorous plants can get nitrogen from nutrient-rich soil.

Scientists say a huge percentage of bird species are in danger because their habitats are disappearing.

The scientists studied the migration, or flight, paths, of almost 1,500 species and decided that 91 percent of them passed through dangerous areas. The major danger for migratory birds is development. Building and paving have covered over nature where birds stop and feed as they move from one part of the world to another.

For example, a bird called the bar-tailed godwit migrates from its breeding grounds in the Arctic. It flies all the way to Australia and New Zealand. The problem, according to investigators, is that many of these small birds die along their migration because they don't have a safe place to eat and rest. There is no place to restore their energy for the next part of their journey. "They simply perish along the way," says one of the scientists.

Countries in North Africa, Central Asia and those along the coasts of East Asia are having the most difficult time conserving land. The scientists say these countries do not have enough areas that are safe for birds.

"Our world gets poorer every time we lose a species,’’ one of the scientists says.

The researchers say countries need to work together and come up with safe stopover areas for birds that pass through their boundaries.

For example, one country might have preserved safe zones for migrating birds. But a neighbor country might not. A bird might die.

One scientist who is not involved in the report tells the Los Angeles Times that while some habitats are changing, more work can be done to make urban areas safe for birds. He says small changes—like planting more native plants or keeping cats out of areas birds would be likely to use—could make a big difference.

【小题1】What’s the major danger for migratory birds according to the passage?
A.They can’t find enough food along the way.
B.They have lost their way because of human development.
C.Human development has occupied their natural habitats.
D.They are sometimes struck by human diseases.
【小题2】What do we know about bar-tailed godwits?
A.They fly from the Arctic south to Australia every year.
B.They can pick out good resting place along the way.
C.They have died out because of human hunting.
D.They have their conserved land in Australia.
【小题3】The countries along the migrating route need to ________.
A.fight the poverty of people to protect the birds
B.work together to conserve safe areas for birds
C.plant more trees to provide safe areas for birds
D.maintain a good relationship with neighboring countries
【小题4】What suggestion does the scientist say to the Los Angeles Times?
A.Countries working together to protect the sea.
B.Protecting the original habitats for the migrating birds.
C.Reserving some land for the birds to rest along the way.
D.Planting some native plants for the migrating birds to use.

Wild animals seem to have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight to the idea that they have a "sixth sense" for disasters, experts said on Thursday.

Sri Lanka wildlife officials have said the waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast seemingly missed wild beasts, with no dead animals found.

"No elephants are dead, not even a dead hare or rabbit. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a 'sixth sense'. They know when things are happening," H.D. Ratnayake, director of Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department, said on Wednesday.

The waves washed floodwaters up to 3 km(2 miles)inland at Yala National Park in the southeast, Sri Lanka's biggest wildlife reserve and home to hundreds of wild elephants. "There has been a lot of evidence(证据)about dogs barking or birds migrating(迁徙)before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. But it has not been proved." said Matthew van Lierop, an animal behaviour specialist at Johannesburg Zoo. "There have been no specific studies because you can't really test it in a lab or field setting," he said. Other authorities agreed with this conclusion.

“Wildlife seems to be able to pick up certain signs, especially birds. There are many reports of birds detecting coming disasters," said Clive Walker, who has written several books on African wildlife.

Animals certainly rely on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger such as predators(掠食动物), The idea of an animal "sixth sense" is a lasting one that the evidence on Sri Lanka's damaged coast is likely to add to.

【小题1】What happened after the Indian Ocean tsunami?
A.Many people died but wild animals survived.B.The "six sense" of wild animals developed
C.Wild beasts were killed or went missingD.The coast was found in good condition.
【小题2】What does H.D. Ratnayake do?
A.He is a zoo keeper.B.He is a wildlife official.
C.He is a movie director.D.He is an animal behaviour expert.
【小题3】Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “detecting" in paragraph 5?
A.Taking up.B.Putting up.C.Picking up.D.Bringing up.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Why animals can save themselves from natural disasters.
B.The different opinions about animals' natural power.
C.How to protect wildlife when disasters happen.
D.The serious damage of the Indian Ocean tsunami.
【小题5】In which section of a newspaper can we read this text?
