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More than half of UK species have suffered declines in recent years and 15 percent are at risk of vanishing (消失), a report has warned. There is little evidence to suggest the rate of loss is slowing down.

Farming is key to what is happening,with more intensive agriculture affecting nearly half of the species studied and responsible for nearly a quarter of the total impact on wildlife. A loss of mixed farms, changes to sowing patterns,increased use of pesticides and fertilizers and a loss of habitat (栖息地)have taken their toll. The report said government farming policies had led to dramatic changes in farming practices,almost doubling wheat and milk yields since the 1970s, but often at the expense of nature by interrupting the food sources and habitats species rely on.

Climate change is also increasingly affecting UK nature although the impacts are mixed with some species spreading north or surviving better in warmer winters, but others are hit by the loss of coastal habitat, increased sea temperature and wilder weather. In the long term, global warming poses one of the greatest threats to nature around the world. Wildlife is also being hit by urban development, loss of town green areas, changes to the way land and forests are managed and over-abstraction (过度抽取)of water.

“The natural world needs our help as never before,” said naturalist and TV presenter David Attenborough. “We must work together, governments, conservationists, businesses and individuals to help it.”

The good news is that the creation of new wetland by conservation programs and the planting of new woodland, as well as wildlife-friendly farming programs, are providing habitats for struggling species. Reintroduction of species such as the pine marten (松貂)and large blue butterflies is also helping, but more needs to be done, the report said.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “taken their toll” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Cost much money.B.Had bad effects.
C.Changed farming policies.D.Interrupted the food sources.
【小题2】What is the main cause of UK species decrease?
A.The development of agriculture.
B.The over-use of water.
C.The change of climate.
D.The loss of habitats.
【小题3】What does the author intend to tell us in the last sentence?
A.More large blue butterflies are needed in UK.
B.More should be done for the diversity of species.
C.The report sounds the alarm for the UK’s wildlife.
D.Enough measures have been taken to protect the natural world.
【小题4】Where is this text most likely from?
A.A poster.B.A brochure.
C.A magazine.D.A notice.
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In ancient seawall built by Neolithic people to protect their village from sea-level rise over 7,000 years ago has been discovered by scientists. The 330-fbot wall, off the Carmel coast of Israel, was built with boulders from a riverbed over a mile away to create a buffer (缓冲器) between the Mediterranean Sea and the settlement of Tel Hreiz, researchers say.

In a study published in PLOS One, researchers led by Ehud Galili, of the University of Haifa, Israel, say this represents the oldest known coastal defense system in the world and a feat of engineering with "extensive effort invested by the Neolithic villagers in its conception, organization and construction."

At the time the settlement existed, sea levels were rising as global temperatures warmed following the end of the last icc age. The Mediterranean was rising by up to seven millimeters (0. 27 inches) per year. Over a lifetime, this would have equaled around 20 centimeters.

"This rate of sea-level rise means the frequency of destructive storms damaging the village would have risen significantly," Galili said in a statement. "The environmental changes would have been noticeable to people, during the lifetime of a settlement across several centuries. Eventually the accumulating yearly sea-level necessitated (vt. 使……成为必要,需要)a human response involving the construction of a coastal protection wall similar to what we're seeing around the world now. "

The Tel Hreiz settlement was first uncovered in the 1960s but the seawall was only identified in 2010 after a severe storm exposed it. Galili and his team then set about analyzing the remains of the submerged (水下的)wall.

They found it was almost 10 feet tall and was built around the same time as the village. Over the course of decades, the seawall would have suffered from marine erosion, the researchers say. After the sand layer was removed, waves and storms may have eventually dislodged boulders and stones.

Despite this "display of resilience" in the face of sea-level rise, the people of Tel Hreiz eventually left the village and, over time, both the seawall and village were lost to sea. "The seawall may have worked for a period," the team wrote, "however, ultimately it proved futile (无用的)and the village was eventually abandoned. The Tel Hreiz seawall represents the earliest example of a coastal defense of this type known to date. "

The team points to parallels with sea-level rise mankind is facing today. While the rate at the moment is considerably lower than what these Neolithic people were facing, it is expected that many of the world's coastal towns and cities will be impacted in the next century.

"Given the size of coastal populations and modern urban settlements, the magnitude of predicted future population displacement differs considerably to the impacts on people during the Neolithic,” the study said. “However, many of the fundamental human questions and the decision making relating to human resilience, coastal defense, local adaptation, technological innovation and decisions to ultimately abandon long-standing settlements remain ominously relevant. ”

【小题1】In the ancient seawalls built by people in the Neolithic age, it is right to say that________.
A.it’s the old coastal defense system to protect villagers
B.it's first discovered in the 1960s after a severe storm
C.it was built to protect its villages from the rise of sea level
D.the seawall finally protected the village from damage
【小题2】What measure have people taken in the face of sea level rise firstly?
A.Building coastal protection wall.
B.Leaving the village to safe places.
C.Paying attention to the change of environment.
D.Researching technological innovation
【小题3】In Paragraph 7, "display of resilience" probably refers to_______.
A.recovery from disastersB.positive Village
C.protective measuresD.the seawall
【小题4】The writer's purpose in writing this article is to suggest that_______.
A.more seawall should be built to resist sea level rise
B.sea level rise will be a big problem for us
C.we should take more measures to prevent sea level rise
D.many people will be displaced in the future.

The Surprising Benefits (益处) of Pets

Nowadays, more and more people like to keep pets, such as dogs, cats and so on. 【小题1】 Here are the four reasons why your pet is worth an extra treat today.

Keep you active

Walking your pet for 2. 5 hours a week not only benefits your quality of life but can also cut your chances of developing serious illnesses. 【小题2】 According to a survey of 6, 500 people, dog owners were more likely to report having an easier time falling asleep at night than non-dog owners.

Better your immune system (免疫系统)

Research shows that children who live with pets from birth have lower rates of allergies (过敏反应), and the more animals in the house, the greater the protection. Kids with four or more cats or dogs have half the rate of allergies as non- pet owners. 【小题3】

Lower your risk of heart attack

Researchers tracked 4,000 people for over ten years and found that pet owners had a 30 percent lower risk of dying of heart attack. That’s because keeping a pet lowers a person’ s heart rate. 【小题4】 In fact, some research has shown that pet owners are much more likely to survive a heart attack compared to non- dog owners.


When Margie, 40, left her job as a teacher in 2019, she was suffering from anxiety. Luckily, Margie and her husband, decided to keep a dog. “We thought having a dog would give us something to do while we’re at home, and she has just changed our lives,” she says. “I feel so happy by her joy, energy and love. I’ve even told my doctor I don t think I need my medical service anymore.”

A.Improve your mental health.
B.Develop your family relationship.
C.Keeping pets can help you take more exercise.
D.Therefore, pet owners are more likely to have a healthy heart.
E.Besides, more exercise during the day also seems to bring better nights.
F.The non-human members of your family help you in more ways than you know.
G.Even in adulthood, research suggests pets may have a positive effect on our bodies.

Most kids spend their weekends playing or watching TV–but for one 11-year-oldboy, Thiago, in Brazil, Saturdays are for helping street dogs. Thiago has always loved animals. He wished he could do something for the estimated 30 million abandoned dogs and cats in Brazil. So he decided to give them baths to help them live better.

At the end of 2020, Thiago created the project I’m homeless but I’m clean with his father and started to change the lives of the street dogs around him. While talking to my father, I told him about my idea of bathing street dogs so they stayed clean and fragrant and people looked at them differently on the street, Thiago told The Dodo.

The project got off to a bumpy start. “Catching dogs on the street was difficult,since they were always scared and many were victims of abuse,”Thiago said. “So we spent some time without baths until my father spoke to Noah’s Ark and we started to bathe their newly rescued dogs.” After the dogs took their baths they each got a photo shot with Thiago. Thiago’s father posted the pictures on social media to highlight each one. “The project has borne fruit, because most of the furry ones are adopted,” Thiago said. “This gives a lot of motivation to continue.”

Thiago hopes that his efforts will change the way people think of the homeless animals, and will convince more people to open their homes to them. And for those who don’t have the space or ability to adopt a dog, Thiago encourages them to help in other ways–such as donating, volunteering at a shelter or putting out small bowls of food and water on their sidewalk. Even the smallest effort can make a difference.

【小题1】What was Thiago’s decision on spending his weekends?
A.Playing games.B.Watching TV.
C.Adopting dogs.D.Bathing dogs.
【小题2】What can we learn about Noah’s Ark?
A.It’s a photo studio.
B.It’s a social platform.
C.It’s an animal protection organization.
D.It’s an environmental protection organization.
【小题3】What can we infer about a freshly-bathed dog?
A.It will not suffer from hunger.
B.It will find its owner very soon.
C.It will be caught by people quickly.
D.It will be more likely to be adopted.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.An experience of bathing dogs.
B.A boy’s kindness to street dogs.
C.The efforts to rescue homeless animals.
D.Thiago’s cooperation with Noah’s Ark.
