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My whole career is about clothes – but I have no interest in fashion. What I love doing with clothes is using them to tell a story. That’s what costume design is all about. I wasn’t one of those little girls always dressing up dolls. My parents were musicians, so there was never any money, but our household was artistic.

As a child in the 1950s there was no TV, so we drew, painted and made things out of cardboard boxes. My parents encouraged me and my younger sister to be creative – making a mess was fine, and we were even allowed to draw on one of the walls at our home in Kensington, west London. After school I studied at Central Saint Martins School of Art, where I learned how to draw patterns and cut fabric. Back then it was set design, not costumes, that most interested me.

Thanks to a childhood friend, Nick Young, I was offered some unpaid work on early Merchant Ivory film productions. For a 1978 movie called Hullabaloo Over Georgie And Bonnie’s Pictures, I was asked to put together clothes for its star, Dame Peggy Ashcroft, to wear in India. After a meeting with her, Peggy took me aside. ‘My dear, we’re getting on quite well,’ she said. ‘They’ve given me a first-class ticket to India, now if I change it for two economy flights, will you come with me?’ Of course I said yes! No question.

It was before The Jewel In The Crown and A Passage To India, and Peggy had never been to India. At 70, she was a little nervous, but great fun. We shared a room and I looked after her in every possible way. At night we sat up in our little beds, having a brandy or whisky and discussing our day. After the shoot we went on holiday to Goa together. Peggy rode around on the back of my motorbike!

I became part of the Merchant Ivory team and went on to work on many other period films, including 1996’s Sense And Sensibility. I’ve known Emma Thompson for 30 years and she’s hilarious and wonderful.

I had won an Oscar before, in 1987 for A Room With A View, and have been nominated a further eight times. I keep my Oscars on a desk that belonged to my mother in my study, so they are very much on display but off the beaten track. Not in the living room and certainly not in the downstairs loo!

For a career I somehow fell into, it’s provided me with a wonderful life, really.

【小题1】Why did Peggy and the author make friends with each other?
A.They were of the same age.B.They worked in the same theater.
C.They were both good actors.D.They got along very well.
【小题2】Which of the following works’ location was not mentioned?
A.The Jewel In The Crown.
B.A Room With A View.
C.Hullabaloo Over Georgie And Bonnie’s Pictures.
D.A Passage To India.
【小题3】Why did the author mention her parents when she was a child?
A.To show she was not talented in designing clothes.
B.To amuse the readers with a funny story.
C.To show her parents inspired her creativity.
D.To share a precious memory in her childhood.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes the author as a designer?
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While traditional wisdom tells us that we should eagerly catch every opportunity that comes our way, playing a little hard to get has its advantages. Studies have shown that opportunities are seen to be more valuable as they become less available, according to Robert Cialdini, a leading expert on influence, who said “What the scarcity principle says is that people are more attracted to rare opportunities.”

Appearing available can work against you, according to Jeremy Nicholson, a social psychologist. If you're excited about a work opportunity, it indicates that you are in low demand.

“Making something harder to get,” Dr. Nicholson said, “tends to increase at least the perception of value.” If you are meeting with hiring managers or potential clients, Dr. Nicholson recommends that responding in a way that respects their interest without being too eager. Dr. Nicholson advises, with responses like: “I do have a couple of other projects to deal with. However, I could do this for you if you want.”

“It's easy to become excited when an opportunity presents itself,” Ms. Ryan, founder of Human Workplace, said, “but remember that your power in any negotiation is related to your ability to walk away. Don't accept an offer before fully considering the opportunity.” Once you have interest, turn that into diligence. Ms. Ryan recommends reading up on the organization from third-party perspectives, and checking out job-search websites to see what employees and ex-employees say about it. Keep in mind: The goal is to approach any negotiation cautiously and with a clear head.

Appearing less available isn't about limiting our enthusiasm, but about trusting in our own self-worth so we can be proactive, experts say. This means mindfully transforming our excitement into strategy. “Emphasizing the uniqueness of your resources and your cooperative approach can help you more quickly advance your goals,” said Shirli Kopelman, a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.

【小题1】Why is it necessary for us to appear scarce when we face opportunities?
A.Because we should strictly follow the principle about scarcity.
B.Because we should eagerly grasp opportunities coming our way.
C.Because we should value opportunities in the competitive society.
D.Because we should show rare opportunities to increase our advantages.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “proactive” mean?
【小题3】Which of the following statements is the suggestion given by Ms. Ryan?
A.Being eager enough and ready.B.Being cautious and clear headed.
C.Being confident and interested.D.Being skillful and accomplished.
【小题4】According to Shirli Kopelman, which is the best way to help us achieve our goals?
A.Not being too hard on our career.B.Noting controlling our enthusiasm.
C.Applying excitement to negotiations.D.Stressing scarcity and cooperation ways.
You have signed on for months of hard work.You're far from home.The pay is bad.The food is worse.You find rare comfort in the simple songs that you and your work mates sing.
This is what a sailor's life was like in the 1800s.The songs sung aboard ships were called sea shanties.You have probably heard a shanty or two yourself.Many of these songs have lasted through the years.They can often be found in surprising places today.
Sea Shanties Then ...
Sea shanties were valuable friends to sailors.Some shanties, such as "Blow the Man Down," had lively words and melodies.They broke up the boredom of long trips.Other shanties, including one called "Oh, Shenandoah," had a sadder tone.They helped seafarers express longing and loneliness.Still other shanties, such as "Leave Her, Johnny," let sailors complain about their hard lives.
But the first job of the sea shanty was to help the men work as a team.Ships had sails that were controlled by a system of moving ropes.For many jobs, all of the sailors had to pull on the ropes at once.
When faced with such a job, the shantyman, or song leader, began a tune.The crew joined in on the chorus, and it might have sounded like a playful sing-along.But when the sailors came to a certain beat, they knew it was the signal to pull together with all their might.
Raising or lowering the anchor called for a rhythm with a slow, steady motion.Then, the shantyman would choose a shanty with a slow, steady beat to match the job.Each duty on the sailing ship had its own rhythm and its own kind of song.
...and Sea Shanties Now
Sea shanties have been passed down to us in much the same way as folk stories.Long ago, someone came up with a memorable idea and melody.Others repeated the shanty, often adding changes along the way.
Over time, people saw the sea shanty for the treasure it was.Like any treasure, shanties were collected.Many were written down in books.
Where do the old shanties appear now? Today's musical artists love the fun, beauty, and history of these songs.Many musicians, including Bob Dylan and Harry Belafonte, have their own versions of "Oh, Shenandoah." One group, the Robert Shaw Chorale, recorded a collection of shanties.
In Hollywood, shanties serve as a symbol of the sea.A fisherman sings the shanty "Spanish Ladies" in the film Jaws.The cartoon character Woody Woodpecker whistles "Blow the Man Down" when he finds himself aboard a pirate's ship.
Today, shanties tell us about shipboard life more than one hundred years ago.They help us understand what the working sailor sang and perhaps thought about.
So the next time you're doing a boring task, try making up a tune to go along with it.Time may pass more quickly, and your job may seem easier.Also, you may understand why sailors loved those old songs of the sea.
【小题1】The main purpose of the sea shanty in the 1800s was________.
A.to communicate with passing ships
B.to help sailors work together as a team
C.to allow sailors to complain about the food
D.to give sailors an opportunity to record their music
【小题2】Today, sea shanties are mainly used________.
A.to provide material for musical artists to record
B.to provide a source of music for Hollywood films
C.to help sailors work together aboard modem ships
D.to help people understand the lives of sailors of the past
【小题3】The author uses two subheadings(小标题) within the article in order to_______.
A.compare sea shanties to modem sailing songs
B.describe how popular sea shanties are with musicians
C.compare how sea shanties have been used over the years
D.describe how sea shanties have influenced Hollywood films
【小题4】Which of these topics would most probably be included in this article?
A.The work of sailors today.
B.The cost of sailing ships in the 1800s.
C.Other sailing duties that were made easier by sea shanties.
D.Some music studios where sea shanties are recorded today.
【小题5】ording to information in the article, a movie director today would most likely use a   shanty________.
A.to make a scene about sailors more realistic
B.to give a musician a chance to record the song
C.to make the crew's daily chores pass more quickly
D.to express the loneliness of making a film away from home

Virtual (虚拟) Teams

Virtual teams are a great way to enable teamwork in situations where people are not sitting in the same office at the same time. Such teams are now widely used by companies and organizations to cut business costs. This is particularly so for businesses that use virtual teams to build global presence, or need less common skills or knowledge from people who are unwilling to travel.

Virtual teams are governed by the same basic principles as traditional teams.【小题1】. It is the way the team members communicate. They rely on special communication channels enabled by modern technologies, such as emails, faxes, and teleconferences, and alike. Due to more limited communication channels, the success of virtual teams is much more sensitive to the type of project the group works on, what people are selected, and how the team is managed.

【小题2】 One challenging case is the projects that rely heavily on integrated work. That is to say, when each person’s work depends significantly on what someone else is doing at the same moment, like in a sports team, there is an ongoing heavy exchange of information in real time, and the tasks have to go through a strict order within a short time.

Not everyone can perform well in a virtual team environment. 【小题3】 Another important quality is communication skills. The team members must be able to communicate clearly and positively.

Managers of virtual teams need to pay much more attention to having clear goals, performance standards, and communication rules. People have various assumptions on what to expect from each other. 【小题4】.

One of the biggest challenges of virtual teams is building trust between the team members. Trust is important for unblocking communication between members and increasing motivation of each person in the team. The issue of trust needs special attention at any stage of team existence.

A.Yet, there is one significant difference.
B.Not every type of project is suitable for a virtual team.
C.A virtual team can choose whatever project they like to work on.
D.The members must be self-motivated and able to work independently.
E.Members of virtual teams communicate quite well although they never meet face-to-face.
F.To avoid misunderstanding, clear rules that everyone understands and agrees on are necessary.
