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One day, I was taking a nap in the red chair in my office when I woke up to the sound of a car crash. I sat up and looked, immediately, out my window. Across the street, in a parking lot, a car had just backed into a chain-link fence. The car must have been moving fast, because it was in bad shape: Its hood had popped up. The fence was damaged, bent out in exactly the shape of the car’s back end.

I watched the driver get out of the car. He was strong with a shaved head; he wore cargo shorts and a flannel (法兰绒) shirt unbuttoned to expose his chest hair. I disliked him immediately. After a few seconds of assessing the damage, he attempted to pull the ruined fence back into place, but it wouldn’t move. He tried to push the fallen piece of bumper back onto his car, but that only made the rest of his bumper fall off too.

I sat in my red chair, looking out my window, silently cheering. I think I laughed out loud. This was a ridiculous masterpiece. He climbed out from under the collapsed fence and limped back to the apartment building above the lot, rubbing his elbow. The man—that disgusting man—was going to leave all the chaos behind for someone else to clean up.

But the man appeared a few minutes later with some tools. He got to work immediately, removing one of the fence’s bent support bars and hammering it straight on the asphalt (沥青). For the next hour, I watched out my window as he doggedly(固执地) fixed the fence, even improved it. Now the fence would be extra secure, stronger than before, impossible to damage.

This strange man was actually a hero. I was the lazy one, with my kneejerk (应激反应) judgments, my superiority (优越感) from three stories up. My ugly assumptions, I realized, were all about myself. I would never have fixed that fence; I would have panicked and run away.

Years later, I still look out my window at that fence almost every day. It still looks brand new, It makes me wonder what else that man has improved, and how I can make myself more like him.

【小题1】Why did the driver leave a bad first impression on the writer?
A.Because he badly damaged the fence.
B.Because he acted rudely and impolitely.
C.Because he escaped and left the mess to others.
D.Because he had a strange appearance and dressed casually.
【小题2】The last two paragraphs tell us that ________.
A.if the writer were the driver, he thought he would do better
B.the writer gave a quick judgment from his previous experiences
C.the driver acted like a hero and had a great influence on the writer
D.the writer looks out his window often and expects to see the driver again
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe the driver?
A.Rude but honest.B.Lazy but strong-minded.
C.Impatient but generous.D.Ordinary-looking but responsible.
【小题4】What can be the best title of the text?
A.Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover
B.One’s Thinking Directs One’s Actions
C.Treat Other People As You Hope They Will Treat You
D.The Environment Depends on What You Think in You Mind
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When 6-year-old Jack Foley crossed the finish line last month at the Long Beach Kids Triathlon, it was more than an athletic achievement. His completion marked a remarkable recovery from a rare heart condition.

The journey began before Jack was born.

At a routine 20-week examination, doctors told parents-to-be Rob Foley and Lauren Kiefer-Foley of Long Island, New York, that the fetus’ (胎儿的) heart wasn’t properly developing. “The doctor told us, ‘we can’t see the left side of the baby’s heart,’ Kiefer-Foley recalled.” He told us, “you need to get to a cardiologist (心脏病专家) first thing in the morning.”

Further tests would confirm a diagnosis of hypo plastic left heart syndrome, a rare birth fault affecting the heart’s ability to pump blood through the body. Doctors informed the couple about the risks and challenges their child could face. “We were advised by many doctors to terminate our pregnancy because the condition is so severe. They told us that most babies don’t even survive birth, let alone the first surgery,” Kiefer-Foley said.

Nonetheless, the couple decided to give their baby a chance.

After Jack was born at full-term via a scheduled C-section (剖腹产), doctors took him straight to a care unit to administer the level of care he would need before his first open-heart surgery days later. “When the doctor said ‘it’s a boy!’ I didn’t get to see him for hours after that.” Kiefer-Foley said. They would also have to wait until after Jack’s first surgery to hold him for the first time.

With a successful delivery behind them, it was now up to Dr. Emile Bacha, chief of Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital to guide Jack through a series of surgeries to repair the newborn’s heart.

【小题1】Why did the author say “it was more than an athletic achievement” in Paragraph 1?
A.Jack was only six years old.
B.The event was too difficult.
C.Jack once suffered from severe heart disease.
D.Jack didn’t recover from severe heart disease.
【小题2】What was the bad effect of Jack’s disease?
A.It led to inadequate blood supply.B.The beat of heart was not heard.
C.His intelligence will not develop properly.D.The right side of the baby’s heart can’t be seen.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “terminate” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
【小题4】What will most probably be talked about in the next part of the text?
A.Jack’s journey all over the world.
B.The sorrow and despair of Jack’s parents.
C.Jack’s major academic achievement.
D.Jack’s remarkable recovery from heart disease.

Usually if a radio show puts you to sleep, it’s a sign of a bad program. But for John Watson, sleeping listeners are exactly what he’s hoping for. As a young man, Mr. Watson was not feeling good. He’d had a heart attack(心脏病). His job was stressful and he wasn’t happy. Even worse, he couldn’t sleep because he was so sensitive(敏感的) to sound. He tried many ways to relax, but without success. Still, he kept his eyes open during the whole night.

Someone said ambient music might help him sleep. Ambient music has layers of slow, relaxing sounds which blend together. Unlike most songs, where the tunes(旋律) and the beats are the important parts, in ambient music, the calming surroundings are most important. Light and temperature of the room are also part of the music. This music works better without lyrics(歌词).

Mr. Watson found some ambient music CDs, but there weren’t many to choose from. He soon got tired of hearing the same tracks (songs) over and over again. He found some ambient music stations on the Internet. They basically charged nothing. But there was one disadvantage. Just as he was falling asleep, the calming music would get interrupted — either by an advertisement or the announcer — and Mr. Watson would wake up again. However, the sound quality was pretty good.

Mr. Watson, who had experience working with websites, decided to teach himself how to create his own Internet radio station without any help from technicians. In 2014, Mr. Watson’s ambient music station, Sleep Radio, went live on the Internet. Every week he gets four or five CDs from musicians who make ambient music. They send him their music because they want him to play their tracks on the air. The station has visitors from all over the world. People have even listened to his program from Africa. The station usually has around 500 visitors, but the number has gone as high as 1,000. Since there are no ads, Mr. Watson and his wife pay for most of the costs themselves. Every day, Mr. Watson gets email from people around the world thanking him for helping them go to sleep. “Around 70% of the people who are listening on any given day are actually asleep,” Mr. Watson says.

【小题1】Why couldn’t John Watson sleep?
A.He was easily affected by noise.B.He lost his job at an early age.
C.He felt stressful all the time.D.He had heart problems.
【小题2】What are the most important for ambient music?
A.The environments.B.The tunes.C.The beats.D.The lyrics.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “interrupted” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】What do we know about Mr. Watson’s music station?
A.Radio experts helped Mr. Watson to create the station.
B.Mr. Watson has to purchase songs from musicians.
C.Listeners donate money to bear the cost of the station.
D.The station has a broad range of listeners.

One night about nine o'clock, Dr. Eyck, a surgeon, had a phone call from Dr. Haydon at the hospital in Clens Falls. The surgeon was asked to go there at once to operate on a very sick boy who shot himself while playing with a gun.

The doctor was soon on his way to Clens Falls. It was 60 miles away. And it was snowing heavily in the city. The surgeon thought he could get there before 12 o'clock.

A few minutes later, the doctor was stopped by a man in an old black coat. Gun in hand, the man ordered the doctor to get out. Then the man drove the car down the road, leaving the doctor in the falling snow.

It was after 2 o'clock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Clens Falls. Dr. Haydon told him that the boy had died an hour before.

The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat with his head in his hands.

“Mr. Cuninghan,” said Dr. Haydon to the man, “This is Dr. Eyck. He is the surgeon who walked all the way from Albany to save your boy.”

【小题1】Dr. Haydon asked Dr. Eyck to come to Clens Falls because _____.
A.Dr. Eyck knew the boy was wounded by a shot
B.The boy needed the help of a surgeon
C.Dr. Eyck was the boy’s father
D.Dr. Eyck was Haydon’s friend
【小题2】The surgeon was late because ________.
A.he was stopped by the police
B.the weather was rather terrible
C.Clens Falls was too far from Albany
D.his car was taken away
【小题3】Choose the right order of the following events given in the story.
a. Dr. Eyck was asked to come to the hospital in Clens Falls.
b. Dr. Eyck arrived at the hospital.
c. The boy shot himself. d. The boy died.
e. The man in an old coat reached the hospital. f. Dr. Eyck was robbed of his car.
A.c, e, f, a, b, dB.a, c, f, d, b, e
C.c, a, f, e, d, bD.a, c, f, e, d, b
【小题4】The boy could have been saved if ______.
A.he had not been sent to the hospital
B.his father hadn’t arrived in time
C.Dr. Eyck had arrived earlier than the man
D.Dr. Eyck had arrived there two hours earlier
