选词填空-短文选词填空 适中0.65 引用2 组卷209
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Art occurs in many forms: music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, cinema, and literature, among others. Works of art can make people feel moved, even to the 【小题1】 of tears. In the case of Stendhal syndrome,   however,   this   feeling   is   so 【小题2】 that   a   person   can   experience a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, sweating, or fainting. It may even require hospitalization. In the Italian city of Florence, numerous visitors viewing the 【小题3】 Renaissance art there have experienced this and have required medical 【小题4】 Though not professionally recognized, this condition— now 【小题5】 to as Stendhal syndrome —does exist.

While great art is found in every civilization, Florence has been especially 【小题6】 A small city with a historical center, it is internationally admired for its amazing 【小题7】 of   Renaissance art. Florence in the 15th and 16th centuries attracted the talent of many geniuses: artists, scientists, and authors were welcomed here. Some of the greatest Western works of art can be found in Florence, such as the statue of David by Michelangelo, The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, and the frescoes(壁画)by Giotto in the Basilica of Santa Croce. In addition, Leonardo da Vinci left works here. Galileo Galilei and Niccolo Machiavelli are buried here.

The syndrome is named after Stendhal, a French author who visited Florence in 1817. He described his experience of being fascinated by the historic and artistic power of the city in one of his   books. Though the   term   Stendhal   syndrome   was   not 【小题8】 until   1979     by     Italian psychiatrist Graziella Magherini, the illness had already had a long history. Patients   usually recover within days of their attacks without any 【小题9】 drug other than rest and quiet. For them, the 【小题10】 of viewing the power and beauty of Florence is a brief trip to a hospital.

知识点:音乐与舞蹈美术与摄影 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
broke away from, was attracted to, kept track of, overcome,
committed himself to, By contrast, intended, For instance,
Now that, related, pleased, tough,
separate, make a difference, belonged

In China’s Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, there lived a man named Boya, who 【小题1】 playing the qin. He played so well that everyone 【小题2】 his music and thought highly of his techniques. However, Boya believed no one could understand his music until he met Zhong Ziqi. Boya did not say anything before playing the qin, yet Zhong Ziqi was able to paint a picture of great mountain ranges in his mind. When Boya continued playing, Zhong Ziqi said he had heard the sound of a river flowing quickly. In fact, Boya had 【小题3】 to call the music High Mountains and Flowing Water.

Having someone that really understood his music 【小题4】 Boya, who never got tired of sharing his music with Zhong Ziqi. The two soon became great friends and before going their 【小题5】 ways, they agreed to meet at the Mid-Autumn Festival the next year. However, Zhong Ziqi failed to show up on that day. When Boya learnt about Zhong Ziqi’s death, he was 【小题6】 with sorrow. He played High Mountains and Flowing Water in front of Zhong Ziqi’s grave. After he finished playing the piece, he destroyed the qin and said, “【小题7】 the only person that understands my music is gone, keeping the qin doesn’t 【小题8】.”

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. drive     B. return     C. mobilizes     D. significant     AB. helpless
AC. familiarize   AD. address   BC. shameless     BD. appeals
CD. transformation     ABC. attempts

In Times of Crists, We Need Classical Music

          It’s still lying in front of me on my desk. The booklet, entitled Time for Outrange(愤怒) , was written by the 93-year-old French diplomat(外交官) Stephane Hessel. “The power of money,” Hessel says, filled with anger, “has never been as great and selfish and 【小题1】 as it is now.”
          But what does the outrage of this Frenchman have to do with classical music and , ultimately, with me, music director of the Orchestre Symphenique de Montreal(蒙特利尔交响乐团) ?
          A lot, I, too, am outraged by the direction of industrial society, with materialism and consumerism leading the way. I want to show that, because of its powerful impact, classical music can play a(n) 【小题2】 role right now.
          We all sense that our society is experiencing an almost revolutionary 【小题3】. Life is getting faster, competition is fiercer and social cohesion(凝聚力) is reducing. Like most people, I have no idea how liberty and civil rights would develop in the era of globalization and ever-evolving technological advancement.
          But I see this as an opportunity for a(n) 【小题4】 to classical music. The great symphonies of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are not museum pieces we should listen to only if we want to 【小题5】 ourselves with some music history. Now are they a decoration or a relaxation exercise for the quickened pace of life.
          They are more than what a radio station for classical music once promised - “your oasis(绿洲) of well-being.” They are timeless compositions that 【小题6】 all the uncertainties and insecurities of this new period. They can support us in our search for meaning. Beethoven, for example, was convinced that man had the capacity to change for the better and to go throughout life. This is why there is so much hope in his music. His symphonies was mean to 【小题7】 people forward.
          Classic music 【小题8】 our senses and emotions in such a way that we were thrown back onto ourselves. It 【小题9】 to listeners to make use of their own reason and reflect on their actions. Music’s sole purpose is to be experienced. That experience, in turn, is why music can change our perceptions(认知) of ourselves and thereby our interactions with others.
          【小题10】 to explain this powerful impact of music will always remain unsatisfying, but this much is certain: aesthetic(审美的) experiences can transform people.
