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How Saving Wildlife Benefits Humans

It’s no secret that we’ve lost an overwhelming number of species within that last four decades. These species have all but _____ due to overpopulation, deforestation, consumer culture, climate change, animal exploitation, and other harming sources — all brought about by mankind.

One of the first great rules of terrestrial (陆地的) biology is “no species is forever.” _____, this rapid loss of species today is estimated to be between1,000and 10,000 times higher   than the natural extinction rate. As increasingly accepted theories have argued, we are now in the midst of the sixth great _____.

The Earth consists of plants, animals, water,   land, the atmosphere, and humans.   Biodiversity (生物多样性) _____ the health of the planet and has a great impact on all our lives. Reduced biodiversity means a future where food supplies are vulnerable (易受攻击的) to pests and disease, and fresh water is   in short supply. If biodiversity _____ impacts   our lives in such big   ways, then our conservation (环保) efforts don’t just benefit the environment, they benefit us, too.

One convincing benefit that comes from wildlife conservation efforts is that it ensures food _____. Wildlife conservation promotes agricultural biodiversity, which plays an important role in building a secure and healthy food system. When agricultural biodiversity is _____ and land   is cleared for agriculture, extensive habitat loss takes place, as well as undocumented loss of species and massive soil erosion (侵蚀).

Another benefit that comes from wildlife conservation is that these _____ protect human health. Conservation International reportsthat “more than 50 percent of modern medicines and more than 90 percent of traditional medicines   come from wild plants   and animals.” _____,   a     world that promotes healthy ecosystems and biodiversity provides crucial buffers (缓冲) between disease and humans. A number of studies have _____ reduced diversity among mammal (哺乳动物 ) species and overall decreases in biodiversity to an increase in the transmission ( 传 播 ) of animal-born diseases to humans.

Perhaps the most convincing benefit that comes from wildlife conservation is that it provides us with _____ whether it be economically or socially. Increasing biodiversity and   healthy ecosystems improve agricultural productivity, thereby allowing farms to become more _____. Healthy ecosystems that are home to unique species _____ tourists from around the world, which helps the local economy and invites in a new fusion of investment.

Our unsustainable, unconscious, self-interested relationship with the environment has led us into an extremely destructible world. If we do not take action and _____ changing our ways, we     are at risk of losing more vital and _____ ecosystems and biodiversity,   or at least until the sixth   great extinction claims one final species: our own.

A.In additionB.After allC.In particularD.By contrast
A.feel likeB.keep onC.set aboutD.argue for
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As consumers, we are very wasteful. Annually, the world generates 1.3 billion ions of solid waste. This is expected to go up to 2.2 billion by 2025. The developed countries are _________for 44% of waste, and in the U.S. alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month.

Traditional wisdom would seem to suggest that companies have no interest in_________the life cycle of their products and reduce the revenue (营收)they would get from selling new goods._________, more and more businesses are thinking about how to reduce consumer waste. This is_________ driven by the rising price of raw materials and metals. Also, both consumers and companies becoming more aware of the need to protect our environment is another force that contributes.

When choosing what products to buy and which brands to buy from, more and more consumers are looking into sustainability, which is_________ just price and performance they were concerned about in the past. In a survey of 54 of the world's leading brands, almost all of them reported that consumers are showing increasing care about environmental lifestyles. At the same time, surveys on consumers in the U.S. and the U.K. show that they also care about _________ energy use and reducing waste.

_________, consumers control what happens to a product. But some companies are starting to realize that placing the burden of recycling entirely on the consumer is not an effective strategy, especially when_________something seems like the easiest and most convenient option.

Some retailers and manufacturers in the clothing, footwear, and electronics industries have launched _________programs, They want io make their customers interested in __________ their products and preventing things that still have value from going to the landfill. By offering services to help expand the longevity of their products, they're promising quality and __________ to consumers, and receiving the__________ gains for being environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

Enormous opportunities also__________e-waste. It is estimated that in 2014 the world produced some 42 million metric tons of e-waste (discarded electrical and electronic equipment and its parts) with North America and Europe accounting for 8 and 12 million metric tons __________. The materials from e-waste include iron, copper, gold, silver, and aluminum-materials that could be reused, resold, recovered, or recycled. Together, the value of these metals is estimated to be about $52 billion. Electronics giants like BestBuy and Samsung have provided e-waste __________programs over the past few years, which aim to refurbish (翻新)old electronic components and parts into new products.

A.bridged withB.subjected toC.opposed toD.associated with
A.On the contraryB.Above allC.For exampleD.In most cases
A.lie inB.stand forC.consist ofD.result in

Diving in the oceans, marine biologist Erika Woolsey has seen first-hand how coral reefs and sea life are being damaged by climate change. It has made her determined to _________a way for others to share her experience.(Including those who can’t _________explore the ocean).

Through her non-profit, Tic Hydrous, Woolsey is_________virtual (虚拟的) reality to “bring the _________ to everyone.” The San Francisco-based collective of scientists, filmmakers and divers is taking people on immersive(沉浸式的) virtual dives to create a (an)_________ of “universal ocean sympathy,” raising awareness of reef damage and inspiring action to _________ our seas.

As a habitat, coral reefs can be comparable to the biodiversity of rainforests, with an estimated 25% of marine species depending on them. _________ climate change, pollution and overfishing have _________ around half the world’s shallow water coral reels.

Two decades of underwater _________ have given Woolsey, an intimate understanding of the __________ facing reefs. ‘I’ve seen first-hand this ... change from a __________ colorful vibrant coral reef; to what __________ a moonscape,” Woolsey says.

It is this experience that The Hydrous team __________ to recreate with their award-winning film “Immerse.” Intended to be watched with a VR headset, viewers __________ Woolsey for a nine-minute guided virtual dive on the coral reefs off the western Pacific Island of Palau.

Woolsey __________ advances in camera technology will allow her __________ to “take more and more people to places in the ocean that are underexplored.” The VR technology __________not only the state our oceans are in but how they have a chance to __________. It is this that Woolsey says people take away with them after the __________. “When we go up, we go up with a message of hope that we bring back to __________” she says.

A.turns intoB.stands forC.looks likeD.brings out

Over two weeks ago I was standing on the summit of Mount Qomolangma. It was the top of many years' hard work, and the_______of a childhood dream.

I have been overwhelmed by the tide of goodwill and support. But one thing has become_________apparent. Many people have constant misunderstandings about Mount Qomolangma. In their minds, Qomolangma has_________her crown. She has become a mountain connected with death, exploitation and_________.

The most common question I get asked is: "Is it_________with rubbish?" As a United Nations patron(资助人)of the wilderness, one of my roles is to_________back the Earth's remaining wildernesses and to act as a_______for the wild.

I climbed Qomolangma expecting a rubbish dump but what I found_________me: I_________saw any litter, from the airport to the summit.

The Nepalese have____________some huge clean-up campaigns in recent years, perhaps to improve their reputation, but also in response to some tragic natural disasters. The government____________a number of requirements including that each climber____________an additional 8kg of litter(not including their own) and incentives(激励)for Sherpas(夏尔巴人)of $ 2 per kilo of rubbish cleaned.

The results have been____________. The country lanes of Great Britain have more rubbish than the path to base camps; despite the 100, 000 footsteps I saw one of the cleanest, tidiest wilderness trails I have encountered.

I have spent time in many of the world's popular wilderness locations and I would say Nepal should be proud. It is an example of man repairing the____________he has done. As our focus turns to the oceans and the seemingly____________task of repairing our marine habitat, we could look at Qomolangma as a fine example of turning back the clock.

A.appealed toB.taken inC.depended onD.put forward
