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Unexpected connection between sleep and academic performance has been recently discovered.

Researchers have found that insufficient sleep and tiredness increase a person's risk of developing severe medical conditions, such as obesity (肥胖症),high blood sugar levels, and heart disease. Now, a new study has found that getting sufficient sleep is also the key to improving academic performance.

Jeffrey Gross, the university science professor who led the research, was not trying to find the relationship between sleep and grades when he handed out smartwatches to the 100 students in his chemistry class. Instead, the professor hoped the wrist-worn devices, which track a personas physical activity, would show a connection between exercise and academic achievements.

While Grosses data showed no relationship between these two factors, the study found something surprising. As the researchers were analyzing their data, they noticed that there was a linear (线性的)relationship between the average amount of sleep the students got and their results in the course's 11 quizzes, three midterm tests, and the final exam.

Even more interesting, it was not sufficient for students to just head to bed early the night before a test Instead, it's the sleep you get during the days when learning is happening that matters most.

When students went to bed each night was similarly important. Those who went to bed in the early hours of the morning performed poorly, even if the total sleep time was the same as a higher-performing student. "When you go to bed matters," Gross says. “If you go to bed at 10, or 12, or 1 at night, and sleep for seven hours, your performance is the same. But if you go to bed after 2, your performance starts to go down even if you get the same seven hours' sleep. So, quantity isn't everything."

Perhaps the most interesting was the huge impact that small differences in sleep patterns had on the students' grades. The overall course grades of students averaging six and a half hours of sleep each night were 25% lower than students who averaged just one hour more sleep. Similarly, students who varied their bedtime by even one hour each night had grades that dropped 45% below those with more regular bedtime.

Who knew getting straight AM just required some extra sleep?

【小题1】Based on his original objective, which best describes Professor Gross's research findings?
【小题2】Who were the people taking part in the study?
A.Middle school chemistry students.
B.Volunteers from different universities.
C.University student athletes.
D.Professor Gross's own students.
【小题3】How did Professor Gross's team measure students' academic performance?
A.Making the students wear special watches.
B.Using the students' normal test and quiz grades.
C.Giving the students regular quizzes after class.
D.Using students' university entrance test results.
【小题4】Based on the study's fin dings, who is likely to perform best academically?
A.A student who has a good night's sleep the night before an important test.
B.A student who sleeps from 11 pm to 6 a.m. each day.
C.A student whose normal bedtime varies between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m.
D.A student who sleeps for a total of 7 hours each night.
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Fair play is important not only in sports, but in all aspects of life, including education. Honest and responsible behavior in the process of study is known as academic integrity. When discussing fair play, we also need to talk about its opposite, which in the educational context is known as academic dishonesty.

Academic dishonesty can come in various forms. One commonly seen practice is cheating. This includes copying someone's homework or cheating at a test. Sabotage is another form of academic dishonesty where something is done to worsen other students' results. One example of this would be deleting another student's essay from his or her computer. A particularly serious form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism: it is when someone copies somebody else's work as their own.

Even honest students might unintentionally engage in academically dishonest practices. One common misconception is that sharing homework answers with classmates is acceptable. It is actually helping someone cheat, which also counts as cheating. Another major misconception is that it is OK to paraphrase someone else's ideas without crediting the source. This is still considered plagiarism.

Academic dishonesty like cheating and plagiarism destroys trust between you and your peers, and weakens the effort that you invest in learning. In the meanwhile, your reputation, and even that of your school will be damaged or ruined. All these can lead to a negative learning environment.

To help keep a healthy study environment for all, how should we maintain academic integrity? You should first of all keep in mind that honesty is the best policy: always strive to complete your work in a way that you can be proud of. Secondly, good time management skills make it easier to maintain academic integrity: students who delay writing their assignments and leave them until the last minute put themselves under unnecessary pressure, and may risk giving in to the temptation of cheating. Thirdly, whenever you are quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing, remember to cite all materials properly.

【小题1】What is academic integrity?
【小题2】What are the forms of academic dishonesty mentioned in the passage?
【小题3】Why do some honest students unconsciously engage in plagiarism?
【小题4】Read the following statement, underline the false part of it and explain the reason.
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable because it destroys trust between you and your peers and disappoints your parents.

Everything from essays to exams is threatened by advanced artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, which can produce clear answers to complex questions. Educators are particularly concerned about students turning to AI tools like ChatGPT with their homework. One suggested solution is to make students write exam essays using pen and paper. 【小题1】

To stay competitive through their careers, students need to learn how to use AI writing tools properly to gain output. 【小题2】 As professionals working into the 2060s and beyond, they will need to learn how to deal with AI systems effectively.

In addition to the sound reasons for treating ChatGPT as an opportunity and not a threat, there are practical ones. It simply isn’t possible to effectively ban this technology. Many students can’t help using AI assistance while writing. 【小题3】 While there are tools aimed at judging text produced by AI, future versions of AI will get better at emulating (模仿) human writing-including the style of the particular person who is using it.

【小题4】 Some students, who use ChatGPT despite the ban, would avoid being found cheating in their writing, through luck or thanks to careful editing. Worse still, some students would be falsely charged with using ChatGPT, causing great stress and even leading to wrong punishment.

Writing is a skill worthy of great respect. But most students don’t have the desire to become professional writers. Instead, they are preparing for careers where they will write to further goals beyond the production of writing. As we do today, they will write to communicate, explain, request and persuade. 【小题5】

A.The ban of ChatGPT would also produce the injustice.
B.There is argument that the use of ChatGPT is good for education.
C.AI writing tools, when properly used, will help them do those things better.
D.Learning to write without AI does indeed promote focused, disciplined thinking.
E.But that’s wrong to ban students from using labor-saving and time-saving AI writing tools.
F.Besides, the AI writing tools will always be one step ahead of the tools to discover AI text.
G.They need to learn to compose well-organized essays using AI-produced text and traditional writing.

It's time to break out that picture of you as a kindergarten graduate. Place it on the mantel (壁炉架) as your reminder; you'll soon be attending your dream college or university. 【小题1】 And the school year you've been waiting on has finally arrived. You're now leaders of the high school; SENIORS: The Class of 2022 !

Now, before you get too excited, you have a lot of work to do to ensure you attend college, such as preparing college applications and taking a few standardized tests if you choose to. 【小题2】

Many 12th grade students can begin to feel overwhelmed, so keep your mental health top of mind. 【小题3】 Consider establishing a weekly or monthly scholarship goal for yourself. Many successful scholarship applicants use this technique to ensure they get in as many applications as possible. The more you apply for your senior year of high school, the better your chances of winning. The good news is that there are a lot of financial aid opportunities for senior high school students.

【小题4】 They can be merit-based, essay-based, academic achievement-driven, or athletic. You should also consider being involved in your local community. 【小题5】 Nothing says dedicated like being able to juggle (同时做) schoolwork, the college admissions process, and still having time to give back!

Here at Fastweb, we can help high school seniors find scholarships and get you the financial aid you'll need to make college more affordable.

A.You wrapped up your junior year.
B.A simple solution is to create small goals.
C.Scholarships are awarded for a variety of reasons.
D.Also, on that list is applying for college scholarships.
E.It's time to get serious about applying for scholarships.
F.Volunteer work experience is great in scholarship essays.
G.Different scholarships have different academic requirements.
